Thursday, March 23, 2006

Failure.... or is it?

They say that failure is bad. All of us must aim to succed in wadeva we do. Failure is NEVER an option. Our society prohibits us to fail. Take our education system for example. Failure to perform in tests and exams would entail negative consequences like remedial, extra lessons, detention... ... and retests till the student pass. Further failure ACADEMICALLY would result in going to places like EM3, ITE while success would bring one to places of fame and prestige like JC and universitites. Oxford, harvard, MIT, LSE ... ...

Or is it?

I believe that success is good and mistakes are bad most of the time. However there are times when making mistakes is good. Take salsa for example. Through my mistakes, i've come up with new moves. Through my failures, i've learnt new things.

Take today for example, i went down to XEN where sherv and clarence were having lessons. I went down cos i had made a mistake dancing with jul yesterday at union but i realised that the mistake actually had potiential to become a new move. Thus, i went down to XEN to trial and error to try and convert the mistake into a new move. Well, in the end a new move did surface:) ( the move is a tad bit hard to execute and the lady has to be able to follow well... but if it's pulled of nicely, it's damn nice!!!!)

At this point, i would like to sincerely thank SHERVONNE for all her kind and patient support. Up to date i think i have came up with about 2 to 3 new moves and numerous turn patterns with her. Thanks for lending me yer arms, legs and putting up wif all the giddiness and stuff. If not your yer occasional nudges in the right direction when i was having dancer's block and constant tolerance of awkward positions, I wouldnt have been able to come up with new stuff and improve as a whole. One day, we'll like wow the salsa world wif all de flashy stuff. Think of the camera flashes, limos and groupies. WE'LL RULE THE SALSA WORLD!!!!!! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH...

Back to failure, there's an old chinese saying "Shi bai nai shi chen gong zi mu". Rougley translated, it means " Failure is the mother of all successes". I find it to be quite true. Making mistakes is one thing. If it's done in isolation, it is definately negative. However if one follows it up by learning from the mistakes we make, then that is converting neagativity into something constructive. Make most out of our mistakes. Now dat's what we should aim to do:)

I know that this picture is like totally opposite to wad im saying but i just had to put it in..

On a different note, Je sens le genre de confondu maintenant. Pas le * l'égratignure dirige * "huh ?" le genre de confondu mais plus du * prend la promenade longue dans le parc, dévisager au ciel et méditer de ce que je veut* le genre de confondu.. .. Soupir.. Oh wells... ....

And you wonder why i like to stare at the sky... ...


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