Sunday, April 02, 2006

Cos lately... ...

Before i start, i'll just like to say i suddenly feel free (the freedom kind not the lobo Don't ask me why

Well, after a few fridays of recceing, i have finally decided. My friday salsa nights will be spent at LADC from now on. Before i go on, i'll present to you some stuff i found out about friday nights at different places.

First stop, Xen bar. There, you will be hearing crickets chirp and see dust balls rolling around. Why so? Cos i highly doubt there will be anyone around. I mean xen bar looks more like a movie set for some horror movie rather than a place for social dancing. Wad were they thinking man? So dark and deserted, i'll applaud any brave soul who goes there alone on friday nights hoping to find a dance partner. Good luck chump.... I think, it'll be better for them to just serve green tea and invite people to come down, sit in a circle, join hands, meditate and get in touch with their inner i think dat'll work...hahahahahahah

Next stop, union square. Located in amara shopping center, on the second floor above BK, it is the most packed ( really really packed.. think sardines in a tin) salsa dance place on fridays. Fridays is ladies night and so gals not only get in free but also get free drinks and get high in the process. Anyways, where u have hot and bothered ladies in skimpy short skirts and revealing halter tops, you will naturally have guys, lotsa them, all waiting and hoping to have a feel.... ahahahahahah. Think bees buzzing to honey, or to others houseflies to trash. Somemore with amara hotel just 30 secs walk away... *ahem*

Anyways, since union square is so packed and full people, of which many don salsa or sux at it and take up space, it leaves us people who really like to salsa with no space at all to enjoy our dance. Coupled with a 15 bucks cover charge for guys, a ceriously cmi band and many highly dubious characters lurking around, i guess i'll give union on fridays a miss too. However, if i suddenly feel the urge and need for bare skin, i may just discreetly drop by before the cover charge sets in....wahahahahahahah :p

On fridays, jitterbugs opens its dance studio on friday nights for salsa fiesta. Ok. It's starts at 9 plus and ends at about 11 plus. Jitterbugs is located at mellinia walk(i tink i spelt it wrongly but... wth). So a suggestion for people going in groups would be to meet up and have dinner in marina square first. Young recommends Fins if you guys crave for affordable seafood :P.

First of all, the crowd there is..... average i guess. Most of the people available to dance are from the previous class but there are a few gems hidden amongst the whole bunch of people and a few union regulars around. The studio is sapcious enuff. I didnt really had to bother much about space and stuff. There is more than ample space to to execute complicated moves. The wooden flooring is also decent enough... well i mean it's a dance studio right......hahahahaha. A tad bit too slippery for my liking but i guess it's passable. I also liked the lighting there. It isnt dark and gloomy like most places and i can actually see my partner's face, zits and all...hahahahahah The music is pretty ok too.... the mix of music is rather modern i guess and certainly has that groove factor. What i didn't really like about jitterbugs was that the place was rather stuffy. The air con wasn't spectacular and for such a big space, there were only 3 fans of which 1 was spoilt. As you might already know, i tend to perspire alot when i dance so temperature control and ventilation is of the upmost importance to me. Other than the fans, i didn't really dig the 5 dollars cover charge. What!!!! 5 bucks for access to the studio and a water dispenser!!!!!! u must be kidding right!!!!!!

So, i guess you'll find me in jitterbugs on fridays if i decide to spend a quiet night and just go down wif the gang and just practice our moves and stuff:)

Ok... finally, we have LADC!!!! Located near clarke quay mrt and a stone throw away from clarkequay where all the action is (MOS and other clubs), LADC opens its studios on fridays for loco nights. It also starts at 9 plus till 11 plus or later.

Wad can i say? I think it ROXS!!!!! hahaha... Other than the fact that the place is a bit hard to find, i don really have anything else to pick against There was space... lotsa space in fact because they open both their studios instead of just one. It was rather dim but they had a few cool lookin shaded lamps around which transformed the place into something like a uber hip and smooth party. I love the lamps.... seriously..hahaha. The place was very cool (temperature wise). There were quite a few fans lying around and the sir con was turned up. After each dance, i could pick and choose a fan that i fancied and blatanly stand in front of it to dry off :D. So, i guess i can actually just survive the whole night with just one

What really blew me away was the music and people. The music was REALLY GREAT!!!! It had the ommph factor. Modern latin beats witha a few hip hoppish tracks and one or two bachata tracks. You'll constantly go like..." oooo nice song... shit i wanna dance..." and scurry off to find a partner throughout the night. It gets 10 outta 10 for groovines man!!!!

The mix of people there is execellent too. Yes u have your fair share of students but there were alot of pros there too. Jwo pointed out that the performers usually clustered on the left and right side of the big mirror in the center. Boy can they dance...hahahahahha even the students can actually follow quite well. I danced wif this sweet lookin gal (cant really see her face though... abit too dim...hahahahah) whom i think shld be in intermediate level and i found that she could follow quite well despite the occasional oops and Yesh the people there rocked.

THE BESTEST PART OF LADC WAS THAT IT WAS FREE!!!!!!!! NO COVER CHARGE WAD SO EVA!!!!! Ideal for the budget salsa dancer like me...hahahahahahahah

I guess from now on if you start to find this big tall shadow lurking around in LADC on fridays nights, it'll most probably be me. Just come up, say hi and we'll start SALSAING!!!!!



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