Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Own time own target, Carry on... ...

The old flame... ...

Today, I finally got the chance to convert my weapon from the good' ol M16 to the spankingly new SAR 21 assualt rifle ( for all you non-military blokes out there, the SAR 21 stands for Singapore Assualt Rifle 21). Took the whole freakin day. There was the technical handling part in the morning, followed by a day shoot and then a night shoot in the night.

Here are 2 links if you are interested on the technicalities of the SAR 21 rifle. - some sort of an official site for the SAR 21. an article by on the SAR 21.

Anyways, i was a BOBO shooter for the day shoot. Got only 3 out of 12 shots on target. Well it has been ages since i fired a weapon and the SAR 21 is a new weapon to me. Its like ditching yer girlfriend for a new one and so one has to slowly find out more about her i.e. likes and dislikes before ironing out the quirks to enjoy a lasting relationship ( for those who seriously don't know what the hell im talking about, soldiers, especially infantry men, are told to treat their rifles as their wives as their lives depends on their rifles. I wanted to say ditch yer wife for a new one... but it sounds a bit extreme hence ditiching the girlfriend...hahahahah).

The new girl friend

Well the SAR is defiantely a great weapon to fire. 5.56mm caliber, lower recoil than the M16, with a 1.5x scope and an inbuilt Laser Aiming Device aka nifty laser pointer to irritate the hell out of yer enemy... :) plus it has a bull pulp design making it more compact and ideal for confined spaces.

The day shoot got me thinking. Firstly, from the almost marksman result i got for my last shoot when i was definately a more garang, leaner and meaner fighting machine, i have now become something more like a civilian in green, reading memoirs of a geisha( i have finished 3/4 of the book), putting on weight, shooting boboly and basically wanting to slack my way for 4 MORE MONTHS TILL I ORD!!! !!! People change... what more can i say...hahahaha
(Btw i did better for the night

Oooo... Pink... ... the colour of my IC

Secondly, when i was squeezing the trigger, the simplicity of killing and destroying struck me. Killing a fellow human being could be achieved by simply pulling a trigger and in less than a second or 2, someone's life will be taken away.

Think of 20 or 30 years of tender love, care and concern plus huge amounts of money just suddenly going to waste in that split second. Imagine the energy and effort that it will take to save that guy's live. Infusing plasma, reconnecting arteries and what other what have you nots in arresting the bleeding just to stablize the guy. Not to mention the numerous years of rehabilitaion ahead of the casaulty if he lives.

Creating and giving life is such a slow and painstaking process yet killing and destroying is so disturbingly simple and effortless.

Peace ouy y'all!!!

Symbol of hope


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