Tuesday, September 12, 2006

wheee... it has been a long time since i last posted...hahahah...

well uni has definately been daunting... stats b is like killing me...numbers duh... wad numbers.... all the nonsensical probability crap... wad PMF, Var(X), E(X)... ... might as well tok to me in jap or something.... maybe i might just understand u better....wahahaha

As if stats is not enuff, i have tons and tons of socg and posc readings. These are seriously no joke man... i fell asleep thrice trying to finish my posc readings and twice for my socg readings... enuff said..hahah

What takes the cake is..... LTB!!!! ~zheng zheng zheng~.... yesh... wad that was supposed to be a small-scale-get-it-done project is turning out to be some mega event of the year lah... negoitating wif PA, trying to get ben n jerry's to sponsor ice cream... i think soon, we'll be getting singapore idol down to perform also lah...wahahahahhaha

now, all im thinking is how good it'll look good on our resumes if we manage to pull it off lah... it'll be tough be WE CAN DO IT!!! I KNOW WE CAN!!! Im imagining all the cameras, flashes news crew and reporters now...wahahahahahah

on a brighter note, i took up a fencing clinic and FENCING IS DAMN FUN!!!! Poking and skewering pple is damn stress relieving u noe... sometimes violence is just the best medicine to a sucky week man...hahahah.

I have half a mind to join fencing now man... De only thing stopping me is the cost of the equipment and the commitment level cos they will be training for competition in jan.... and also if i join fencing den i don noe if i'll be able to join the salsa group in school. Not that im particularly keen in joining their performance team (cos i strongly believe that the essence of salsa is in it's socialbility, not in performance).... but i really do wanna help them out in some way....lol.

After all, salsa has and always will be a passion to me. No one seriously noes how it has benefitted me except me :p I guess i just need to take a short beak from salsa now... i'll return a new dancing machine man...wahahhahaha

Oh well... now it's back to the drudgery of work.... Stats lesson is up next....

Wow im so thrilled... ...



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