Sunday, October 16, 2005


Warning: The following post contains a lot of whining and self relfections of young. Issues mentioned revolve around him. If you cannot stand sappy posts, please close this browser window and open another one. Young recommends, or as alternative sites to visit for


Just came back from union, bathed and settled down. It's 21 plus hours before i fly off to aussieland where I will be cut off from civilization for almost 3 weeks. I'm having mixed feelings right now. Half of me is raring to go, to embrace the great unknown and feed the innate yearning for wide open spaces. The other half however is feelin the strain of having to let go of many things that are dear to me, that defines my existence and makes me who i am, to give up the creature comforts and interpersonal relationships that make me feel at home.

Sounds like im going to be gone for a long long time but im only going to be gone for about 3 It's just me i guess. I am human after all despite not looking and acting like one...haha

Through the past few days, i realised that i have many things to be happy for in my life. There is so much that i should feel glad about. I have taken many things for granted. So many things.... where should i start?

Simple things like waking up in the morning and havin french toast and a cup of hot milo that my grandma always makes for me. The sweet smells... Talking nonscene with my camp mates( some of them are actually before we go and visit ah lao for breakfast. Slacking in the reading room, sleeping on the couch, playing the guitar and talking rubbish with steve. The feeling of signing the booking in and out book before leaving camp to go home....

The feeling of knowing that whatever happens and no matter how sucky the day is, there will always be home. Eating dinner at the dinner table. Surfing the net, using msn, friendster and blogging. Saying hi to mj just as she's about to log off. Playing adventure quest. Jamming on my trusty 6 stringed Samick guitar. Never having to worry about not having hot water to bathe in or toilet paper running out. Lying on my custom made XXXXXXXXXL matteress everynight and hugging my bolster to sleep...( yesh... my bolster is literally the closest thing to me...hahah)

Going for salsa classes at JJ SalsaRengue and guitar lessons at Hark music every saturday. Playing DOTA at Parklane with the guys and getting owned lotsa times... ( thanks for making me feel so noobish in DOTA andrew... one of these days, maybe after meditating about dota in a dusty rover out in the wilderness in aussieland, i'll return the Having dinner at Cafe Cartel. Listening to wern wei's radical views of the world. Smsing my frens using my wonky Nokia phone( well at least it actually has a colour screen....). Hanging out and chilling with the gang, jwo, jinn, jian and vic, despite the nasty things they always say. That theory the guys have that i will get a super model girlfriend in future...( According to jian and the rest of the guys, good looking guys get ugly girlfriends while ugly guys have real good looking girlfriends as the amount of " good lookingness" is the same and is spread out among both parties in a couple. So, according to that theory, i should get a girlfriend that looks like Denise Keller.... lol... we'll wait and see..hahaha).

Going down to union square to salsa with people like sherene, kaimin, jean, phylis( erm i think i spelt it, clarence and the rest of the people i danced with. Gin and tonic. Doing the la una, shadow and enshuffla. Perpising like a pig after a couple of dances. The relief of catching the last train home after salsaing....

See, i have so many things to be happy about. The small and lovely things that many of us grow to take for granted over time. People, we should stop and smell the roses once in a while. Learn to appreciate the small things in life, your friends and family and being able to live life relatively freely. Always tresure the people and things you have around you. Do not take people and things for granted. Tell your girl/boyfriend and family memebrs that you love them. Learn not to always dwell upon what you do not have but appreciate the things that you have. Live life to the fullest.

I have not even left home but im starting to miss it. However, i chose to go to aussieland. I made a decision to step out of my comfort zone, to experience new things and see the world. I will step forward and take things in my stride. I will take this oppurtunity to test my limits and learn more about myself. I will return a betterman ( nows a good time to play that robbie williams Talk about personal

Dear all, cherish everyone around you and take nothing for granted. Live life to the fullest......

Smell the roses... but beware of the


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