Friday, March 10, 2006

2 days on...

Allo folks... it has been 2 ( or 3 since im like writing this at 1.34am) days since my leave started. Suddenly, i have sooooooo much time on my hands. So if any of you out there has any activities to take part in, please give me a buzz, drop me a line or if you happen to be stuck like in the sahara desert or something, send me a smoke signal. Anything will do. Be it watching a movie, salsaing, shopping, jamming, watching grass grow or counting the number of leaves in the tree, if im awake ( cos i need my 14 hours of beauty sleep:) ) i'll happily join you.

Anyways, on wed, i decided to go down to SMU and meet up wif esther and her gang. Hmm, going back to an educational institution brought back many thoughts. Well, the plan was that esther would give me a tour of the school but it seemed that there weren't many interesting places in school. I guess schools are all the same. Lecture rooms (or in SMU's case seminar rooms), project rooms, white washed walls, lockers, more lecture rooms... ... you get the picture. An interesting point to note was that there was actually a wee bit of greenery in the school, consisting of a small open grass patch and a few pitiful trees. No landscape japanese zen gardens and stuff. Hmm... i wonder where do SMU couples go to take romantic strolls and whisper sweet nothings into each other's ears. Then again, maybe they just head straight to the point and proceed to the nearby hotel rendevous and carlton hotel to do their thang....WAHAHAHAHAHHAH...

Jang jang jang...

Spent a good half an hour or so with esther and her gang in a project room where terry was busy *cough* copying *cough* an assignment while the gals were i dunno... watching grey's anatomy and surfing the net??? Well, coming from them, it seems that uni life is a bitch. Sorta like sec sch and jc. Lotsa work, assignments, projects and competiton. Stress seems to be the order of the day. Seems like evryone's out to outdo each other, much like in all de reality shows (think survivor, the apprentice... ...). Lotsa mugging, late nights and drudgery. Shit!!! i tot uni was supposed to be fun!!! The last stop to enjoy and have fun before we head out to the all so cruel world... ... Well, wad can i say? Hopefully i'll be able to psycho myself to enjoy uni in future. At least there are babes there :)

At 5, i joined them for their salsa lesson to c wad it was like. It was conducted in the dance studio which was located in the school gym. Upon entry into the gym, i suddenly became self conscious. I do noe that im far from being in shape. Seeing all the sports jocks gyming, shaping and toning their muscles and what have they nots, sure struck a raw nerve. Memories of gym in jc, which was more often then not of poor ol' barrel of lard, aka me' helplessly trying towhip myself into shape admist a concentration of much masculinity and brawn ( aka school canoeist and sports players) showing of their muscle power on the other gym machines. Sigh... i uess nothing much has changed.

Anyways, the lesson was so so i guess. The only thing i felt was lacking was the complexity of the moves. The lesson was actually of the 2nd intermediate level out of a total of 3 levels but i felt the moves that were taught were a tad bit easy. Other than that, i guess the rest was fine.

After lesson, i headed down to parklane and then to plaza sg. Went to check out guitars and guitar lessons. At parklane, i found a place that charged 40 bucks per hour for individual lessons and im considering whether to take it up. I also found a shop at the basement that was building a jamming studio. Surprisingly, i found a new dance school called joseph and josphine dance creative if i remembered correctly. It seems that they are teaching ballroom and latin dances.

At ps, i went to the yamaha shop. Met an old school mate who was back in sg on a break from studying overseas. Chatted with him and his collegues about guitars when for the first time, they led me into the sacred room!!!!

Ok. At yamaha, the cheaper to mid range of guitars (200 to about 700 bucks) are left outside for people to try on freely. However, the good stuff (900 ++++++ dollars) are all locked away ina display room for obvious reasons. Most of those inside are hand crafted ones.

So inside the room, i was offered a $970 acoustic guitar to try on. I guess it was one of the cheaper ones in the room but i was BLOWN AWAY!!!! Playing it was truly orgasmic!!!! The sound was crystal clear and had sooooo much depth. I could literrally feel the sound!!!! Thank you guys so much for letting me into that wondeful room :).

Btw, just a tot. yamaha manufactures amd sells things from tuning forks, pianos and guitars to motorbikes. What's next? Cup noodles?lol Musical cup noodles would be cool. Imagine, whenever you start pourinf hot water into the cup to cook the noodles, a song will be played. The end of the song would signal that your noodles have been coocked and is ready for consumption. If the water you add is too hot, the tempo of the song will increase. If it's too cold, the song will be played slower. Cool right. They could have various genre of musical noodles. From pop to rock to jazz. Imagine hearing maroon 5 or oasis while waiting for your noodles to be done. Celia Cruz - La Vida Es Un Carnaval would be even better!!! Besides, they could even tie down with various artists to promote special events. Think "James Blunt collectors edition" musical cup

Maybe they'll make musical cup noodles in future

After my foray into guitars, i went to xenbar at about 9.30 to try and squeeze in a few dances with clarence's intermidiate classmates. I wasn't very much sucessful. Those people mostly, actually ALL promptly left after class. Shervonne had a history test to study for the next day while clarence had to reach camp early too so they had to leave early at about 10.15. Seeing no point in staying too, i left with them. In the end, i paid 7 bucks for half an hour wif clarence, shervonne and an angmoh lady. It was an expensive half hour but atleast the dances i had were still ok. Shervonne can dance pretty well i must say. Quality beats quantity anytime. As usual, the place was dark, resembling my bedroom at night. Well, at least Emma was nice... ...


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