Friday, February 10, 2006

... ...I've been sleeping a thousand years it seems, got to open my eyes to everything... ...

Well, this happened a few months back but the issue suddenly hit me today:) Remember the small blue dream catcher that i bought from JB a while back? Well, i decided that i would make a great accessory for the brown leather bag i bought frm HK:). With the bracelet that i bought from Shenzhen which i also put on my bag, i was trying to achieve that weathered, native woodlandish look for my bag...hahahahaha

Anyways, one day, a friend of my asked me why the hell did i attach a dream catcher to my bag... dream catchers are supposed to be hung in the bed room near the bed so as to catch warm, nice and fuzzy dreams and filter out the dark scary

Well, i thought for a while and gave him an answer that since i was sleeping perpatually most of the time (especially when im in camp wearing my green pjs...wahahahahaha), the dream catcher was to aid me in my frequent day dreaming rountine cause i seem to get weird and scary dreams in camp.

The dream catcher held up well for a month or so. I enjoyed stroking the 3 feathers on it. However during one stormy day, i was caught in a rain on my way home. I did not melt even though we know that rain is slightly acidic but to my horror, one of the feathers on my precious dream catcherbroke off as i stroked it!!! It seemed that the rain caused the threads to tighten and on apply additional pressure, the string securing the feather broke off... ...

Ok... back to 10/02/06 23:01... ... It seems clear to me. The incident sends a very important message... ... IT'S TIME TO STOP DREAMING ALL THE TIME AND WAKE UP YOUNG!!! The timing is pretty apt too. Since the rigours of the A levels, I have been dreaming, bumming and slacking my way through the last 2 plus yearsin NS (Trust me its a natural process for all guys in the Now that im due to leave it very very soon, it's time to stop slacking, to stop hibernating in the mess all the time and start pulling up my socks to prepare to work yet again. Nap time's over. Uni's gonna be a bitch ( budden again many of them sassy bitches are actually good lookin...wahahahahaha). Time to work for my future. Whether im gonna like rule the world and make salsa the international dance or end up working at BP pumping petrol for ferraris and lexuses for peanuts when im 52 gonna depend on the next few formative years... ...

I also realised something else. In life, it's all about BALANCE. The world is a cold dark place. Lotsa hard and sharp edges and dressed in gloomy sad colours. Unhappy things happen everyday. Bombings and killings show up all the time. Tell me when was the lst time someone actually gave you a sincere smile or a nice passionate kiss?

Dreaming and living in self delusion on the other hand, makes the world look rosy and warm. It paints the world in warm pastel colours. Hot pink, lavender blue, sun kiss yellow.... Suddenly everything seems bright and cheery. Rough edges are replaced with warm embraces. Birds start chirping in the trees and flowers start to bloom like in those old disney cartoons... ...

Be too pragmatic and live life for the sake of earning your next meal and risk turning bitter and pessimistic. Stay too dreamy all the time and you'll probably live in yer own world and find yourself chasing imaginary butterflies and building castles in the air.

Yesh. We must always try to seek balance in whatever we do. The yin and yang thingy should balance. When you eat 5g of meat, you must eat like 15g of vegetables (sounds funny but...????). When you spend 8bucks to ge into union, always remember to earn 8 bucks back. Whenyou use 10 bales of kleenex toilet paper, try to grow back 10 trees...wahahahahaha

If you found that the above is all crap, just remember... ... It's all about BALANCE.

(p.s. there are no funny pictures and captions in this post as it is supposed to be a serious soul searching entry. Likewise you don't see the PM flashing sunday life cartoons during his speeches in parliment right...hahahahaha)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes... Life is about balance :)

Glad U can C it at yr tender age. Frankly, I realised it last year only. Talk abt SLOW :P

12:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes... Life is about balance :)

Glad U can C it at yr tender age. Frankly, I realised it last year only. Talk abt SLOW :P

12:51 PM  

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