Sunday, September 03, 2006

Hi peeps.... it has been such a loooooong time since i posted anything on this blog of mine. I noe that im supposed to post the final installment of the salsa festival post but i really havent found the time:(

rest assured, that post is already in the works and i guess it'll be out soon.

School's been slightly overwhelming for me I noe it has only been barely 2 weeks but now im already finding myself facing 4 projects, tons and tons of readings ( I have been reduced to reading on the train and on the bus...) and also neck deep in stats assignment.

Not to mention all the arty farty lingo used by the peeps in my courses.... grrrrr... why can't they just keep things short, simple and straight to the point? Alot of bloody wayang people in school too. Smarty pants and "participative" people who can't seem to just keep their mouths shut. All of them peeps just wanna attract the prof's attention. Do something stupid lah... take of yer shirt and do a monkey dance or something... that'll sure cause the prof to remember you and keep us entertained at the same time....wahahahha

oki... sorry for all the rantings and stuff.... More worrrrrk?..... Off i go den....


Blogger Sur Rusty said...

A lot of "participative" people?

So you mean to say that weird cheerleader fool from the team building camp is in some of your classes? HAHAHAHA


11:27 AM  
Blogger Young said...

lol.... luckily not... if not i'll probably shoot myself or something...wahahah

10:20 PM  

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