Sunday, February 26, 2006

Scary shit

First of all... ... I'll like to wish jinn a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! This old friend of mine has turned 21!!! Good luck in whatever you do man. Stay funky and jinnish always :)

Ok, back to the topic. After trashing jinn's house for his bday, many rounds of mahjong and knocking back strange concoctions consisting of jim bean, bombay sapphire, absolut vodka, smirnoff, ice lemon tea, florida's natural cranberry and grapefruit juice and coke plus the xbox and watch honey dvd, i went home at about 7.15am. Had one egg onion and two plain pratas( prata is the ULTIMATE breakfast food....wahahahah), 2 siew mais and an icced milo for breakfast at the coffeeshop near my house before i went home, bathed and crashed my bed.

The aircon was 23 degrees and before long, i started dreaming... ... .... ...

I was leaving this district of homes where all of them were low rise shop houses and strangely resembled those old malaysian townslol. Met jwo and we took a bus. It was a long ride and we talked lotsa shit which i can't remember. The bus actually passed funny places like a draw bridge and an industrial estate before it reached its destiantion.

Along the way, i took out a phone, some D600i. It was a uber thin uber stylish flip phone so much so that after flipping it so many times throughout the dream, the joint became loose. Must say, the phone seriously looked nice.wahahahah

Anyways, it seemed that the destination was a foreign university which looked rather run downed and eerie. Upon entering the university, i asked a female whom i think i met on the bus and seemed to be my buddy throughout the whole dream. I can't remember her face but i think she was good looking. Anyways, we had a conversation and somehow it seemed that this was to be my university for the next few months as SMU was undergoing some major reconstruction thingy. WTH!!!! school fees so expensive still give us rubbish like this.

I appeared next in some equally old and gloomy lecture room and attended some lessons on econs, GP, history and maths i think. Boring stuff. Can't really remember much except i was given lotsa assignments which i seriously couldn't do. I mainly just stuffed them all into my bag and left.

I left school and went home. I woke up briefly as my brother was blasting music from my laptop but promptly fell asleep again.

In the next scene, i was on my way to school again on the bus talking to my goregous female buddy. Suddenly, she told me that i actually had to finish all my assignments because the deadlines were today. She also said it was important as they would seriously affect my overall grades.

I totally freaked out!!! When i reached school, i started throwing everything out from my bag. I was doing this sitting on the floor in the middle of a common hallway. Teachers were walking by and i was making such a huge mess. In the pile of files and papers that i dug out, there were old acjc timetables, army cartoons, old lecture notes, the assignments and other crap. I tried to sort them out and arrange them properly. A teacher then stopped to talk to me. She vaguely reminded me of shirine.

Anyways, i realised that i had lots to do and little time left... ... ... ...

I was totally freaked out and then i woke up.

Shit man. University is still months away but the horrors have begun....

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Solving this mystery will be hard... ...

First of all, MY UNDERSTUDY ARRIVED TODAY!!!! He has a cute neame called Chen Chen :) (i'm not making it up. It's seriously his name) He seems alright so far. Gotta observe him for a while longer to really judge him though. It feels so good. After so freakingly loooonnnng, it is really time for me to kiss the army good bye.... GOOD LUCK TO U MAN CHEN CHEN!!!! I'M GOING!!!! DON'T MISS ME!!!!!MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH (It's supposed to be evil Life sure gets better by the day :)

The gang(well most of it) went down to Xenbar to check it out today. Well, as before, i felt the place a tad bit too quiet and moody for a salsa bar. First of all, when we got there at 9, lessons were still going on and we only got to use the floor at about 9.30.

Secondly, the place was rather dim. This poses a many problems, one of which was that shervonne couldn't really see me when we were dancing. It seems that my maroon coloured U2 shirt blended a bit too well with the surrounding darkness and camouflaged me too effectively...wahahahaha. What can i say... ... Green is so passe. Should suggest to the army to change their unforms to shades of red and brown. Urban warfare mah. Wearing green would only make the troops stand out from the surroundings like erm... i donnuo... ... durians among a crate of bananas?lol

Besides that, the dance floor was too small for my liking and elieen found it too slippery. There was no live band. Music came from a bunch of CDs. Worst still, being a friday night, there was sadly not many people in the bar. We basically conquered the dance floor. Other than a couple who were practicing their chero routine, no one else came onto the dance floor.... :( Talk about salsa being a social thing....

Anyways, i came to realise a mystery about my salsa today. ( Actually i was told about it before but till now i haven't been able to solve it, hence a msytery.) It seems that 80... no more like 93.275% of the ladies that danced with me find it very taxing and jia lat. Logically, if the lady in the couple finds it taxing and stressful to dance, the dance should not turn out nice. However, from the feedback from the people watching my routines, i gather that my dances are still PRESENTABLE (take note... i didn't say good) enough.

Most of the ladies end up disorientated and dizzy after dancing with me. Many swore not to dance with me again. Some chose to keep a safety distance of 2m away from me whenever i was around. The last i heard, union even contemplated about posting "Dancing with Young prohibited" signs at the

At first, it seemed that i spun ladies around too much. Well, i acknowledged that fact cause previously, as my vocab of moves was pitiful (not that it is much better now), i resorted to spinning the ladies a bit to zealously i guess to pass the songs' air time when i ran out of moves. Now, upon learning a few more turn patterns and routines, i consciously try to execute varying turn patterns and moves to fill up the songs rather than spin the ladies. However, this dosen't seem to be working as ladies still complain that the world passes in a blur when dancing with me and it feels more like a workout than a dance routine.

Next, came another problem was pointed out to me. It seemed that when leading some moves, my timing went haywire. I tink it boils down to a few other issues. One, it can be blamed on my relatively lack of skill. Thus, upon execution of certain moves, my timing screws up. Sorry gals, my fault. Im still trying to rectify it. Two, it seems that sometimes, i give pre tension as in i lead 1 or 2 beats earlier. This problem arose because when i dance with certain ladies who may not be in tuned with me or are not advanced to read my leads, they seem to not be able to complete moves in time. Thus, to counter that problem , i came up with the idea to lead them earlier to give them more time to finish the moves. I am also consciously trying to kick this bad habit.

Lately, i was also alerted to the possibility that my footwork could be too fanciful. This posed a problem to my partner who might become lost upon trying to use my foot work to follow the song. Well, all i can say is, this is individual styling. This is what makes dancing with different people fun as you get to experience each person's uniquenes and quirkiness.

Upon being alerted to my shortcomings and given a raincheck, i have tried to correctt the errors and mistakes during dacncing. Nowadays, i stick to the timing and execute moves more precisely. I do not torture ladies by spinning them too much but my footwork is still fancy. The thing is, ladies still find it hard to dance with me and still find it rather taxing and tiring. I have tried to identify and solve highlighted problems to the best of my abilities and so im in a fix right now.

Solving this mystery will definately be hard... ...

Macy's salsa career was shortlived... ...

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Diamonds last forever... ... Or so they say...

Nothing lasts forever. No your ball point pen, your OP shirt, your Tiffany and Co ring, your table, your chair, your Toshiba laptop, your freakin Ipod.... .... nothing.

It feels like when a group of friends decide to head down to their usual hang out one day, hmm.... lets give an example... ... union square??? Ok so you guys have like been going they to chill, to piss, to do all sorta stuff like forever. One day, you head down (like for the 1 234 407th time) and you find the place closed down and a "For Rent" sign hanging there.

Yes, it sure feels that way.

Something that everyone thought was perfect, comforting, everlasting and would always be there suddenly fell apart.

It's scary.


However, after all things that have happened, DO NOT DESPAIR!!!

Lemme tell u a story. I used to have this black digital cum analog hybrid adidas sports watch. I think i stunned it form my brother when he started wearing his timberland Anyways, this watch acompanied me through the worst days of my army life. I wore it on my enlistment day when i was seperated from my parents. I wore it when i was repeated tekaned my my sergeants and pc (but guess wad.... im ording soon:)). I wore it when I was soaking wet in field camp, crawling on all fours through the mud, shivering in the cold at night in a leaking basha. I went through a lot with it. I grew attached to it and it sorta became part of me. Without it, i actually felt funny.

Then one fine day, my watch suddenly died. I a moment of clumsiness at buona vista mrt, i forgot how long my arms yer and accidentally smashed my hand with watch against a pillar. My seemingly indestructable watch cracked. The lcd be came a rainbow of clours, the minute hand fell off.

I was quite disturbed. Blamed myself for wad happened. That moment of folly. You may think it's a joke that one could actually feel sad over a watch but it's true. I really liked that watch. I was sad for a while but after that incident guess wad. Im now wearing a spankingly silver metal casio watch :). It looks great both as a sports and a casual watch. I really like it. It costed me $70 bucks and was de last piece at the time i bought it. Not that i don't think about the old black adidas watch, but i guess i've moved on.

What im trying to say is, the hardest part is letting go and do not blame yourself for what that has happened. Be it good or bad, things happen for a reason.

I was shattered when i failed my higher chinese for o lvls. Coming from a premium chinese school in sg, it was a disgrace and i was extremely dejected. Furthermore, i was kicked out from NJC after first 3months and thrown into ACJC. Imagine the pain, fear and sadness i felt at that time. I thought the whole world was trying to make a joke out of me. I actually cried.

However, looking back, the whole episode though seemed like the end of the world at that time actually was a good thing for me. If i hadn't failed my higher chinese, been kicked out of NJC into ACJC, i wouldn't have known all the good friends and shared all the happy moments. I dare say now that i feel lucky to have been kicked out of NJC :).

See, things happen for a reason. It's just that we can't see it at that point of time. The world is so magical thanks to the many msyteries and unsolved questions. Try to take thing in your stride. Friends and family are there for a reason.

The hardest part is letting go. It's easier said than done. However after you do so, it unlocks endless possiblities. For every end comes many new beginnings. Such is the beauty of life. For every broken toy comes the opportunity of even nicer ones. For every failed business venture comes the chance for an even more sucessful one. For every broken dancing shoe comes an opportunity to get even nicer ones. For every failed relationship comes a chance that someone better will sweep you off your feet. In the case of my broken watch, it led to an even nicer one.

Another thing is, try not to blame yourself for things that have happened. It's not all your fault. It takes two hands to clap, two people to salsa and O2, fuel and heat to start a forest fire. It's hard to fully pin the blame on anyone party cos of the many factors involved. Don't carry the full burden upon yourself. In the case of my watch, it could have been my clumsiness but then again it could have been that the watch was inherently faulty and chose that precise moment to give up and then u can even blame the architect of the station for placing a pillar there in the first place or the fact that maybe the stars aren't aligned properly at that

When things happened, we will be sad nevertheless. What we must do is to take it all in stride, get over the hurt asap, let go and move on. The possibilities are boundless.

When things go wrong and your world suddenly seems so unforgiving, lonely and dark, remember that... ...

It's on the darkest of nights that we see the brightest of stars... ...

(P.S. in case you might be wondering, i didn't take the above quote from anywhere. I came up with it:) )

It's on the darkest of nights that we see the brightest of stars... ...

Friday, February 10, 2006

... ...I've been sleeping a thousand years it seems, got to open my eyes to everything... ...

Well, this happened a few months back but the issue suddenly hit me today:) Remember the small blue dream catcher that i bought from JB a while back? Well, i decided that i would make a great accessory for the brown leather bag i bought frm HK:). With the bracelet that i bought from Shenzhen which i also put on my bag, i was trying to achieve that weathered, native woodlandish look for my bag...hahahahaha

Anyways, one day, a friend of my asked me why the hell did i attach a dream catcher to my bag... dream catchers are supposed to be hung in the bed room near the bed so as to catch warm, nice and fuzzy dreams and filter out the dark scary

Well, i thought for a while and gave him an answer that since i was sleeping perpatually most of the time (especially when im in camp wearing my green pjs...wahahahahaha), the dream catcher was to aid me in my frequent day dreaming rountine cause i seem to get weird and scary dreams in camp.

The dream catcher held up well for a month or so. I enjoyed stroking the 3 feathers on it. However during one stormy day, i was caught in a rain on my way home. I did not melt even though we know that rain is slightly acidic but to my horror, one of the feathers on my precious dream catcherbroke off as i stroked it!!! It seemed that the rain caused the threads to tighten and on apply additional pressure, the string securing the feather broke off... ...

Ok... back to 10/02/06 23:01... ... It seems clear to me. The incident sends a very important message... ... IT'S TIME TO STOP DREAMING ALL THE TIME AND WAKE UP YOUNG!!! The timing is pretty apt too. Since the rigours of the A levels, I have been dreaming, bumming and slacking my way through the last 2 plus yearsin NS (Trust me its a natural process for all guys in the Now that im due to leave it very very soon, it's time to stop slacking, to stop hibernating in the mess all the time and start pulling up my socks to prepare to work yet again. Nap time's over. Uni's gonna be a bitch ( budden again many of them sassy bitches are actually good lookin...wahahahahaha). Time to work for my future. Whether im gonna like rule the world and make salsa the international dance or end up working at BP pumping petrol for ferraris and lexuses for peanuts when im 52 gonna depend on the next few formative years... ...

I also realised something else. In life, it's all about BALANCE. The world is a cold dark place. Lotsa hard and sharp edges and dressed in gloomy sad colours. Unhappy things happen everyday. Bombings and killings show up all the time. Tell me when was the lst time someone actually gave you a sincere smile or a nice passionate kiss?

Dreaming and living in self delusion on the other hand, makes the world look rosy and warm. It paints the world in warm pastel colours. Hot pink, lavender blue, sun kiss yellow.... Suddenly everything seems bright and cheery. Rough edges are replaced with warm embraces. Birds start chirping in the trees and flowers start to bloom like in those old disney cartoons... ...

Be too pragmatic and live life for the sake of earning your next meal and risk turning bitter and pessimistic. Stay too dreamy all the time and you'll probably live in yer own world and find yourself chasing imaginary butterflies and building castles in the air.

Yesh. We must always try to seek balance in whatever we do. The yin and yang thingy should balance. When you eat 5g of meat, you must eat like 15g of vegetables (sounds funny but...????). When you spend 8bucks to ge into union, always remember to earn 8 bucks back. Whenyou use 10 bales of kleenex toilet paper, try to grow back 10 trees...wahahahahaha

If you found that the above is all crap, just remember... ... It's all about BALANCE.

(p.s. there are no funny pictures and captions in this post as it is supposed to be a serious soul searching entry. Likewise you don't see the PM flashing sunday life cartoons during his speeches in parliment right...hahahahaha)

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Office therapy

I think photocopying stuff is theraputic. Anyways, i just started to plan my leave forecast today and guess wad... ... 20 more working days till i clear leave!!!!! Time to hang up the ol' Gotex boots and kiss the yucky SFI food goodbye...wahahaha. I won't be missing the army man...hahaha,,,

Back to photocopying, I was arrowed to photocopy some stuff today. A few files of stuff at that. So upon receving my mission, i carried the stuff and marched down to the ORDerly room where the darn machine was located.

I took out the stuff from the files, dumped the whole pile of crap onto the tray and pressed the green magic button. Lo and behold, the machine hungrily swallowed up the stack of paper page by page and spat out the original copy somewhere else.

Seeing it happen felt wierdly pleasant and relaxing. Somehow it felt like force feeding someone you hate while he trys to feebly spit out the stuff you fed him.... Wahahaha!!!! talk about power and revenge. I can just imagine myself with a whip lashing out at the poor photocopier ... ... "Eat faster!!! AND SPIT IT OUT EVEN FASTER U BUCKET OF BOLTS!!!!!!!WAHAHAHAHAHAHAH" You should see me with the shredding

Oh yah... besides spitting out the original, the photocopier also produced copies. Which is rather cool. Some copiers produce colour copies but the one i had produced only black and white copies.

If only copiers could zap out other stuff other than papers... ... Imagine... ... just pool some money and buy a ferrari or porsche then zap out a few more!!! Cars for everyone. Or maybe a Jessica Alba or Sayuri in every house. Better still... ... Free I Pod Nanos for everyone!!! Free food, free houses, FREE EVERYTHING!!!!!! Wahahaha... who needs economics to solve the problem of limited resouces but unlimited wants!!!

Early attempt at human cloning

Back to the topic, if you do not have access to a photocopier, you can always accidentally drag your rival's tie into the shredder, staple someone else's copy of FHM together or toss paper clips at your irritating next cubicle collegue. Worst come to worst, you can always use a marker to draw obscene pictures on your boss's table during lunch break and try to convince everyone that it was the secretary's pet goldfish that did it. (p.s. if you actually manage to do that, please teach me how to do so

To think that work actually sucks...hahahahaha

Goldie the artistic goldfish

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Red, the colour for prosperity

Went to watch memoirs of a geisha with jian and vic 2 days back. The show starred big names like Zhang Ziyi, Gong Li and Michelle Yeo. All i can say about the movie is... in the book, Nobu has only 1 arm but in the movie, he has

Yesterday, i visited an old teacher of mine. He's now 35 with 2 daughters, the elder one being 4 this year. I knew him since , erm... about 10 years ago?!?!?! From my form teacher in pri 4, he has now risen to become a HOD of science. Congrats man. Indeed, many moons, stars, planets and what so ever have I sincerely thank you for the years of kind and patient teaching you have bestowed upon me. Without you, i'm sure i wouldn't be who i am now.

After reminisciening about the past with my dear teacher, i headed down to East Coast Park to meet the rest of the gang for a roller blading session. It was then that i found out that roller blading equals hard knocks, grazed skins and many ouches. The last time i roller bladed was almost 10 plus years ago when i was still small enough to find shoes that fit in BATA (now, i don't even stop to look at bata cos my feet are too freakin big....hahaha). Thus, it was a challenge for me to even get up and stumble around with my blades on.

After renting the blades which was freakin expensive ( $10 for the 1st hr, $7 for subsequent hrs), i was forced to stumble around for a while before i managed to devise a way to propel myself forward. I was still having problems balancing and shifting my weight so for every few steps forward, i would lose balance and become a mass of flailing limbs before i got back my balance and continued a few meters forward.

The plan was to blade down towards the direction of fort road where Jul lived to link up with her. Thus, the public got a glimpse of something that resembled a floundering giant turtlish elephant on wheels stumbling along the east coast park. Miraculously, on the way to fort road, i didn't fall at all. I was however beckoned into an attractive lamp post and a tree called me to

This is not an actual photo. Animals do not roller blade.

However, on the way back, i got to know that blading is a dangerous sport, especially for people 1.93m in height. I guess tall people have high CGs so it's harder for them to balance and they also fall harder. I fell twice and grazed both my elbows drawing blood. At least blood is red which is the colour for prosperity. Since the blood oozed out from me does it mean im oozing with prosperity?lol

The first mishap happened when jean fell and blocked the road. As i was following close behind, i could not stopin time and thus fell over her and crumpled into a heap. Damn, i forgot to follow the no tail gating rule especially behing newbies. Then again, jean did not display her P

The second fall happened when i lost balance and fell on my back. Upon further investigation, clarence and i agreed that it was because of a pair of babes that past us. It was the same pair that caused clarenece to fall a while before me.

I think that in future, when my friends go blading, i'll join them ... ... on a bike....wahahaha. Its so much safer with 2 brakes and also much faster. I'll then be able to ride infront of them and make faces at them...hahahahah.

After blading, Clarence and i went down to union. It was supposed to be beginners night and the plan was to go down and scout out a few good looking beginners and give them pointers and stuff to help them improve and recruit them into SNU. Talk about long term investment...hahahahhaha. Instead, we found out that it was more like " beginners 10 years ago night". Allt he instructors and pros were down there that night. Suddenly, it seemed that we were the beginners...hahahaha. Upon further interaction, super mario was coming down to union so the whole salsa world was there that night to see him.

So we waited and waited. He finally appeared at about 11.37pm. He's big, really BIG. BIGGER DEN ME!!! I saw him dance half a dance before i hurriedly left union and ran to the MRT station where i barely caught the last train.

Oh wells, so much for watching mario.