Monday, March 27, 2006

The book

The object in question

Allo folks i haven't been updating for a while. Somehow i haven't been in the mood to blog lately. It could be becos the stars aren't aligned properly or something lidat. Then agian, maybe the lazy bug has caught up with

Anyways, be it in your office cubicle, common room in yer camp, computer room in school or using your laptop in starbucks or cooffee bean, i hope that this blog has and will continue to brighten up your day or at least keep u entertained for that 5.23 mins spent reading it.:)

Anyways, for some freak reason of nature that i will never comprehend, i suddenly chanced upon my good ol' "book of thoughts" today that i had misplaced and figured was lost to the world forever.

Actually it's just an acjc exercise book that used to be a gp article review book that was soon converted to a chem then maths book but finally ended up as a book for mi classmates and i from sb7 to vandalise and draw or write nonscene to keep ourselves entertained during

Original intention

Inside, besides all the rubbish, i actually found various valuable stuff worth keeping inside. I found several collection worthy artworks among the pages including a cartoon man drawn by jinn, a female manga character beautifully done by ming hui, a pen sketch of the acjc main building done by mi from the sports complex on 8/5/03 (or so it says here), some chim lit(which i still don that christabel wrote and many other doodles and phrases/ lines, courtesy of some of mi other mates. Best of all, i found some peoms(or things that attempt to resemble peoms.... i was a sci student mind u...hahah) that i had actually come up wif:)

Results of a lecture room full of bored SB7 students with too much time on their

Ming's uber kawaii manga character

Flower shirt, afro hairdo and way too much liquid paper marks... it screams jinn all over

Bel's take on chimology lit... i guess we should just stick to being sci students...haha

Well, this book sure brings back memories... I guess jc was still fun after all. All the afternoons spent at sig park squashing (we were soooo into squash...hahahah), swimming (they still call me sea monster), jaquzzing, tennising and having food at the nearby market or "failure" coffeeshop (i call it failure coffeeshop cos i used to always go there and brood over stuff (usually becaused i failed some test in during my time in tchs. i ALWAYS eat the duck rice wif braised nuts Walking along orchard in our blue collared white shirts and blue pants school uniform was quite AA too...hahahahaha

Even mugging was kinda fun in a wierd way. We would meet up and study at places like woodlands library (jwo me n vic will then head to causeway pt for pasta mania during lunch), JE library wif jinn and sometimes orchard library. If i wanted to study alone, i usually went to IMM's Bk and occupy a couch seat with a drink and my discman. Most of the time we would end up talking (or whispering) about latest songs (vic would insist that jay chou was better compared to david tao whom i prefer) and movies and other wad have we nots after studying for an hour or so and end up checking the other babes also studying in the vicinity.wahahaha. Yesh, studying in jc was still kinda fun i

Well, to end of, here's a peom , or something that hopefully resembles a peom, that i'd like to share. I used to write such stuff in jc when i wanted to clear my mind or was just dead bored.

Never the radiance of the sun
or the tinge of light
but ever the touch of calm
under the soulful moon
With the song of the evening glow
and the words of the morning dew
but never the chorus of the damn sunrise
nor the tune of the passing shine
Rest one
Cool one
Calm one
by: young

My take of the school forever immortalised on paper.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, school days are the most fun. Do treasure the memories & the friends U made there :)

8:52 AM  

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