Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Civilian Conversion Course... ...

Yay!!!! Finally, my life is starting to turn for the better. The smell of liberation hangs thickly in the air. I feel like a catepillar in the final stages of metamorphasis in my cocoon waiting to burst out to greet the world ( or a mosquito in the final moments before emerging from my puapa to go around and suck blood and spread terror through aedes....wahahahaha), and meet other fellow insects like houseflies, bees and spiders?lol. Hopefully, i wouldn't be caught by some stupid kid and be fed to his obese fat cat or preserved and made into some ornament hanging on the wall... yikes!!! lol

Benny asked himself when he would shed his green and fly.

Yup, im starting to clear leave/off and whatever have i nots. If all goes well, today would be the last day that i'll ever be seen wearing that ugly dirty green brown and black uniform and listen to obviously retarded people that can be found infecting our army. " Yes sir", "No sir".... Blah wadever man...No more waking up at like 6 in the morning to catch 198 or 157 to jp to catch yet another bus to work. No more sucky SFI food. No more magically searing arrows and waiting for last parade at 5.15pm.

Anyways, once you reach the bottom, there's no way else except to go up. The end of this dreadful signals a start of a more beautiful one. I hearby decree the start of my CIVILIAN CONVERSION COURSE!!!

In this course, soon to be civilians will learn the fine art of being a true blue(or pink) member of the civilised world. They will slowly unlearn barbaric ways that have being force fed to them in the last 2 plus years.

Modern cavemen and their toys... ...

Here is a sample of modules that they will be exposed to.

1) Learn that green is not meant to make hiding in trees easier but should be employed correctly to make a fashion statement.
2) Realise that trees, grass and vegetation do not translate into public toilets anymore.
3) Vulgarities like cb, knn, f u do not make one sound more macho but makes you sound stupid.
4) Waking up from like 4 to 7am in the mornings is actually inhuman.
5) SFI really produces sucky food.
6) Brawn is good but brains is better.
7) There is no such word as marshaller.
8) Marshal is the correct word to use.
9) Area cleaning is meant to be subcontracted to cleaning companies.
10) Regimentation like foot drill is counterproductive. Creativity is what moves the world.
11) Make love not war!!! :)

There are a total of over 254 modules to choose from and to gradute, soon to be civilians got to pass a total of modules ranging from 40 to 75 depending on the individual's duration of service, in a period starting from the time they clear leave till they ord.

The collection of their pink IC signifys the passing out of the course and the ceremony after that is up to the individual's wimp and fancy....lol

Anyways, to commemorate the start of my CCC, i went to get a new pair of specs!!!

The new frame... Notice de bling bling?

Well, it seems that my old pair of specs, after withstanding 2+ years of harsh climate and abuse, was failing me. It had turned from its original black colour to silver due to the flaking of the paint and the lenses now resemble a cat's scratch board...lol

One last look at old specy... we'll miss you... ... NOT!!!! wahahaha

My funky new half rimmed specs with grey sides costed me a total of 160 bucks but it's money well spent. From now on, i guess i'll not be known as the really tall guy but... .... the really tall guy with FUNKY SPECS!!!! wahahahahaha.

Hmm.... i swear i could hear gals flocking towards me.

Well, with this pair of specs, i'll defiantely take the civilised world by storm upon gradutation form the CCC!!! WAHAHAHAHAH!!!!

All out to take the world by storm


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