Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Of air planes and nail clippers....

First of all, i would like to say.... TERRORISTS, YOU GUYS SUX!!!!!!!... Hmpf... toopid idiots go bomb bali again for what? Kill so many people and cause mayhem. Now people got one less travel destination and makan place to go to liao lah! Happy now???!!!Don't forget you terrorist also lose one spot for R and R ok.... Bleah...Deepest condolences to the victims and their familes. May time heal the hurt and pain you feel....

I havent been updating my blog for the past few days because mr Zzz monster has been inviting me to his house in dream land rather often. Don't know whats up with him leh. Seems like im on his guest list for most of his tea parties. Getting a bit sick of the lipton milk tea and oreo biscuits that he always serves liao....hahahahahahah

Anyways, im on a packing frenzy right now. Im going to Hong Kong with vic and jian tomorrow. YESH!!!! im gonna enjoy all the dim sum and buy lotsa prweetty stuff. Lotsa people asking me to buy stuff for them too. I'll try my best oki.... After comin back from hongkong on the 8th, i'll be flying of to aussie land on the 19th. Going to go there with the army for training.... not to chalk up my frequent flyer miles ok...hahahah. Lots of stuff to prepare and pack. Will be going to down to beach road to get some stuff too. Bleah.... hate buying over priced things from the pushy shop owners there but i have no choice.... oh wells.... Gotta get a water bag, to carry water around because i don't think i can find any vending machine selling coke and 100 plus in the middle of the australian desert, goggles and face mask, to keep dirt from settleing on mi prwetty face, shades, they say its to protect our eyes from the day time glare ...well, i guess must look cool while treating casualties too mah...hahahah, plus other odd and ends...

Been to briefings for the trip too. They tell us that we cannot carry dangerous stuff onto the plane in our hand carry bags and if we want to bring stuff like pocket knifes over, we must pack them in our kit bags instead. Apparently, nail clippers are not allowed in our hand carry bags too because they are considered dangerous... Whats up with that man!!!??? how to hijack a plane with a nail clipper??? They scared terrorist threaten the crew as such hah??... Terrorist grabs an air stewardess and yells " Everyone don't move!!!". He points a nail clipper to her and threatens "Fly this plane to Never Never land or else i'll torture her by using this nair clipper i have in my hand to clip away her goregous jet black hair and maybe her eyebrows!!!!!!" Or maybe he'll catch the pilot and threaten to trim his long finger and toe nails instead...lol... Eh wake up leh airline people!!!! I know extra security measures have to be taken in view of the current terrorist threats but till the extent that nail clippers are not allowed on board????!!!! A bit of an overkill right....

The latest weapons of mass destruction, available in trendy blue,green, silver and red too...lol

If the airlines one to be really safe, i do have some suggestions. Firstly, put all the air stewardess through intensive military training. Send them to tekong for a period of 3 months. Make them stay in resort like buildings with sadistic sergeants tekaning them. Train them in the use of firearms. Make them go through field camp and deprive them of make up. Make them roll in mud and do all sorts of funny stuff at your whims and fancies with them. At the end of the field camp, offer contracts and hire only those who still look pretty even with all the mud on their faces and no make up on.

Yet to be printed SIA stewardess recruitment poster..( this pic is so cute i just had to add it in...lol)

Secondly, when on flights, give the air stewardess kevlar helmets and bullet proof vests to wear over their lovely batik dresses. Must be more careful mah... Care for employees mah... Arm them with 9mm Glock pistols coupled with 2 clips of normal 9mm paraballum bullets and 1 clip of rubber bullets. The normal rounds are to deal with adults while the rubber ones are used on kids. Cool right, personalised service for different groups of customers...lol... All crew leaders should also be issued with assualt rifles and grenade launchers just in case there are james bond like terrorists on board that cannot be stopped using pistols.

This season's fashion must haves.... the sleek black glock 17 pistol and a matching kevlar helmet...

Thirdly, establish a buddy system for the crew. When serving passengers, one person will take the order and serve the passenger while the other will constantly stand at the point stewardess's 8 o'clock position and contantly cover her by pointing her pistol at the passenger. This is to pre empt any sudden or sneak attacks on the crew by terrorists disguised as passengers. Tactical sia....lol

If my suggestions are implemented, im sure air travel will definately be much more safe and customers will feel soooo much more at ease.....lol

The ever prwetty SIA girl...


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