Sunday, February 19, 2006

Diamonds last forever... ... Or so they say...

Nothing lasts forever. No your ball point pen, your OP shirt, your Tiffany and Co ring, your table, your chair, your Toshiba laptop, your freakin Ipod.... .... nothing.

It feels like when a group of friends decide to head down to their usual hang out one day, hmm.... lets give an example... ... union square??? Ok so you guys have like been going they to chill, to piss, to do all sorta stuff like forever. One day, you head down (like for the 1 234 407th time) and you find the place closed down and a "For Rent" sign hanging there.

Yes, it sure feels that way.

Something that everyone thought was perfect, comforting, everlasting and would always be there suddenly fell apart.

It's scary.


However, after all things that have happened, DO NOT DESPAIR!!!

Lemme tell u a story. I used to have this black digital cum analog hybrid adidas sports watch. I think i stunned it form my brother when he started wearing his timberland Anyways, this watch acompanied me through the worst days of my army life. I wore it on my enlistment day when i was seperated from my parents. I wore it when i was repeated tekaned my my sergeants and pc (but guess wad.... im ording soon:)). I wore it when I was soaking wet in field camp, crawling on all fours through the mud, shivering in the cold at night in a leaking basha. I went through a lot with it. I grew attached to it and it sorta became part of me. Without it, i actually felt funny.

Then one fine day, my watch suddenly died. I a moment of clumsiness at buona vista mrt, i forgot how long my arms yer and accidentally smashed my hand with watch against a pillar. My seemingly indestructable watch cracked. The lcd be came a rainbow of clours, the minute hand fell off.

I was quite disturbed. Blamed myself for wad happened. That moment of folly. You may think it's a joke that one could actually feel sad over a watch but it's true. I really liked that watch. I was sad for a while but after that incident guess wad. Im now wearing a spankingly silver metal casio watch :). It looks great both as a sports and a casual watch. I really like it. It costed me $70 bucks and was de last piece at the time i bought it. Not that i don't think about the old black adidas watch, but i guess i've moved on.

What im trying to say is, the hardest part is letting go and do not blame yourself for what that has happened. Be it good or bad, things happen for a reason.

I was shattered when i failed my higher chinese for o lvls. Coming from a premium chinese school in sg, it was a disgrace and i was extremely dejected. Furthermore, i was kicked out from NJC after first 3months and thrown into ACJC. Imagine the pain, fear and sadness i felt at that time. I thought the whole world was trying to make a joke out of me. I actually cried.

However, looking back, the whole episode though seemed like the end of the world at that time actually was a good thing for me. If i hadn't failed my higher chinese, been kicked out of NJC into ACJC, i wouldn't have known all the good friends and shared all the happy moments. I dare say now that i feel lucky to have been kicked out of NJC :).

See, things happen for a reason. It's just that we can't see it at that point of time. The world is so magical thanks to the many msyteries and unsolved questions. Try to take thing in your stride. Friends and family are there for a reason.

The hardest part is letting go. It's easier said than done. However after you do so, it unlocks endless possiblities. For every end comes many new beginnings. Such is the beauty of life. For every broken toy comes the opportunity of even nicer ones. For every failed business venture comes the chance for an even more sucessful one. For every broken dancing shoe comes an opportunity to get even nicer ones. For every failed relationship comes a chance that someone better will sweep you off your feet. In the case of my broken watch, it led to an even nicer one.

Another thing is, try not to blame yourself for things that have happened. It's not all your fault. It takes two hands to clap, two people to salsa and O2, fuel and heat to start a forest fire. It's hard to fully pin the blame on anyone party cos of the many factors involved. Don't carry the full burden upon yourself. In the case of my watch, it could have been my clumsiness but then again it could have been that the watch was inherently faulty and chose that precise moment to give up and then u can even blame the architect of the station for placing a pillar there in the first place or the fact that maybe the stars aren't aligned properly at that

When things happened, we will be sad nevertheless. What we must do is to take it all in stride, get over the hurt asap, let go and move on. The possibilities are boundless.

When things go wrong and your world suddenly seems so unforgiving, lonely and dark, remember that... ...

It's on the darkest of nights that we see the brightest of stars... ...

(P.S. in case you might be wondering, i didn't take the above quote from anywhere. I came up with it:) )

It's on the darkest of nights that we see the brightest of stars... ...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eh... actually, diamond also have half life. (The half-life of a quantity subject to exponential decay is the time required for the quantity to fall to half of its initial value.)

Forgot the exact figure but it is in terms of millions of years. Hence 1 of my lecturer used to say often "Diamonds are not forever. But is damn close to forever"

kekeke ;P

Agree with U abt things happen for a reason. Had experienced many set-backs & had also screwed myself up a couple of times. But I had emerged stronger & able to cope with crisis better :)

Life is a journey, enjoy the ride ;)

BTW, I would like to say "In the darkest of night, then U can C the Milky Way."

Saw it for the 2nd time in my life last week in some mountain :D
As usual, U can never C it in light polluted Spore ;P

2:09 PM  

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