Sunday, March 19, 2006


Yesterday, 18/03/06 was a GREAT night of salsa. Mosaic was going on at the esplanade and it was salsa fiesta yestterday. Basically, they invited great latin bands like afro cuban allstars to perform latin numbers and strut their stuff. Since it was supposed to be salsa fiesta, there were alot of salsa numbers been played.

The music was FABULOUS. It's different from what we always get in union due to various factors. Firstly, the most important one is that the bands that were on stage at the mosiac were FULL BANDS inclusive of 2 percussionists at the least, a bassit, a lead guitar and a keyboardist. At union, the "band" isn't really quite as full, with only 1 percussionist, a vocalist and a keyboardist. BLEAH!!!! Secondly, i must say the acts at mosiac were far more proficient in their performance skills as compared to those at union. I mean those people are interantional artists!!!

Thus, the music was very soulful and had lotsa depth. We could really feel the passion simmering and inevitable saw booties shaking from dancers and non dancers alike:) The ambience was excellent!!!

Anyways, after having meeting up and having dinner at BK ( clarence and elieen decided to have kfc instead), we reached the nokia music station at around 8pm. We were rather disappointed cos i was supposed to be salsa fiesta but they did not provide us with a proper area to dance. We were like "wad de hell!!!!". Salsa Inca went on soon after we arrived. The first number they played was a salsa song. I was lamenting to alan that it was such a waste cause the music was great but we had no place to dance!!!!

After the first song, i decided that not to dance with such great music was a waste. It's like paying good money to buy a pint of Hagen Daaz ( or ben and jerry's) and leaving it to melt in the sun!!! So, upon hearing that the second number was also a salsa song, i asked jul if she wanted to dance. Despite the uneven floor and the lack of proper footwear (she was wearing slippers), she was game for it. Thus, we started dancing on the open space behing the nokia music station.

For me, it was the HIGHLIGHT OF THE NIGHT!!!! Since it was impromptu act of impulse, we WERE THE FIRST COUPLE OF THE NIGHT TO SALSA IN FULL VIEW OF THE PUBLIC!!!! Initially when we just started dancing, there we just a few people who stopped to look but into the middle and end of the dance, a CROWD of people had gathered!!!

Throughout the dance, there were lotsa opened jaws, lotsa camera flashes and i think i also saw a couple of video cams. Upon seeing that we had become the object of interest for soooo many people, i started to feel rather intimidated. My legs started to quiver a bit but i guess that since there was a lot of body movement and that my legs very in constant motion, no one saw it. Hahahahaha. I was also started to feel tensed as so many people were actually scrutinising us!!! Throughout the whole dance, what i did was to clear my mind of the surroundings and focused most of my attention on my partner. All i could think of was not to make any hideous mistakes and to make us look as good as humanly possible. It was not an easy feat given the less than ideal floor condition.

When the music finally ended and we stopped, there was a roaring appluase!!! It was then that i realised that well, we actually managed to pull it off:) Hearing the applause and knowing that we did well was an exhilarating experience!!! I realised that knowing how to salsa and daring to do so in public are two differnt things and im happy to say that jul and i DARED to do it and DID it...wahahahahahahah. After the crowd dispersed and we were walking away, someone even walked up to jul to thank her and told her that she danced well. A group of guys even asked jul to take a photo with them!!! Wad can i say? It was definately a job well done and if given a choice, i would choose to do it again!!!!!

Anyways, soon after, the gang realised what had happened and were also in awe. Soon, the band went for a break and when the second set started, SNU became the party. We started dancing in the same area again and an even bigger crowd gathered to watch. True, there was also a reuda group sharing the spotlight but i guess we drew more attention cause we had more couples and our members danced with each of our own individual styles and flairs. I must say we did an excellent job. Soon after when more dancers realised what was happening and that the was actually a dance floor ( started by ju, me and the rest of the gang), more and more couples stepped out to dance. It was lotsa fun!!!

At about 9.50pm, the band played their last number and left. We proceeded to another performance area to the left where another band was playing and started dancing yet again. This continued all the way to 11 when we proceeded back to the nokia music station to catch the afro-cuban allstars jamming where we danced

It was defiantely a night of great music, great friends and good dances.

After the whole event ended, we went down to the makan sutra glutoon square to have supper. The food wasn't great and the drink store had run out of ice. The kaya toast they sold was cold. Oh well.... At least we managed to come to a concensus about our KL trip accomodation.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eh Young.. pics are on the yahoo group site.. :P

10:08 AM  

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