Sunday, April 29, 2007

Yay... Summer break summer break summer break... ...

First things first, i realised that i have been tagged by Wanying and im supposed to list down 6 quirky things about myself....hmm.... way too many. Where should i start?lol

1) I can break out dancing anywhere as long as there is GOOD music available. When i say anywhere i mean ANYWHERE!!! shopping centers, along the road... where ever... i just have happy feet i guess...hahaha

2) Chinese who do not know how to use chopsticks properly irritate me. I mean we invented chopsticks didn't we... ...

3) Under that gargantuan hide of mine lies a closet emo. I dig looooooooooong night time rides with my trusty zen neeon full of emo songs.

4) My right arm s longer than my left arm and it's pretty obvious when i wear long sleeve shirts. My take is that it was due to the fact that i broke my right arm before.

5) Despite my orgrish/ trollish/ orcish behaviour, i actually did chinese ink painting for a significant period of time previously. :)

6) At times, i keep repeating myself. Ask my friends. They know what i mean...hahahah

I've settled the tagging and i tag Sarah Wong shun kee and nisa n melissa chua if they actaully read this....hahahahah


Ok back to the post, since summer break has started about 2 weeks ago, lotsa stuff had been happening. Other than salsa, fencing, more salsa and more fencing, other stuff had actually took place.

Phuture with the ss peeps was fun to say the least, seeing people like justin and jason g dance was priceless....hahahahah. Sarah n melissa were chugging booze and winding n grinding the whole night long. Cach was apparently there too as shown in the photos but for some strange reason, i cant seem to remember her prescene at all hmm... ...

The KL trip with my fencing mates was great too. Lotsa good food and great booze...hahahaha. Xuehui went wild, suan was finally high and tried to be a guy and loads of other funny shit happened. The best is that most of it was CAUGHT ON VIDEO!!!!!wahahahahahahah.

Got into the exco for the fencing club too. My title hapens to be longest of all.... " Events and Marketing Director"...hahahahahahhaa. i'm expecting a lot of hard work but even more learning opportunities and fun.

... ...

With sooo much time on my hands, i like to think n reflect. Looking back, i realised that i haven't really changed much since long long ago. Certain quirks still remain, my innermost personality hasn't changed much and nicknames though diversified still point very much to the same thing.

I realised that im still the same awkward small boy that sood out like a sore thumb in sec sch and jc. The khaki shorts and blue long pants have long since gone but the person still remains.

The bluntness, tactlessness, clumsiness and occasional whininess still lingers.

Many life experiences since then have served to colour and maybe slighty dampen the image but as a whole the person still remains... ...

My rejection from NJC showed me not to take things for granted but my time in ACJC taught me that there are always 2 sides to every situation and all that matters is our mindset and perceptions. AC gave me a great bunch of friends. Friends that until now still hang out and eat cockles and drink beer at hawker centers in slippers and berms like uncles, bitching about life. You guys rock.

Army opened my eyes, made me more cynical and showed me what a wheelin and dealing world it is out there. However, army also showed me true friendship and showed me what i was capable of. Imagaine me as a medic, making people feel better...

My first year in smu did loads for me too. LTB made me look at the coporate and charity world differently. Gave me a few white hairs and sleepless nights too. More importantly, i learnt more about myself and got to know a group of wonderfully angelic people. life wouldn't be the same without them :)

SS widened my pespective on life as a whole and gave me another group of great friends. All of them never fail to make me smile and feel at home. I lurve dem to bits hahahahahahaha.

School aside, the heartaches that i had along the way served to numbify me. All the cognitive dissonance is slowly causing a generalised aversion to such stuff... ...


Yes. My life has been colouful but that small boy remains.

All of us are just like painings. When we are younger, our basic foundations are set, just like the the base outline of ink that make out the main features of the painintg.

Aswe get older, life experinces colour us but our innermost self from before still remains. In paintings, it's the same too. The subsequent layers of colour build upon the base layer of ink features.

If something big happened when we are young, our inner self gets kinda screwed. What happens next is that we grow and let life experiences colour and hopefully dampen, correct or even beautify the initial screw up. In paintings, with ink, there is no erasing mistakes or ctrl z. What's important too is the subsequent layers of pigments and colours.

If along the way, for both the person and the painting, shit happens, the colouring that we get screws up too. The end product becomes somthing that is highly scarred but abstract and unique at the same time. Taste for it has to be aquired and very specific.

Life is but a painting, a building up of colours upon a basic foundation.

Go figure.

On a totally irrelevant note, here's a picture that i took form kl. enjoy.

Zouk decided to diversify its business


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