Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Red, the colour for prosperity

Went to watch memoirs of a geisha with jian and vic 2 days back. The show starred big names like Zhang Ziyi, Gong Li and Michelle Yeo. All i can say about the movie is... in the book, Nobu has only 1 arm but in the movie, he has

Yesterday, i visited an old teacher of mine. He's now 35 with 2 daughters, the elder one being 4 this year. I knew him since , erm... about 10 years ago?!?!?! From my form teacher in pri 4, he has now risen to become a HOD of science. Congrats man. Indeed, many moons, stars, planets and what so ever have I sincerely thank you for the years of kind and patient teaching you have bestowed upon me. Without you, i'm sure i wouldn't be who i am now.

After reminisciening about the past with my dear teacher, i headed down to East Coast Park to meet the rest of the gang for a roller blading session. It was then that i found out that roller blading equals hard knocks, grazed skins and many ouches. The last time i roller bladed was almost 10 plus years ago when i was still small enough to find shoes that fit in BATA (now, i don't even stop to look at bata cos my feet are too freakin big....hahaha). Thus, it was a challenge for me to even get up and stumble around with my blades on.

After renting the blades which was freakin expensive ( $10 for the 1st hr, $7 for subsequent hrs), i was forced to stumble around for a while before i managed to devise a way to propel myself forward. I was still having problems balancing and shifting my weight so for every few steps forward, i would lose balance and become a mass of flailing limbs before i got back my balance and continued a few meters forward.

The plan was to blade down towards the direction of fort road where Jul lived to link up with her. Thus, the public got a glimpse of something that resembled a floundering giant turtlish elephant on wheels stumbling along the east coast park. Miraculously, on the way to fort road, i didn't fall at all. I was however beckoned into an attractive lamp post and a tree called me to

This is not an actual photo. Animals do not roller blade.

However, on the way back, i got to know that blading is a dangerous sport, especially for people 1.93m in height. I guess tall people have high CGs so it's harder for them to balance and they also fall harder. I fell twice and grazed both my elbows drawing blood. At least blood is red which is the colour for prosperity. Since the blood oozed out from me does it mean im oozing with prosperity?lol

The first mishap happened when jean fell and blocked the road. As i was following close behind, i could not stopin time and thus fell over her and crumpled into a heap. Damn, i forgot to follow the no tail gating rule especially behing newbies. Then again, jean did not display her P

The second fall happened when i lost balance and fell on my back. Upon further investigation, clarence and i agreed that it was because of a pair of babes that past us. It was the same pair that caused clarenece to fall a while before me.

I think that in future, when my friends go blading, i'll join them ... ... on a bike....wahahaha. Its so much safer with 2 brakes and also much faster. I'll then be able to ride infront of them and make faces at them...hahahahah.

After blading, Clarence and i went down to union. It was supposed to be beginners night and the plan was to go down and scout out a few good looking beginners and give them pointers and stuff to help them improve and recruit them into SNU. Talk about long term investment...hahahahhaha. Instead, we found out that it was more like " beginners 10 years ago night". Allt he instructors and pros were down there that night. Suddenly, it seemed that we were the beginners...hahahaha. Upon further interaction, super mario was coming down to union so the whole salsa world was there that night to see him.

So we waited and waited. He finally appeared at about 11.37pm. He's big, really BIG. BIGGER DEN ME!!! I saw him dance half a dance before i hurriedly left union and ran to the MRT station where i barely caught the last train.

Oh wells, so much for watching mario.


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