Friday, January 06, 2006

Union Medical Center???

Union square should be renamed to Union Specialist Medical Center. Consultation would be $18 per visit. Why a medical center? Well, Union specialises in treatment of certain illnesses.

1) Poor blood circulation to the feet area. Feeling tired after walking? Aches and pains after standing for too long? This could be due to poor blood circulation to the feet. Head down to union specialist medical center today!!! Our feed specialist doctor will administer swift and effective treatment. No jabs or pill popping needed!!!

Just walk right next to any of our dancers in the middle of a great song and wait for a resulting crunch to your feet. If targetted area is large, proceed to any makle specialist doctor. He will administer general area treatment. If the targetted area is small, approach any female specialist instead. They'll gladly inflict extreme pressure with pin point accuracy with their pointed heels.

After a crunch is heard, the area will go abit numb followed by some slight discomfort. Promptly head to any couch to sit down and rest for a moment as there will be increased blood flow to the area, resulting in swelling and slight discolouration. This means that that area will be getting increased amounts of nutrition and thus, blood circulation to the area will improve. Fuss and hassle free....*

2) Having problems relaxing? Stressed out after a long day of work? Visit any of our male or female specialists. For more severe cases, union medical center recommends Dr Young. Promptly proceed to have a dance with our specialist. Utilising various methods like freakingly freakish body movements and out of this world facial expressions ( young will usually just prance around you and make u go crazy), you will promptly crack up and sucumb to bouts of insatiable laughter. The above mention therapy is highly stress busting and tension reliving.*

3) Suffering from lazy eye syndrome? Eyes too small but yer too cheapo to go for plastic surgery? Just come down to union square today!!! Buy a drink and feast yer eyes on the goregous salsareos and salsarinas!!! with their sensuous styling and erotic body movements, coupled with so little clothes on, your eyes will be forced to open wide and concentrate of these objects of attraction. After repeating therapy for a couple of times, yer eyes will be bigger, sharper and more agile than before!!! All natural and no invasive surgeries involved!!!*

Other than reinventing itself as a medical center, union squarea can also promote itself as the SCHOOL OF HARD KNOCKS!!! Here, people will learn about human anatomy. Each onr of us only has a pair of eyes on the front of our faces. We do not have eyes on our backs. They'll also know that trying to squeeze behind dancers in the heat of the dance will result in hard collisions that will induce extreme displeasure and pain.

However, i wish to apologise to the ladyinwhitewithlonghairwhowascarryingadrinkandgavemetheevileye.
Sorry for knocking into the pool table. It isnt your fault that your didn't see me dancing and that you didn't know that we do not have eyes on our backs. Instead, i apologise that im so big and heavy and i do not have eyes on my back and that the pool table was made wood. I mean that if i was smaal and nimble and the pool table was made of foam, i guess it wouldn't have hurt so bad. :)

*Results will vary


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