Sunday, January 28, 2007

My first post in 2007!!!

Blogging has become a monthly affair for me. No more the usual once or twice a week. Guess im getting rather lazy...hohoho.

Anyways, almost a month into the new school term and i still feel aimless... Lotsa stuff has been happening in such a short period of time. Fist of all, i had that irritaing BOSS bidding problem. The whole thing started from last year when i missed my bid for RMSS by like 50+ cents!!!!! Oh well... ... Wad to do... suck thumb n take marketing lor....

Fast forward a bit, there was de NOVICES 07 at clementi sports hall... 2 memorable weekends burnt Learnt a lot about myself. One point at a time. In de end, I managed to get 3rd for the individuals and 2nd for team. Could have done better but at least i have no regrets...hahaha. Anyways, this means that i will no longer be able to take part in novicces 08... damn.... hahahah.

I casted "blur" my lvl 6 skill...wahahah

Going bananas over a banana

We learnt from this tournament of a few secret hidden characters in our team. First up, we have the guai lan kia, aka the dancer. He specialises in psychological warfare, playing games with your mind until u cannot take it and give up. His special skills include, the jelly dance, the wriggly blade and the "YAY" war cry... ...

Master of mind control

Secondly, we have the chicken wing detective... Having spent time up meditating in bukit timah hill, she has developed a posture that involves tuckeing in her hands in such a way that resembles a chicken wing. Funny it may seem, it has stumped many opponents in a way few can understand. Coupled with an acceleration of burst speed that puts ferrari to shame, she is a force to be reckoned with... ...

Can you spot the chicken wing detective?

Next up, we have the SCREAMER!!!. Hailed form a distant land where it is truly asia, she has developed a special technique from all her wierd and bizzare experiences. After a freak accident whereby she was locked inside a KTV room with Tong Hua playing for 1, 256,953 times in a row, she developed a supernatural power that allowed her to control sound waves. Now, after many trials, she has perfected an attack that involves bombarding her opponent with a sonic sound wave rendering them disabled before she moves in for the kill. KTV anyone?lol

Booking her next KTV session

People have tried to describe him in many ways... ... train, brick wall, slegde hammer... ... When he attacks, none can stand in his way. Once he is reved up, he sends a surging mass so great that all that remains is but a trail of destruction. Friendly on the outside and lovable by all, many have called him the BFG. However when it comes down to the crunch, many tremble at his name and few survive his wrath to tell the tale for he is THE TANK.

All cute and cuddly

Many secret characters have yet to be unlocked so stay tunned to SMU fencing:)

On a different note, i felt that through this tournament, SMU fencing, the whole lot of us really started to bond as a true team. Whenever one of us was on the piste, the rest of us would be behind, cheering our lungs out. I sorta gave away a week's worth of participation points in school becos of that...wahahahahahah. When ever SMU scored a point, the rest of us cheered like mad. I was really touched by the whole team. I could really feel it when it was my turn to be on the piste. I could feel the euphoria of the team when i scored a point. I couldn't have done it without u guys. Thank you :D:D:D:D SMU fencing's final medal tally, Men's individual silver and bronze, men's team silver and women's team GOLD!!!! Well done all!!!

Grace, Honour, Perfection


Blogger Swanee said...

Reading this post of yours make me feel the thrill of novices all over again...

Ps, The pic of me is so unglam la..But its still cool to see myself mentioned in your blog haha.


8:34 PM  
Blogger Swanee said...

Reading your entry makes me feel the thrill of novices all over again. =)

Hey I was mentioned in your blog! Cool.

8:36 PM  
Blogger xuehui said...

yes.. i miss novices too..hahaah it's a trigger to show me that smufencing is bonded.. =)

5:31 PM  

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