Friday, September 23, 2005

2 things happened to me today. 1st of all, 1 of my guitar strings broke... :( It all happened in a flash. I was busy typing away at my computer when i decided to pick up my trusty ol' Samick guitar to play for awhile while my computer was loading. As i was plucking away, a senitmental tune i might add, my 1st string decided that it had enough and decided to give way. It ended its career with a loud "TWANG" Oh well... i guess i'll just get a replacement string and restring my guitar... String String... think that through your gallant scarifice you could foil my plans for MUSICAL WORLD DOMINATION????? THINK AGAIN!!!MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

Secondly, i went down to union square yet again(3rd time this week... ). Quite a few people from my dance class went down too because we came to a common understanding that thursday nights woud be our practice night because 1) most of the people at the club are usaully noobs on thursday nights and 2) the dance floor would be relatively empty because it's a weekday after all. Well, the dance floor was still quite packed for a thursday night though. Anyway, when i went down, my classmates started to ask me for help on various moves because they deemed that i was the better one among them. I feel so honoured :)... (but then again it's true i am one of the better ones among I spent half of my time dancing with my lady classmates, 1/4 of the time guiding them along and the other 1/4 of the time asking for dances from strangers. I feel that im at the stage where im confident of asking average lady dancers for for dances but not the pro ones yet. So i still have to recce and observe the targeted lady for a while to assess her level first before i strike. Sounds like some sort of special forces mission

I realised one thing after dancing salsa after a while. It makes it so much more fun when both parties are relaxed and are able to stack up and string various moves together into fluid sequences. Its like playing arcade games. You see the ah bengs and ah lians frantically punching away at the console buttons like up + light punch +semicircle right+heavy kick +light punch +heavy punch +up+down +semicirle left+kick... and you see the pixel character on the screen executing some flashy super power move with some cheesy sound effects and the combo counter goes up. In salsa, nevermind if its a simple cross body lead + a simple right turn by you and her + a back break, as long as you can make it look fluid and stylish, it'll looks so damn nice and sensual (even if the guy is some freakin abomination like me!!!). People will think that you are damn good...hahahah.. But its very true. Knowing the technical stuff like the foot work and hand movements are important but making it all gel into a single smooth routine is equally if not even more important.... Being relaxed is also very important because if you are not, your moves will become jerky and robotic. No one likes to dance with a squeaky tin can from the wizard of oz... No need to bother about the "what if"s like "what if i go out of step", "what if the moves are too simple"...blah blah blah... Well if you miss a step then have a laugh about it, correct it and carry on. If she thinks the moves are too simple and start to yawn, so be it. Finish the dance, say thank you and mark her down in your "book of bitches" and take note not to dance with her ever again. I mean dancing is supposed to be fun... Right? lol.....

Well after dancing with a few people, i began to perspire like i had just finish the 21km Army Half Marathon(in fact i only did Didnt look very glamourous but what the hell, dancing skill still counts guess my class mates are used to it liao and i danced with them anyway. haha... well it was a great night all in all.... :)... Salsa on!!!!


Blogger Clarence said...

Aye! Haha! True, true, salsa is about fun, but dont mark down the ladies as yet, 2nd impression can still save you :)

Anyway, advanced ladies have said that even if you just do CBL and turns, its fine, cos its still dance, its still fun if you do it right...

Btw, someone advanced has said that the hardest thing to do in salsa, is the CBL :) Chew on it man, i am, haha

2:41 PM  

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