Wednesday, September 21, 2005

I took a trip down to Union Square just now to salsa. It was fun but nevertheless it was also i got to dance with quite a few ladies and i must say a lady who can groove is definately one of the sexiest thing on the face of the planet. Anyways throughout the dances i made a few boo boos but what is most disturbing is the fact that....I ACTUALLY STEPPED ON SOME PEOPLE'S FEET!!!!!!!!! AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!! therefore, i hope to take this opportunity to apologise to those unfortunate victims... may your feet rest in peace.... It always happens when im dancing and soooo into the song, spining, stepping, grooving to the music when suddenly, i take a step back and feel my foot chomping onto something... Thank god for the loud salsa music which definately masked out a few " crack" and "pop" sounds upon contact with their feet. Must have really felt very painful.... Yikes!!!! -_-!!!

Oh well, this brings me back to another time and place. Long long time ago, in a place far far away, there was this poor like oversized recruit stuck on a god forsaken island called PULAU TEKONG. This poor oversized recruit, by the name of young(aka monster, basha killer, cave troll, abomination...) was undergoing something called basic military training. Basically, he was been trained to carry a rifle, wear dirty green uniforms, paint his face green and black like a watermelon, run around carry heavy loads... all in an attempt to transform him into a real man and in turn do his part for the defense of the country. One fine day, his superiors decided that it was time for him and his fellow compatriats to go on a field camp out in the wild, make them eat some mud, dye their uniform brown, deprive them from showering and replace it with powder bath( a procedue whereby each of us had to strip down to our undies and douse ourselves with powder till we were all ghostly white so as to feel "clean" and also scare away evil spirits ... trust me 40 white men in only their undies stuck in a jungle is really a trumatising sight...) and also feed them one fresh meal a day.... so as to simulate a wartime senario. It was raining none stop throughout the 4days. The ground changed from solid baked mud to a brown liquid pool of death. Some said the ground resembled thicken teh tarik. Others say it looked more like melted butter scotch ice cream. Young said it just looked like shit, the kind when one ate something bad and had to go to the loo 10 times an hour. Young and his friends never saw the black of their boots in days. their uniforms changed from tropical jungle camo patterns to iraqi desert brown camo pattern. In the day it was hot.At night it was freezing cold. Throughout this period of time, young and his friends were made to stay in queer structures called "bashas". A basha was basically a ground sheet stretched over 2 poles with lines attached to the 4 corners and the poles and peeged to the ground to keep the structure upright(a basha resembles a tent). Being oversized and all, young found it hard to squeeze in and out. A basha lacked basic amenities like water, electricity and proper sanitation.. i mean what do you expect from an organisation that pays peanuts to its personnel! So without out ready sanitation, poor young had to squeeze in and out to stumble to designated pee n shit points. In the day, there was like so it was a lesser challenge to squeeze in and out and navigate to the pee point. However at night, when it was almost pitch dark, it was almost impossible. Coupled with a a full bladdr and the many lines sticking out in differnt directions from other bashas, poor young resembled a big foot stumbling around in a campsite in the wodds or a yeti in the himalayas. Inevitably, wherever young went, lines would be tripped over and broken, poles would be kicked and collapsed. He was more dangerous than hurricane Katrina. There where numerous " Chao Ch** B**s" and "What The F**ks" and few survivors. The aftermath was appalling....... P.S. hence the name basha killer...

Anyway, back to salsa.... a word of advise to people. If u see young dancing nearby, put on your safety vests, hard hats and boots... It'll really do you


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