Thursday, December 29, 2005


Went down to union yesterday. Must say i didn't have as much fun as i expected. :( Lack of dance space, too many pros, too few familiar faces, yadda yadda.... anyways, i think i wont be going down to union if my group ain't going down from now on... ...

Anyways, this post is not about salsa. I finally went to watch King Kong with jian and jinn yesterday. Was a great show. It seems that on King Kong's island, humans seem t be the bottom of the food chain. I mean even insects like spiders and cockroaches wanna eat us up... ... In this movie, the main gist is that King Kong falls in love with his pet human who happens to be none other than Naomi Watts aka Ann Darrow in the movie. Well essentially, its equivalent to me falling in love with my pet hamster... ... thats if i have one. By the way, Kong died in the end.

This movie, proves a long standing theory propose by a few of my wayward buddies ( jinn, jian, victor n jwo) to be true. According to them, times have changed. The hunks don't get the babes. Instead, the ugly ones have taken over and many couples you see nowadays consist of either a great hunkalicious guy with a less than average looking gal or a big fat ugly slob with a babelicious gal.

Someone get him a beer

To further elaborate their theory, let me set afew things straight. A couple (normal straight one, not those gay or lesbian couples) consists of a guy and a gal. Since each and every individual have different looks, we award them different sets of looks points. The higher the looks points, the beeter looking the person. So a hunk like lets say... ... Bradd Pitt or takeshi would get maybe 80 plus to 90 points while not so good looking karren mok might get maybe a 45.

The theory stats that each couple will get a total of 100 points (guy points + gal points = 100). Thus, since the taotal points will always equal to 100, there can be 3 possibilities. 1) Handsome hunk & not so good looking gal 2) Super model and cave troll 3) plain jane and normal joe. That is why, we see good looking guys and not so good looking gals and vice versa, holding hands, smooching and walking along orchard road. Sorry people, i know how you feel. "Wah lau, toopid fat ass how come so lucky !!! Then that babe eyes pa stamp one ah... What does she see in him???" Sorry guys, it's a sad world...

Anyways back to king kong. This love story epitomises the whole theory. King kong, with his bad breath, overly hairy body, uneven teeth, size 146 feet and lousy speech abilities will get a grand total of 03 points. But look... who does he get? He gets.... .... ANN DAROW AKA NAOMI WATTS!!!. With nice blonde hair, flawless skin and such an expressive face, she gets... ... 97 points. This couple thus adds up to a grand total of 100 points!!!

Kong gets the babe

Ok oki... maybe u guys must be thinking king kong is fake cause he's a movie character. Here's another example. Remeber mini me form austin powers? Yah that short guy aka Verne Troyer. Well i quote from ... "Has been in an exclusive relationship with model and yoga instructor, Genevieve Gallen, since July 4, 2002. Couple met New Year's Eve at a private Mansion Party in Beverly Hills, for the Millenium, 2000."

Ok lets give dear mini me a looks point. Hmm... obviously challenged in terms of height, has very little hair, stubby and pudgy fingers, psycho-manical glint and well he has acted as an evil mini clone in a movie, he should get a score of 23.

Aww, don't you just wanna pinch his cheeks?

Hmm... how about Genevieve Gallen? She have been featured in Play Boy, awarded a full two year grant to return to and finish her degree as a designer in costuming for Film and Television at the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising (FIDM), has nice hair, teaches yoga and is a MODEL!!!! Enuff said. She gets 77 points.

Must be the yoga... ...

Thus, it's true. The better looking you are, the less good looking your other half will be. Let's just say it's nature's way of finding balance, for... ...( husky voice) there must be balance in the force.....wahahahaha.

Back to dear young. what does it mean for him? Being overly tall, 1.93m, eyes which are way too small, funny ears, fat around the tummy and thighs, much like a cave troll except maybe he's not blue. He should get about 37 points?

Young was rudely awaken from his sleep

Thus back to the theory, he should get some one like denise keller? Being mixed blood and all, on the cover of all so many magazines and with a tv show under her belt, she gets at least 60 plus points. Young will definately be a happy man...wahahahahha...

Ranked 32 in SG FHM 04

After all that's said and done, i must admit. there are indeed flukes, abnormalities in the system. Remember Neo form the matrix??? Yep there are couples with a points totaling more then 100. Remeber bennifer? i know they broke up. So all u plastic kens and barbies, don't give up hope. Miracles do


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