Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Office therapy

I think photocopying stuff is theraputic. Anyways, i just started to plan my leave forecast today and guess wad... ... 20 more working days till i clear leave!!!!! Time to hang up the ol' Gotex boots and kiss the yucky SFI food goodbye...wahahaha. I won't be missing the army man...hahaha,,,

Back to photocopying, I was arrowed to photocopy some stuff today. A few files of stuff at that. So upon receving my mission, i carried the stuff and marched down to the ORDerly room where the darn machine was located.

I took out the stuff from the files, dumped the whole pile of crap onto the tray and pressed the green magic button. Lo and behold, the machine hungrily swallowed up the stack of paper page by page and spat out the original copy somewhere else.

Seeing it happen felt wierdly pleasant and relaxing. Somehow it felt like force feeding someone you hate while he trys to feebly spit out the stuff you fed him.... Wahahaha!!!! talk about power and revenge. I can just imagine myself with a whip lashing out at the poor photocopier ... ... "Eat faster!!! AND SPIT IT OUT EVEN FASTER U BUCKET OF BOLTS!!!!!!!WAHAHAHAHAHAHAH" You should see me with the shredding

Oh yah... besides spitting out the original, the photocopier also produced copies. Which is rather cool. Some copiers produce colour copies but the one i had produced only black and white copies.

If only copiers could zap out other stuff other than papers... ... Imagine... ... just pool some money and buy a ferrari or porsche then zap out a few more!!! Cars for everyone. Or maybe a Jessica Alba or Sayuri in every house. Better still... ... Free I Pod Nanos for everyone!!! Free food, free houses, FREE EVERYTHING!!!!!! Wahahaha... who needs economics to solve the problem of limited resouces but unlimited wants!!!

Early attempt at human cloning

Back to the topic, if you do not have access to a photocopier, you can always accidentally drag your rival's tie into the shredder, staple someone else's copy of FHM together or toss paper clips at your irritating next cubicle collegue. Worst come to worst, you can always use a marker to draw obscene pictures on your boss's table during lunch break and try to convince everyone that it was the secretary's pet goldfish that did it. (p.s. if you actually manage to do that, please teach me how to do so

To think that work actually sucks...hahahahaha

Goldie the artistic goldfish


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