Sunday, October 09, 2005


Allo folks just came back from Hong Kong , the city of bright lights, colourful clothing and roasted goose. I went there for 4d3n and saw, ate and bought lotsa stuff.... Learnt a few lessons too... but i'll share it with you guys some other Anyway, heres a brief outline of what we did for you to drool over....wahahahahahah

~Cause im leavin on a jet plane...~

DAY 1, 05/10/05

I reached changi airport at 4.31am.... to catch my freakingly inhuman flight at 6.45am. Jian was there first, sipping his tea. Victor came around 5am. We checked in and went to BK for breakfast. United Airlines sucks by the way. Their cabin crew have that "couldn't give a damn" attitude, the food sucks and they don't serve peanuts.... We reached Hong Kong at 10.30am and proceeded to Eaton hotel. Ourroom wasn't ready so we went to "Dai Ga Lok" ( da jia le) Cafe De Coral for lunch. Its a rather popular fast food chain in hk. It serves oriental food though, like rice n noodles... We went back to eaton after dat and settled down. Next, we took the MTR to Tsim Sha Tsui to shop. Saw lotsa clothes but i couldn't buy any cos the sizes were too small. I was plauged by this problem throughout the whole trip. It feels so bad when you one to buy something so badly but yer just a size to big for it.... sighz.... Next, we went to kowloon park for a walk where jian pointed out to me that there was a hole in my shirt. Then we went back to the hotel for a resup( resupply of money, rest and to use the toilet). Simpsons was on the cartoon network and we watched it. We moved out again to meet Vic's dad at 7.00pm where he brought us to the Happy Valley Race course to see horse races because it was free entry that night. Was quite an eye opener. Lotsa people. Next, vic's dad bought us dinner and we left him to go to Mongkok. Did more shopping where i bought my first item , an adidas T-shirt. After a couple of hours more, we returned back to eaton for the night...

U meant there was a 4.31 am on the clock!!!????

And so our quest begins.....

the comforts of home...

Kowloon park.... Oh yah dats me...

The race course...

Run horsie ... run!!!

Young in the big city...

Victor painted his face with war paint before he went to fight the Zzz monster...

DAY 2, 06/10/05

We left eaton at 9.30am, and had a very filling dim sum breakfast at a nearby restaurant. We then took the MTR to Tsuang Guan O and took bus 792m to Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Victor went about the procedues for application and I took a walk around the campus. It had a very nice view and i saw a few ang moh students too... Upon completion of vic's paper work, we took the MTR to Kowloon Bay and visited Telford shopping mall. New hong kong malls are very big because there is more land in hong kong i After that, we took the MTR to North Point to take a tram to Tin Hao( tian hou ) and searched for an elusive shop called Mid West which specialises in 2nd hand western styled clothes. We had dinner and took the MTR to Cause Way Bay where we proceeded to shop some more before we took a cab up to the peak where we were greeted with an orgasmic and panaromic view of HK. That place is so nice and HK is literally the city of mani mani I also had a "chio bu" incident which i will blog out sometime later. Went back to Jordan, had a nice supper consisting of dumplings and soy milk before we went back and i visited dream land at around 2 am.....

Argh... its the invasion of the dim sum army.....

Guess who came to save the day....

And you thought siew mais grew on trees....

NTU's cousin in HK, HKUST....

All bright and shiny...

Oooh... prwetty lights....

Truely orgasmic view from the top of HK.....

Are they angels from heaven???

The fellowship...

DAY 3, 07/10/05

We decided to visit Shenzhen, china today. We took the MTR and transfered to a train before we reached the border. After clearing immigration, we hopped onto Shenzhen's subway system and went to this place called Lao Jie(Old Street) where we went to shop at Dong Men area. I must say that shopping was cheap but the selection wasn't really fantastic. Lotsa the shopping was like shopping at heartland markets in sg. There are nice stuff but you have to be able to find it. On the bright side, the gals there are rather good looking. Nice skin, fair, slim, sharp oriental features and nice hair...but still as with most asians, they arent very tall....hahahaha. I think they fare better them the gals in hk but gals in hk dress much In Shenzhen, we didnt really feel very safe even with lotsa police prescene... they even have police officers in the subway stations. Anyways, we went back to hk at 4 plus, resupped and set off again at 5.30pm to Mongkok where jian finally got a pair of Vans sneakers. Vic left us at 8.15pm to meet his grandpa. Jian and i went on to shop somemore before we went back to eaton to resup and link up with vic. At around 11.30pm, we set off to Lan Kwai Fong and went to club at a place called 'C' Club. I had a cocktail called chivas sweet and a shot of Smirnoff. Vic had chivas snow and a botttle of Heinekien. Jian had chivas mystery and a shot of Baccardi 151. There was a guest DJ from UK who was some DJ of the year 2005. We went on to dance but jian and vic stopped a while later cos they said they weren't high enough. I wasn't high too but i danced anyway. The people there could really dress up but couldn't dance for nuts. I threw in many body movements picked up from salsa. I out danced lotsa people (or at least i guess Didn't really chat any gals up due to my notoriously shy nature..... sighz.... We eft the club at 2 plus and had a late supper or early breakfast at a resturaunt nearby. Had a club sandwich which was damn filling. I slept at

Dwarfed by the buildings in Shenzhen....

Dwarfed by pillars this time round...

Eating alien tentacles from a stick.... yummy

Roast goose rice.... yummy...=p

Drenched as usual after

The CLUB sandwich... big enough to fill a CLUB of hungry

DAY 4, 08/10/05

Woke up late due to the previous night. We left for breakfast at 10.15am, returned at 12pm to check out and we to Tuai Ji (tai zi, prince edward) on the MTR where we or rather jian and vic went to shop. i didn't cos like i said before, clothes in hk are relatively smaller. Vic talked to this shopkeeper who was a guy about our age about sg. He talked about the death penalty, NS and other stuff. That guy was rather appalled especially about NS. As for me i was laughing away inside...especially at his expressions.... hahahahahaha. We then visited Mongkok one last time and slacked around abit before we went back to eaton and waited for our coach to the airport. We took a 7.10pm flight bad which was equally as bad and touched down in sg at 11.03pm... ... ...

Jian lookin all bright and

One final picture at Eaton...

Into the big flying machine we go...

All in all, i spent 1105 HK dollars which is around SG$245.56, bought 5 bags, 1long sleeved shirt, 4 t-shirts, 3 bracelets, 1 pouch, a marker set from HK Muji and some food.... I saw quite a few hot gals and ate lotsa nice food... Indeed it was 4 days well spent.... =p



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