Sunday, July 16, 2006

Lamb chops, whiskey and ice cream

Since it has been commented that young has been slacking away and not updating his blog for some time now, here's a little something for you guys to chew on.

This week saw many many things happening to dear ol' young. On wednesday, we were invited to sondha's place for a GREAT dinner gathering of sorts. There were lotsa people and even more food!!!

Talking about the food, it was pure sinful indulgence.... waahhahah. There was sondha's signature LAGSANE, drunken lamb chops ( Lamb chops that have been marinated in beer and red wine for 3 days!!!!), swedish meat balls, prawn paste chicken wings, dark chocolate mousse, fudgey brownies, dark chocolate ice cream from awfully chocolate, hageen daaz lychee ice cream drenched in absolut vanilla, cockburn's pot and late harvest white wine (courtesy of clarence:))!!!!! Talk about banquets man...wahahah

I seriously must say that sondha's a FANTASTICALLY DIVINE CHEF man!!!! Her dishes are seriously to die for. The tipsy lamb chops were all so tender and litterally bursting with flavour. Not to mention the rich lagsane and mousse. Seriously hotel standard man!!!!! wahahahahaahah!!!

Notice the lack of photos.... we wolfed down the chow too quickly...hahahah. THANKS FOR EVERYTHING SONDHA. YOU ROCK!!!!

After dinner and it's subsequent trash toking session, it was off to Phuture and zouk mambo night with the gang. It was packed.... literally to the brim. We were very lucky cos soon after we got in, it was full house.

We went to phuture first, got a drink and headed off to the dance floor. It was very very very very packed. We were constantly shoved, compacted and pushed around. We tried to hold our ground, sticking together in a circle formation to limited success. There was this particulary character that really got on my nerves. There was this small and pettite ah lian that was dancing behind me for quite a while. Despite been soooo puny in size, she kept trying to push and shove me from behind which was irritating to say the least. Even if she wanted me to pick her up or something a simple "hi" would surfice

From the rest of our ganga, it seemed that i can really " zhi high"... Get very high by myself. According to them, i was very high, bobbing and gyrating away to the music all by myself, despite us having little to drink and thus quite Well, i guess for me, being high boils down to the atmosphere and more importantly the music and not how much i drink. If there is soul shaking groovy music in the air, i can be lost in my own little world :D

After phuture, we took a stroll across to zouk. It was mambo night which meant retro music. What tickled me the most however, were the moves that came with the songs. There were throngs of people on the stages making different hand guestures that corresponded to the lyrics of the songs.

It was freakin funny. Really reminded me of para para and mass dances in school. The lao jiaos on the stages did it with so much confidence and gusto and the masses on the floor were trying to follow with varying degrees of success. Seriously machiam during orientation, the OGLs trying to lead the students in mass dance lidat....freakin

Needless to say, it was babes galore. Tons of chio lians and hot gals alike in various degrees of undress. Lotsa skin and bare flesh. I saw a particular gal that was particularly good looking( to me at least :) ). She was wearing a white sphagetti top and jeans, clean cut face, tied up shoulder length hair. She was 1 of those para para leaders on the central stage. A pity that there was like an army of clubbers on the floor between me and her, rendering squeezing through almost impossible. Well, im not the "pick up gals" sorta guy Saw a couple of familiar faces. People like jinn, elayne, xenbar gals, timothy... ...

thursday and friday was rather platonic.

Thursday night was spent at hard rock. Went for door to floor's free salsa lesson. Learnt a new turn pattern and shine from suman. Social dancing wasn't spectacular (guess i was still reeling from a lack of sleep from zouk) cept for a fun dance i had with bianca from xenbar. Freakin spunky and fun gal to dance wif. You go gal!!!

Friday saw me marking papers at sondha's mum tuition center. Finally, after like forever, i got a job :). Anyways, i was so tired the whole day that i skipped loco at ladc even though lionel was teaching free shines. Toppled and slept like a log upon touching my bed at home.

Saturday afternoon was spent practising salsa at a friend's place. After that, it was off to shop for stuff at orchard for me. Went to far east and got a hat and red tie:) Later at night, i met up with victor and jian at paradiz.

Victor cam whoring....

Young in a hat

At first we wanted to go to minds cafe to chill but it was full house and we trudged down to the cathy cos both of dem wanted to check it out. The place is still quite unoccupied and so we ended up at ben and jerry's. Victor being victor, was flirting blatantly with the female staff behind the

Ben and Jerry's... Duh!!!

I must say that ben and jerry's offer many creative ice cream flavours with equally colourful names like "chunky munky", "phish food" and "dublin mudslide". They tasted quite alright but the prices weren't It was like 4 bucks for a small cup sia!!!!! We settled with a mix and match ice cream, 3 scoops of different flavoured ice cream. We took "Gracia cherry", "New York Super Fudge" "and "Dublin Mudslide". Topped off with chocolate fudge, it was $8.60 + $2.00 (upsize for bigger scoops) = $10.60 of pure calory

Mmmmm... YUMMY!!!

2 guys, 1 bowl and 3 scoops of melting ice cream


Thats all so far. Esther's having her birthday party later. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ESTHER!!!! Thats all for now.... cya :P


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