Sunday, August 12, 2007

I kinda feel misunderstood all the time.

In all sorts of settings... social ones, meetings, everywhere... ...

Most of the time, i realise that my thoughts are kinda different from alot of people. I really don't know what to attribute it to. The way i think and my way of rationalizing things seems logical to me but most find it uncomprehensible.

Maybe it's my life experiences. Then again it could be the way the neurons in my brain are wired up. My opinons and answers that are logical, maybe different form the norm but still logical, always tend to be shut off by others.

It comes to a point where people just blatantly ask me to shut up without even trying to understand what im trying to say. It's really kinda sad. Has everyone become so narrow?

It makes me feel so much more alone, even when im around friends and people.

As if shutting me up is insufficient, i seem to be constantly dragged into jokes, poked at out of the blue and stuff. I know that most of the time it's without malice, all in the name of fun but it really gets out of hand at times, to the point that sometimes i just wish everyone would just shut the fuck up and leave me alone.

I do not know if im being overly sensitive and stuff but it really doesn't feel nice. I mean if im quiet, just leave me alone lah. As much as i smile and am funny and stuff, i still deserve a tad bit of space and dignity i guess.

.... ..... ..... ...... ....... .........

I really wish that there was someone who really understands me at times. Someone whom i can really relax with and let the true me out. Someone who wont judge me all the time. Someone who doesn't say that im a cock just because i do certain stuff. Someone whom i can call at the end of the day, whom i can always count on to chill out with on a saturday night. Someone nice... ...

Someone different like me... ...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Young! I totally dig what you are saying.. because.. I am.. like you!
Not trying to be corny, but I understand what you are saying. It is easier to go with the flow then to go against it, which I have always done! Encouragement from a kindred spirit here! You can do it! We can do it! Btw, please drop me an email or give me your email. I will invite you to my reading list for my blog.

4:17 PM  

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