Thursday, September 29, 2005

The Painting Of Life
If your life's a painting what would it be?
Would it be done with chinese ink on rice paper,
or oil pastel on a canvas sheet?
If parents were the ones who gave you the basic guiding principles,
would the outlines of your painting be rigid and hard,
subtle and fluid,
or perhaps bold and with flair?
If friends in school, collegues at work and people you meet on the streets bring colour to your life,
would your canvas be full of vibrant red, striking yellow and lively orange
or shades of dark green, gloomy gray plus a hint of tranquil blue?
Maybe it's just a myraid of colours all blended smoothly together.
If you painted your thoughts and ideas into your piece,
would it be a zen like oriental ink painting
or could it be a traditional western oil pastel one?
On the other hand, it might just be that radical abstract piece that few understand and appreciate.
If your hopes and dreams were captured in your painting,
would yours be a scene of a lovely sunset on a faraway isle,
a depiction of the morning buzz of a busy city street,
or just a lovely brick cottage with white picket fences tucked amongst golden meadows?
If your mood was imprinted on your art work,
would it show raging waves smashing against a cliff,
a lone ox ploughing the fields in the setting sun,
lovebirds flying side by side in the wind,
a lonely village hut in the middle of a snowy forest
or just a shephard taking a well deserved nap under a great big tree?
So tell me, if your life is a painting what would it be...
A pen on paper piece that i did sometime ago.....


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