Thursday, September 29, 2005

The Painting Of Life
If your life's a painting what would it be?
Would it be done with chinese ink on rice paper,
or oil pastel on a canvas sheet?
If parents were the ones who gave you the basic guiding principles,
would the outlines of your painting be rigid and hard,
subtle and fluid,
or perhaps bold and with flair?
If friends in school, collegues at work and people you meet on the streets bring colour to your life,
would your canvas be full of vibrant red, striking yellow and lively orange
or shades of dark green, gloomy gray plus a hint of tranquil blue?
Maybe it's just a myraid of colours all blended smoothly together.
If you painted your thoughts and ideas into your piece,
would it be a zen like oriental ink painting
or could it be a traditional western oil pastel one?
On the other hand, it might just be that radical abstract piece that few understand and appreciate.
If your hopes and dreams were captured in your painting,
would yours be a scene of a lovely sunset on a faraway isle,
a depiction of the morning buzz of a busy city street,
or just a lovely brick cottage with white picket fences tucked amongst golden meadows?
If your mood was imprinted on your art work,
would it show raging waves smashing against a cliff,
a lone ox ploughing the fields in the setting sun,
lovebirds flying side by side in the wind,
a lonely village hut in the middle of a snowy forest
or just a shephard taking a well deserved nap under a great big tree?
So tell me, if your life is a painting what would it be...
A pen on paper piece that i did sometime ago.....

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Yay!!!!!!! Managed to debug it.... sooooo happy :)....Watch out for more posts coming your way.....WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

Ahhh!!!! somebody help me..... there seems to be some problem with my blog... can't seem to post !!!!! how how????

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Anyways, yesterday in camp, i was tasked to do something in a bid to fight dengue. A certain WO realised that there was going to be an inspection by HQMC and....... Gosh!!!! there were many puddles of stagnant water in our camp, especially in our clogged up lao kok kok drainage system..(well the camp is as old as me u know...hahahaha). There was definately enough breeding grounds for the toopid AEDES (kinda sounds like HADES) mosquitoes to start a dynasty, complete with their own forbbiden palace and great getting rather lame here....hahaha.

Anyways, in a last ditch attempt to stop the mosquitoes from " chuan dong jie dai"ing (carrying on new generations) and to smoke the inspector that we actually are concerned and actively take up measures, i was arrowed by means of a composite bow, coupled with 10x magnification sniper scope and loaded with silver tipped arrows... well only silver tipped stuff are effective against monsters...hahahaha. i was supposed to walk around the camp,seek out suspicious pools of stagnant water, pour oil into them and in turn stop the mosquitoes from bredding but most importantly smoke the inspector that we did our homework. Usually, the oil used by the pesterminators to do the job is a composite of sugar, spice and everything nice plus a certain chemical X, kind of like the recipie for the powerpuff Most people been cheapo as usual, use stuff like kerosene. Multi purpose mah.... cannot use finish can
still use to do stuff like strip paint, burn cars, burn debtors house, put in the coffee of the boss you hate and even as a refreshing drink to end it all...hahahahahahah. However, been the army and stuff where brains are scarce resources and the budget is tighter than your girlfriend's belt, i had to make do with around 450ml of rifle oil... the stuff you use to keep your dear weapon from rusting so that you can perform better during ATP or at least avert a few extra duties. So, i spent around an hour and a half after lunch walking around camp under the hot september sun, tracking and seeking out my elusive preys' hideouts and carefully poured oil into them by the bottlecap fulls. The oil droplets touched the water and burst into circular rainbows like national day fire works liddat except smaller and much cheaper. Machan pirated cd shops around the island kena raided one by one, i painstakingly shut down their watering holes. Was quite a feat considering that i actually managed to cover the whole camp with that measly Later that day, the inspector came down and checked the place. He was pleased that he could see that the place had been oiled... Phew... talk about last minute work.... Muhahahahahah what's pesterminator when you have young...hahahahahaha

Anyways i was thinking about the toopid mosquitoes after that. Besides fogging and oiling, i came up with a very ingenious idea to battle these hated mosquitoes. The blood suckers are females after all( same case for human And what are females usually attracted to? Hot bodied young men...wahahahah...
so this is what we should do.

1) Design a human sized inflatable man dolls. They should resemble Brad Pitt, biceps and all.
2) Dress these dolls up with skimpy costumes like the one brad pitt wore in TROY. If on a tight budget, a tight red g-string will work fine.
3) Ask for blood donations from morbidly obese people. Preferably, bmi more than 105 ... the bigger the better.
4) Fill up the dolls with the blood collected. Use a funnel to avoided spillage.
5) Place these dolls in various spots. Remember to warn the public to prevent mass hysteria from seeing the ghastly dolls.
6) Watch the female blood suckers home in and feast on the ghastly man dolls.
7) Prepare to sweep away the mosquitoes that drop dead subsequently.

Clever right. the female mosquitoes, been attracted by the brad pit dolls will go and bite it and suck the blood inside. The blood from the obese people will usually contain high amount of fatty deposits and unhealthy cholesterol. Thus, on feeding on the blood, the mosquitoes will subsequently suffer from heart attacks as their tiny ateries will be clogged up by all the fats from the blood and quickly drop dead as there will be no one to give mosquito CPR or use the external defrillbilator( the you clear i clear everyone clear.. zappy machine found in hospitals). Thus they will all die swiftly. Therefore, there will be no more females mosquitoes to bite us poor human beings and so no more transmitting of dengue fever.... Problem solved, case closed......YAY! I told you i am smart...hahahahahahah

The dreaded female blood sucker...

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Im weird..... Anyways... was reading a friends blog and started to think...

I relish the freedom of solitude but can't live without people around me.

Oxy moronic right? But its true. I GUESS (a very big guess)many people see me as uber out-going, Talk way tooooooo much rubbish, sometimes too full of myself, maybe a hint of arrogance, bubbly walking big friendly giant, sometimes i can be nice, sometimes abit irritaing (yesh dear people i noe.... iam always trying to change but it takes time.... it aint feel nice being scolded by people too u noe..hahahah), in yer face attitude, maybe abit whiny at times.... yadda yadda yadda.... you get the picture. An extrovet.

I do agree... iam an extrovet. I like people.... well most of them and i feel energetic around people..(machan ci xin da fa liddat suck all yer energy...wahahahahahha) i love company.i live to be around people.....

BUT at the same time, i like being ALONE.I eat alone many a times. I have friends who tell me they rather be dragged out and shot than eat alone but sometimes i enjoy it. Can't remember the countless meals i had alone. At food courts, fast food resturants(btw i don really like mac donalds... the food there is so.... erm commercialized?... bleah... damn sick of it...den again could be cos i had one too many meals at macs when i was young.... n hence mi size...hahaha), kopi tiams with nice aunties and uncles, S11s, small quaint cafes........ the numerous milo pengs and teh Cs.... The solitude is so calming. Gives me time to think, to reflect, to slow down and take in the sights and smells... the sound of pots and pans, maybe that jazzy music playing in the background and the smells..... curry perhaps? or maybe the aroma of char shew???... ahh... seriously the feeling is very enticing....

When i have no one to catch that movie with or kick ass in that game, i also like to go exploring ALONE... I like to walk into various shopping centers, depending where i am, especially the run down ones. Maybe its because of the thrill of exploring a brand new place alone, maybe it's the high of venturing into the unknown. My senses sharpen, looking out for anything quaint, maybe a specialty shop?.... By the way i have found many nice toy shops this way...hahahaha... if you are interested can come ask I always feel a sense of freedom, like the numerous lines binding me suddenly snap all at once..... and i get that sudden surge of euphoria when i find something new. Orgasmic.... Especially when i enter a small, tucked in a corner shop and find something nice......

However when i am alone and thoughts start to wonder , i think of being around people. i think of friends and family. i think of happy thoughts with people. Im just very wierd i guess. Sometimes when im around people and things happen all around me so quickly, i think of being alone in that idyllic cafe down that road, that quaint looking mall in that area... But there is one thing i know... that is i love my friends and family.... can't live without them....

But then again, im

~Saturday Night Alone~
Sitting here all alone,
in this music cafe down the road.
Dim spot lights cut through the cold, cold Saturday night.
With a cup of " wake me up" in sight, the mood here just feels so right.
Relishing the feeling of solitude, enjoying the ambience of calm.
I can literally see the passing of time.
Sitting, waiting, thinking.
Thoughts of peace, love and afternoon naps.
It seems as if tranquility is flowing from a tap.
Slowly as the crowd streams in,
Lights begin to shine, music begins to play.
The quietness evaporates into the distant mist.
So ends my forage into the distant meadows,
as i slowly cease to be alone.....
... pardon the amatuerish thingy above... trying to sound chim...hahahahahah. Basically it was after my guitar lesson and i was passing time alone at Hark Music cafe, waiting to go down to union square to meet jwo, alicia and joon. Alica was flying back soon and wanted to go down to union to salsa. Anyway, hark is a nice place. Very garden themed, nice and idyllic, drinks were resonably priced, place was dim yet not too dark and the performers were good. Yep. It was much much better than dreamz music at marina square. There, it was cramped, too dark, there mainly served bubble tea and the performers were not that good(they talked to much and were very very lame..... bleah!!!). The worst part was i had to pay a cover charge of $12.50 on saturday!!!!!!!!! I mean WTF so expensve i might as well go chiong and get high or go salsa on ladies night.... $12.50.... daylight robbery sia.... Hark in comparison was so much nicer and the people seemed much more professional( especially the performers.... they could really sing... :p ). Quite a nice place if you wanna jio someone or cuddle up to someone I think i'll be going there a few more times... hahahahah. By the way if yer wondering what the hell is a "wake me up", it is.......
Wake Me Up
A refreshing drink with Tequila + Bitter Lemon + Peppermint. $13.50
... i got it for 8 bucks because it was happy hour. Quite nice.....

My half full glass of "Wake Me Up"...I think the black thingys are shredded mint leaves...

Random shot of the place.....

Another random shot of the place.......

Shot of the peromance stage... the couple infront of me must think im some sorta psycho... snapping photos of the place n GASP!!! them!!!

By the way the place is much dimmer than that shown in the photos. Somehow my cam couldnt capture the dimness even after i turned off the flash.... Oh well... Nice place

Later that night i went down to union to meet the gang and dance with alicia. Jwo and alicia were rather apprehensive to dance at first as they were paiseh because there were so many pros there but i mean everyone has to start somewhere After a couple of dances they got much better and comfortable. I also danced a couple of times with alicia. She's not bad for a beginner i must say. Well she managed to follow most of my leads. Must have been abit amusing to see someone soooo tall dancing with someone with such a great difference in height but i think we pulled it off quite well..hahahahahaha. Danced merengue with joon, the only non dancer in our group. She caught on relatively well cos merengue consists of only 2 steps. I proceeded to spin her round and round until she got dizzy...hahahahahahahaha. Went to dance with some other strangers too and someone even asked me for a dance.... so Oh yah alicia and joon said when i dance i seldom look at my partner and always look somewhere else but they said that it brought up a certain "seh" (charm, style) that looked very nice... Eh eh...... hahahahahahahahahahahaha and that i kept spining and turning quite fluidly which made it look very good too...hahahahahha... Well u all flatter me liddat my head gettin very very big liao... quick someone get me a pin to burst But thanks alot gals....Feel more confident...hahahah.

Pic of the gang after a couple of hours of salsaing at union square. Im drenched and look like a cock as

Well, Alicia is flying back on wednesday and wel,l do take care, enjoy your time in uk and if people bully you, can always tell jwo and me. We'll press a secret button and suddenly a laser beam will fly from the sky and zap that toopid bugger cos we actually bought a super security statellite from ebay using money we earned from selling char kway tiao and lor mai kai at jurong,changi and woodlands...wahahahahahaha. Bear with it and before u know it you'll be back with us on a trip to some idyllic beach resort in malaysia in december..... CYA SOON!!!!! :)

p.s. this blog looks kinda cramped.... I tried a couple of times to leave spacing between the photos n paragraphs but somehow when i publish the blog, they bunch up agian...sigh...

Friday, September 23, 2005

2 things happened to me today. 1st of all, 1 of my guitar strings broke... :( It all happened in a flash. I was busy typing away at my computer when i decided to pick up my trusty ol' Samick guitar to play for awhile while my computer was loading. As i was plucking away, a senitmental tune i might add, my 1st string decided that it had enough and decided to give way. It ended its career with a loud "TWANG" Oh well... i guess i'll just get a replacement string and restring my guitar... String String... think that through your gallant scarifice you could foil my plans for MUSICAL WORLD DOMINATION????? THINK AGAIN!!!MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

Secondly, i went down to union square yet again(3rd time this week... ). Quite a few people from my dance class went down too because we came to a common understanding that thursday nights woud be our practice night because 1) most of the people at the club are usaully noobs on thursday nights and 2) the dance floor would be relatively empty because it's a weekday after all. Well, the dance floor was still quite packed for a thursday night though. Anyway, when i went down, my classmates started to ask me for help on various moves because they deemed that i was the better one among them. I feel so honoured :)... (but then again it's true i am one of the better ones among I spent half of my time dancing with my lady classmates, 1/4 of the time guiding them along and the other 1/4 of the time asking for dances from strangers. I feel that im at the stage where im confident of asking average lady dancers for for dances but not the pro ones yet. So i still have to recce and observe the targeted lady for a while to assess her level first before i strike. Sounds like some sort of special forces mission

I realised one thing after dancing salsa after a while. It makes it so much more fun when both parties are relaxed and are able to stack up and string various moves together into fluid sequences. Its like playing arcade games. You see the ah bengs and ah lians frantically punching away at the console buttons like up + light punch +semicircle right+heavy kick +light punch +heavy punch +up+down +semicirle left+kick... and you see the pixel character on the screen executing some flashy super power move with some cheesy sound effects and the combo counter goes up. In salsa, nevermind if its a simple cross body lead + a simple right turn by you and her + a back break, as long as you can make it look fluid and stylish, it'll looks so damn nice and sensual (even if the guy is some freakin abomination like me!!!). People will think that you are damn good...hahahah.. But its very true. Knowing the technical stuff like the foot work and hand movements are important but making it all gel into a single smooth routine is equally if not even more important.... Being relaxed is also very important because if you are not, your moves will become jerky and robotic. No one likes to dance with a squeaky tin can from the wizard of oz... No need to bother about the "what if"s like "what if i go out of step", "what if the moves are too simple"...blah blah blah... Well if you miss a step then have a laugh about it, correct it and carry on. If she thinks the moves are too simple and start to yawn, so be it. Finish the dance, say thank you and mark her down in your "book of bitches" and take note not to dance with her ever again. I mean dancing is supposed to be fun... Right? lol.....

Well after dancing with a few people, i began to perspire like i had just finish the 21km Army Half Marathon(in fact i only did Didnt look very glamourous but what the hell, dancing skill still counts guess my class mates are used to it liao and i danced with them anyway. haha... well it was a great night all in all.... :)... Salsa on!!!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

I took a trip down to Union Square just now to salsa. It was fun but nevertheless it was also i got to dance with quite a few ladies and i must say a lady who can groove is definately one of the sexiest thing on the face of the planet. Anyways throughout the dances i made a few boo boos but what is most disturbing is the fact that....I ACTUALLY STEPPED ON SOME PEOPLE'S FEET!!!!!!!!! AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!! therefore, i hope to take this opportunity to apologise to those unfortunate victims... may your feet rest in peace.... It always happens when im dancing and soooo into the song, spining, stepping, grooving to the music when suddenly, i take a step back and feel my foot chomping onto something... Thank god for the loud salsa music which definately masked out a few " crack" and "pop" sounds upon contact with their feet. Must have really felt very painful.... Yikes!!!! -_-!!!

Oh well, this brings me back to another time and place. Long long time ago, in a place far far away, there was this poor like oversized recruit stuck on a god forsaken island called PULAU TEKONG. This poor oversized recruit, by the name of young(aka monster, basha killer, cave troll, abomination...) was undergoing something called basic military training. Basically, he was been trained to carry a rifle, wear dirty green uniforms, paint his face green and black like a watermelon, run around carry heavy loads... all in an attempt to transform him into a real man and in turn do his part for the defense of the country. One fine day, his superiors decided that it was time for him and his fellow compatriats to go on a field camp out in the wild, make them eat some mud, dye their uniform brown, deprive them from showering and replace it with powder bath( a procedue whereby each of us had to strip down to our undies and douse ourselves with powder till we were all ghostly white so as to feel "clean" and also scare away evil spirits ... trust me 40 white men in only their undies stuck in a jungle is really a trumatising sight...) and also feed them one fresh meal a day.... so as to simulate a wartime senario. It was raining none stop throughout the 4days. The ground changed from solid baked mud to a brown liquid pool of death. Some said the ground resembled thicken teh tarik. Others say it looked more like melted butter scotch ice cream. Young said it just looked like shit, the kind when one ate something bad and had to go to the loo 10 times an hour. Young and his friends never saw the black of their boots in days. their uniforms changed from tropical jungle camo patterns to iraqi desert brown camo pattern. In the day it was hot.At night it was freezing cold. Throughout this period of time, young and his friends were made to stay in queer structures called "bashas". A basha was basically a ground sheet stretched over 2 poles with lines attached to the 4 corners and the poles and peeged to the ground to keep the structure upright(a basha resembles a tent). Being oversized and all, young found it hard to squeeze in and out. A basha lacked basic amenities like water, electricity and proper sanitation.. i mean what do you expect from an organisation that pays peanuts to its personnel! So without out ready sanitation, poor young had to squeeze in and out to stumble to designated pee n shit points. In the day, there was like so it was a lesser challenge to squeeze in and out and navigate to the pee point. However at night, when it was almost pitch dark, it was almost impossible. Coupled with a a full bladdr and the many lines sticking out in differnt directions from other bashas, poor young resembled a big foot stumbling around in a campsite in the wodds or a yeti in the himalayas. Inevitably, wherever young went, lines would be tripped over and broken, poles would be kicked and collapsed. He was more dangerous than hurricane Katrina. There where numerous " Chao Ch** B**s" and "What The F**ks" and few survivors. The aftermath was appalling....... P.S. hence the name basha killer...

Anyway, back to salsa.... a word of advise to people. If u see young dancing nearby, put on your safety vests, hard hats and boots... It'll really do you

Monday, September 19, 2005

Hello folks......yesterday, i met my secondary school chemistry teacher in camp. I was on my way back to the office to get my bag n leave when i saw this familiar face smiling at me. Was abit stunned cos which normal heterosexual male in the right frame of mind would smile at another guy, especially in uniform..... Anyway, after a moment hesitation, i went forward and started a conversation and realised that he was my chemistry teacher. As far as i can remember, he was a nice chap, didn't really raise his voice often and had this gentlemenly aura around him.

The first thing that he said was.." Wah you very tall leh. Last time i saw you you were only until here..." as he beckons to his shoulder "...You shoot up so much ah...." and we chatted and caught up with each other for awhile before he went on with his work. He's a major who is serving his in-camp training. This brings me to the thing that i want to talk about today...... drum roll please.....

...... IT'S TOUGH BEING TALL.......

If you dont know me, i'm 1.93m tall. Yes, i's tough being tall. The general public somehow has this obessesion that tall is good. Being tall allows you to see further, breathe in fresher air, look better(i guess), change light bulbs easily, play better basketball, hang the laundry out easily, reach out for that elusive jar of chocolate chip cookies on that Mt Everest height shelve, yadda yadda yadda... Well so of them are true esp the part about looking better.....wahahahahahah..... however i must say..... as of everything else on this forever revolving sphere that looks like a giant jaw breaker( the sweet that you can buy from the science center that took forever to suck..) from space, EVERYTHING HAS A PRICE..... AND BEING TALL COMES WITH A VERY HEAVY PRICE....

Here are some of them...
1. Taking Public Transport Is A Torture... When one is tall, it is very uncomfortable to take buses. Have you the general public ever noticed how freakinly small the leg room between seats is? Poor tall people like us with our long legs can never squeeze into the leg room no matter how hard we try. We usually end up in awkward positions, with entangled calfs and folded thighs, much like a squashed long legged spider. Our positions would most probably put yoga masters to shame. Coupled with inconsiderate people who obviously dont give a damn even after we give them obvious signs to tell them that we need 2 seats to fit our legs, who proceed to further ram us into the inner seat. They think we can stretch and bend like mr fanastic from fantastic 4. Oh well... sorry to wake you up...... MR FANTASTIC IS A FREAKIN COMIC BOOK CHARACTER!!!!!!......... So from crush spiders, we become more like flattened pieces of i dont know what.....

2. Buying Clothing And Shoes Becomes arder Then Making Your Baby Brother Eat His Broccoli... Being tall and all, we naturally come with longer bodies and limbs and bigger feet. If you have actually studied economics before, you would be familiar with the supply and demand curve. Since we all agree that the number of tall people in our small island is rather small, our demand curve for larger sized apparels would be place very near to the price axis and so assuming that the supply curve is constant ceteris paribus, the quantity of larger sized apparels for us poor tall people would be small. Voila! finding shirts, pants, skirts, shorts, shoes, sandals and what have you not would thus be sooooooooo much harder than finding a needle in a hay stack. When most people shop for shoes, they would normally choose a model that they fancy and approach the attendants to pick out their size. For us tall people, it's the other way round. We approach the nice store attendants and ask they "erm excuse me... eh which shoe model comes in sizes 13 or 14 or bigger?". We'll be greeted with maybe a raised eyebrow or yelp of disbelief before they get over the initial shock and proceed to help us in our quest to keep our feet covered. I have had so many encounters in which the shoe that i wanted to be did not have my size, the latest one being the new black canvassy nike all classic cross trainer sold at suntec city mall.

3. We Start To Resemble Automated Phone Answering Machines... Yes it is true. Take me for example. When i go to most major food courts, kopitiams, S11s, popular bookstore and any other place that sells stuff, i'll usually be faced with the following. "Xiao di ah... ni hen gao leh... ni duo gao hah? you mei you liu che gao?"(eh small boy ar... how tall are you hah? got about 6 feet tall or not?) i'll den have to say something like "eh... wo bu dong wo ji che, ke shi wo you 1.93m gao lah."(eh im not sure if im 6 feet tall, but im 1.93m tall). Then the uncle, auntie, madam, sir will proceed to ask me how come im so tall? do i play basketball? Then, i'll have to explain that my father is tall so it runs in the genes and that i dont play basketball. They'll then go on to say its a waste i dont play basketball ... blah blah blah.... Imagine having to go through this same old routine like millions of times dont you think i'll get sick of it? hell... even the army serves different food every meal(but for the record, army food still sucks...) If i got a dollar for every such conversation that i have, i think i'll be a multi-billionare!!! whats donald trump man... i'll probably just buy over his companies and stuff and start my own " the apprentice". I'll invite secondary school students with high grades in their crummy project work and maybe ask donald trump along too. let them compete and i'll probably insult donald a bit and tell him "YER FIRED!!!" in the last by the way whats up with not playing basketball man. I know that being tall does have some advantages but i dont like it what... i mean cant i like salsa, guitar, painting, squash or tennis instead? well at least with salsa, i'll get to come into close contact with hot looking, vavacious babes that can really groove(trust me on this) rather that rub shoulders and chest and elbows and maybe knees with hot sweaty and disgusting guys.... yucks.... So next time, if you happen to come across a nice tall fella, say something like "woah what nice eyes/ears/lips/nose or what you find attractive... you have. I think yer damn good lookin. Can you like autograph my tight tee here and maybe if you dont mind let me have yer phone number too..." i thnink that tall guy/gal would appreciate it much better...muahahahahah

WEll, to further prove my point, here are somethings that people who are vertically more challenged actually enjoy.
1. If he's in the army, he'll be glad cos he wont have to dig a big shell scrape or a deep trench.
2. He or she would be able to squeeze through crowds rushing to get hello kitties from mac donalds
3.If he or she was a stalker, it would be sooooo much easier to hide and camouflage into surrounding bushes.
4. If he or she is short enough, under 1.2m.... or is it 0.9m, travelling on public transport would be free.... imagine the amount of money saved.
5.You will be able to shop i the childrens clothes department... which is usually cheaper
6.It'll be easier to pass of as a kid under 12 and buy children tickeets to exhibitions.

and the list goes on and on... too much for me to type since i dont want to get blisters on my precious fingers.

In conclusion, tall people are actually poor souls but people keepp getting the wrong idea. You might think that what i have said is extremely biased and one sided.... but well i aint typing a GP essay...muahahahahaha... but then again maybe thats why i only got a A2 for nice to tall people.... :)

Today, i decided to start my very own BLOG!!!! WoW!!!! finally i could start grouping various letters of the alphabet into words, put a few words together to make sentences, further combine sentences into paragraphs and finally use paragraphs to spread radical ideas that will change the world and post them on the internet for people to see... yay....

Furthermore, through blogging, i'll have to improve my written english, become more observant to things i usually dont give a damn about, think out of the box and see things from different points of view, analyse issues more critically; so as to prepare myself for school that will begin in 7 months time(pls let it come faster, i really hate wearing green) and bring you folks interesting blogs.... .... .... YAH RIGHT... -.-.... actually its more like i'll have something else to waste my time on if i still have time left after playing DOTA, dancing salsa, playing the guitar, watching movies, playing SIM city 4, pigging out and screwing around with my friends(eh pls hor not literally... i actually do happen to like my frens).....

So folks prepare yer pitch forks, wooden stakes, crossbows, rifles, pistols, grenades, bag of cheapo red rubber bands dat u use to shoot at yer neighbour's irritaing cat or plastic fork that de uncles n aunties always give you when u ta pao food from S11 .... and get ready , poke, stab, burn, shoot, blast or lynch me as my blogs start to roll in.....

....have fun :)