Saturday, November 19, 2005

Flowers and gals.... ....

I have been rather lazy this week. Weekday nights have been spent at union square and i have lost the urge to spam on my blog lately. I blame it on the lazy bug that has been spreading around silently along side its more famous cousin, the bird flu bug. Even though the bird flu bug has hogged the headlines lately for killing birds and people, unknown to human kind, the lazy bug has and still is causing even more wide spread destruction. Last minute panic attacks over deadlines, cellulite build up around the tummy and thighs, postponed due dates, extra duties and prolonged slumber plague the general public silently. The lazy bug is smart. It must have had made agreements with the bird flu bug and previously, the SARS virus. It lets them cause the more obvious damage to live and property to divert people's attention while it quietly skirts around the population, wringing its hideous tail around our necks wrecking havoc silently... ... wahahahahaha

Victim of the lazy bug... ...

Anywayz, i bought a pair of Levis Stratuss signature jeans from australia. It's one of my nicer looking jeans. My pair's waistline is 102cm. BIG... well, i have been wearing it at hip level but lately, it has slowly dropped lower and lower. Befor long, i may well be wearing it at thigh This can mean a few things. 1) I have lost weight and so my waistline has shrunk, making my jeans looser( I really hope it is true but i highly doubt 2) My wallet has gotten heavier. This maybe due me becoming richer and richer, leading to more coins and notes in it compare to last time ( i hope 3) The fibres and stitches in my jeans mutated due to over exposure to UV rays from the singaporean sun and became longer, causing my jeans to expand. So, i realised that i should either wear a belt or eat more and grower fatter to fit my

One question about the jeans that has been bugging me since i bought it has been... WAD THE HELL IS LEVIS STRATUSS SIGNATURE? There are definately not the normal levis jeans cost it got them at a supermarket in sussie land and they cost only about aus$33+ but there is indeed levi's signature on the jeans. Does it mean that it is just a cheapo range of jeans produced by Levi???


I also got a nice sky blue ( or some call it baby blue) shirt along with the jeans from australia. Recently, i wore it to salsa class and guess what... ... a lady told me that she found the flowers printed on the inside of the collar distracting....hahahaha. This can mean good and bad news. The good news is, with this shirt on and my partner distracted, i can make all sorts of dance mistakes without her knowing it. She may also get so distracted that she may ask me to REMOVE my shirt and start to do funny things with me after that....wahahahaha. The bad news is that she may get so distracted and irrritated that she may just give up dancing with me or worst still get a whole bunch of gals and whack the hell out of me and burn my Hopefully, one of these days, a hot and pretty gal will come up to me and tell me she finds those flowers ATTRACTIVE and ask for my phone number in the end, to get to know the owner of the flowers better....wahahahahaha.

The object in question...

Flowers of mass distraction... ...

Oki folks... thats all i have for now. Steve says that if he doesn't find a girlfiend in a year's time, he'll turn gay.


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