Saturday, February 25, 2006

Solving this mystery will be hard... ...

First of all, MY UNDERSTUDY ARRIVED TODAY!!!! He has a cute neame called Chen Chen :) (i'm not making it up. It's seriously his name) He seems alright so far. Gotta observe him for a while longer to really judge him though. It feels so good. After so freakingly loooonnnng, it is really time for me to kiss the army good bye.... GOOD LUCK TO U MAN CHEN CHEN!!!! I'M GOING!!!! DON'T MISS ME!!!!!MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH (It's supposed to be evil Life sure gets better by the day :)

The gang(well most of it) went down to Xenbar to check it out today. Well, as before, i felt the place a tad bit too quiet and moody for a salsa bar. First of all, when we got there at 9, lessons were still going on and we only got to use the floor at about 9.30.

Secondly, the place was rather dim. This poses a many problems, one of which was that shervonne couldn't really see me when we were dancing. It seems that my maroon coloured U2 shirt blended a bit too well with the surrounding darkness and camouflaged me too effectively...wahahahaha. What can i say... ... Green is so passe. Should suggest to the army to change their unforms to shades of red and brown. Urban warfare mah. Wearing green would only make the troops stand out from the surroundings like erm... i donnuo... ... durians among a crate of bananas?lol

Besides that, the dance floor was too small for my liking and elieen found it too slippery. There was no live band. Music came from a bunch of CDs. Worst still, being a friday night, there was sadly not many people in the bar. We basically conquered the dance floor. Other than a couple who were practicing their chero routine, no one else came onto the dance floor.... :( Talk about salsa being a social thing....

Anyways, i came to realise a mystery about my salsa today. ( Actually i was told about it before but till now i haven't been able to solve it, hence a msytery.) It seems that 80... no more like 93.275% of the ladies that danced with me find it very taxing and jia lat. Logically, if the lady in the couple finds it taxing and stressful to dance, the dance should not turn out nice. However, from the feedback from the people watching my routines, i gather that my dances are still PRESENTABLE (take note... i didn't say good) enough.

Most of the ladies end up disorientated and dizzy after dancing with me. Many swore not to dance with me again. Some chose to keep a safety distance of 2m away from me whenever i was around. The last i heard, union even contemplated about posting "Dancing with Young prohibited" signs at the

At first, it seemed that i spun ladies around too much. Well, i acknowledged that fact cause previously, as my vocab of moves was pitiful (not that it is much better now), i resorted to spinning the ladies a bit to zealously i guess to pass the songs' air time when i ran out of moves. Now, upon learning a few more turn patterns and routines, i consciously try to execute varying turn patterns and moves to fill up the songs rather than spin the ladies. However, this dosen't seem to be working as ladies still complain that the world passes in a blur when dancing with me and it feels more like a workout than a dance routine.

Next, came another problem was pointed out to me. It seemed that when leading some moves, my timing went haywire. I tink it boils down to a few other issues. One, it can be blamed on my relatively lack of skill. Thus, upon execution of certain moves, my timing screws up. Sorry gals, my fault. Im still trying to rectify it. Two, it seems that sometimes, i give pre tension as in i lead 1 or 2 beats earlier. This problem arose because when i dance with certain ladies who may not be in tuned with me or are not advanced to read my leads, they seem to not be able to complete moves in time. Thus, to counter that problem , i came up with the idea to lead them earlier to give them more time to finish the moves. I am also consciously trying to kick this bad habit.

Lately, i was also alerted to the possibility that my footwork could be too fanciful. This posed a problem to my partner who might become lost upon trying to use my foot work to follow the song. Well, all i can say is, this is individual styling. This is what makes dancing with different people fun as you get to experience each person's uniquenes and quirkiness.

Upon being alerted to my shortcomings and given a raincheck, i have tried to correctt the errors and mistakes during dacncing. Nowadays, i stick to the timing and execute moves more precisely. I do not torture ladies by spinning them too much but my footwork is still fancy. The thing is, ladies still find it hard to dance with me and still find it rather taxing and tiring. I have tried to identify and solve highlighted problems to the best of my abilities and so im in a fix right now.

Solving this mystery will definately be hard... ...

Macy's salsa career was shortlived... ...


Blogger delphinium said...

i think it's gotta do with the fact that you're tall? like, spinning with you tends to pull us off center, hence the dizzy feeling. you might wanna try to crown-spin more conciously...

=) dancing with you is dizzying also cuz you tend to go through a set moves, even if the lady has trouble following... might wanna consider sticking basics in to let us catch up *ads tip*

haha... can't wait to dance with you guys again tho...

10:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wah liew. Boh jio.:P so near my house

1:49 AM  
Blogger Young said...

lol... thanks for de tip sond...
and i dont think u were back in sg then adrian...:)

2:47 PM  

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