Monday, March 27, 2006

The book

The object in question

Allo folks i haven't been updating for a while. Somehow i haven't been in the mood to blog lately. It could be becos the stars aren't aligned properly or something lidat. Then agian, maybe the lazy bug has caught up with

Anyways, be it in your office cubicle, common room in yer camp, computer room in school or using your laptop in starbucks or cooffee bean, i hope that this blog has and will continue to brighten up your day or at least keep u entertained for that 5.23 mins spent reading it.:)

Anyways, for some freak reason of nature that i will never comprehend, i suddenly chanced upon my good ol' "book of thoughts" today that i had misplaced and figured was lost to the world forever.

Actually it's just an acjc exercise book that used to be a gp article review book that was soon converted to a chem then maths book but finally ended up as a book for mi classmates and i from sb7 to vandalise and draw or write nonscene to keep ourselves entertained during

Original intention

Inside, besides all the rubbish, i actually found various valuable stuff worth keeping inside. I found several collection worthy artworks among the pages including a cartoon man drawn by jinn, a female manga character beautifully done by ming hui, a pen sketch of the acjc main building done by mi from the sports complex on 8/5/03 (or so it says here), some chim lit(which i still don that christabel wrote and many other doodles and phrases/ lines, courtesy of some of mi other mates. Best of all, i found some peoms(or things that attempt to resemble peoms.... i was a sci student mind u...hahah) that i had actually come up wif:)

Results of a lecture room full of bored SB7 students with too much time on their

Ming's uber kawaii manga character

Flower shirt, afro hairdo and way too much liquid paper marks... it screams jinn all over

Bel's take on chimology lit... i guess we should just stick to being sci students...haha

Well, this book sure brings back memories... I guess jc was still fun after all. All the afternoons spent at sig park squashing (we were soooo into squash...hahahah), swimming (they still call me sea monster), jaquzzing, tennising and having food at the nearby market or "failure" coffeeshop (i call it failure coffeeshop cos i used to always go there and brood over stuff (usually becaused i failed some test in during my time in tchs. i ALWAYS eat the duck rice wif braised nuts Walking along orchard in our blue collared white shirts and blue pants school uniform was quite AA too...hahahahaha

Even mugging was kinda fun in a wierd way. We would meet up and study at places like woodlands library (jwo me n vic will then head to causeway pt for pasta mania during lunch), JE library wif jinn and sometimes orchard library. If i wanted to study alone, i usually went to IMM's Bk and occupy a couch seat with a drink and my discman. Most of the time we would end up talking (or whispering) about latest songs (vic would insist that jay chou was better compared to david tao whom i prefer) and movies and other wad have we nots after studying for an hour or so and end up checking the other babes also studying in the vicinity.wahahaha. Yesh, studying in jc was still kinda fun i

Well, to end of, here's a peom , or something that hopefully resembles a peom, that i'd like to share. I used to write such stuff in jc when i wanted to clear my mind or was just dead bored.

Never the radiance of the sun
or the tinge of light
but ever the touch of calm
under the soulful moon
With the song of the evening glow
and the words of the morning dew
but never the chorus of the damn sunrise
nor the tune of the passing shine
Rest one
Cool one
Calm one
by: young

My take of the school forever immortalised on paper.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Failure.... or is it?

They say that failure is bad. All of us must aim to succed in wadeva we do. Failure is NEVER an option. Our society prohibits us to fail. Take our education system for example. Failure to perform in tests and exams would entail negative consequences like remedial, extra lessons, detention... ... and retests till the student pass. Further failure ACADEMICALLY would result in going to places like EM3, ITE while success would bring one to places of fame and prestige like JC and universitites. Oxford, harvard, MIT, LSE ... ...

Or is it?

I believe that success is good and mistakes are bad most of the time. However there are times when making mistakes is good. Take salsa for example. Through my mistakes, i've come up with new moves. Through my failures, i've learnt new things.

Take today for example, i went down to XEN where sherv and clarence were having lessons. I went down cos i had made a mistake dancing with jul yesterday at union but i realised that the mistake actually had potiential to become a new move. Thus, i went down to XEN to trial and error to try and convert the mistake into a new move. Well, in the end a new move did surface:) ( the move is a tad bit hard to execute and the lady has to be able to follow well... but if it's pulled of nicely, it's damn nice!!!!)

At this point, i would like to sincerely thank SHERVONNE for all her kind and patient support. Up to date i think i have came up with about 2 to 3 new moves and numerous turn patterns with her. Thanks for lending me yer arms, legs and putting up wif all the giddiness and stuff. If not your yer occasional nudges in the right direction when i was having dancer's block and constant tolerance of awkward positions, I wouldnt have been able to come up with new stuff and improve as a whole. One day, we'll like wow the salsa world wif all de flashy stuff. Think of the camera flashes, limos and groupies. WE'LL RULE THE SALSA WORLD!!!!!! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH...

Back to failure, there's an old chinese saying "Shi bai nai shi chen gong zi mu". Rougley translated, it means " Failure is the mother of all successes". I find it to be quite true. Making mistakes is one thing. If it's done in isolation, it is definately negative. However if one follows it up by learning from the mistakes we make, then that is converting neagativity into something constructive. Make most out of our mistakes. Now dat's what we should aim to do:)

I know that this picture is like totally opposite to wad im saying but i just had to put it in..

On a different note, Je sens le genre de confondu maintenant. Pas le * l'égratignure dirige * "huh ?" le genre de confondu mais plus du * prend la promenade longue dans le parc, dévisager au ciel et méditer de ce que je veut* le genre de confondu.. .. Soupir.. Oh wells... ....

And you wonder why i like to stare at the sky... ...

Sunday, March 19, 2006


Yesterday, 18/03/06 was a GREAT night of salsa. Mosaic was going on at the esplanade and it was salsa fiesta yestterday. Basically, they invited great latin bands like afro cuban allstars to perform latin numbers and strut their stuff. Since it was supposed to be salsa fiesta, there were alot of salsa numbers been played.

The music was FABULOUS. It's different from what we always get in union due to various factors. Firstly, the most important one is that the bands that were on stage at the mosiac were FULL BANDS inclusive of 2 percussionists at the least, a bassit, a lead guitar and a keyboardist. At union, the "band" isn't really quite as full, with only 1 percussionist, a vocalist and a keyboardist. BLEAH!!!! Secondly, i must say the acts at mosiac were far more proficient in their performance skills as compared to those at union. I mean those people are interantional artists!!!

Thus, the music was very soulful and had lotsa depth. We could really feel the passion simmering and inevitable saw booties shaking from dancers and non dancers alike:) The ambience was excellent!!!

Anyways, after having meeting up and having dinner at BK ( clarence and elieen decided to have kfc instead), we reached the nokia music station at around 8pm. We were rather disappointed cos i was supposed to be salsa fiesta but they did not provide us with a proper area to dance. We were like "wad de hell!!!!". Salsa Inca went on soon after we arrived. The first number they played was a salsa song. I was lamenting to alan that it was such a waste cause the music was great but we had no place to dance!!!!

After the first song, i decided that not to dance with such great music was a waste. It's like paying good money to buy a pint of Hagen Daaz ( or ben and jerry's) and leaving it to melt in the sun!!! So, upon hearing that the second number was also a salsa song, i asked jul if she wanted to dance. Despite the uneven floor and the lack of proper footwear (she was wearing slippers), she was game for it. Thus, we started dancing on the open space behing the nokia music station.

For me, it was the HIGHLIGHT OF THE NIGHT!!!! Since it was impromptu act of impulse, we WERE THE FIRST COUPLE OF THE NIGHT TO SALSA IN FULL VIEW OF THE PUBLIC!!!! Initially when we just started dancing, there we just a few people who stopped to look but into the middle and end of the dance, a CROWD of people had gathered!!!

Throughout the dance, there were lotsa opened jaws, lotsa camera flashes and i think i also saw a couple of video cams. Upon seeing that we had become the object of interest for soooo many people, i started to feel rather intimidated. My legs started to quiver a bit but i guess that since there was a lot of body movement and that my legs very in constant motion, no one saw it. Hahahahaha. I was also started to feel tensed as so many people were actually scrutinising us!!! Throughout the whole dance, what i did was to clear my mind of the surroundings and focused most of my attention on my partner. All i could think of was not to make any hideous mistakes and to make us look as good as humanly possible. It was not an easy feat given the less than ideal floor condition.

When the music finally ended and we stopped, there was a roaring appluase!!! It was then that i realised that well, we actually managed to pull it off:) Hearing the applause and knowing that we did well was an exhilarating experience!!! I realised that knowing how to salsa and daring to do so in public are two differnt things and im happy to say that jul and i DARED to do it and DID it...wahahahahahahah. After the crowd dispersed and we were walking away, someone even walked up to jul to thank her and told her that she danced well. A group of guys even asked jul to take a photo with them!!! Wad can i say? It was definately a job well done and if given a choice, i would choose to do it again!!!!!

Anyways, soon after, the gang realised what had happened and were also in awe. Soon, the band went for a break and when the second set started, SNU became the party. We started dancing in the same area again and an even bigger crowd gathered to watch. True, there was also a reuda group sharing the spotlight but i guess we drew more attention cause we had more couples and our members danced with each of our own individual styles and flairs. I must say we did an excellent job. Soon after when more dancers realised what was happening and that the was actually a dance floor ( started by ju, me and the rest of the gang), more and more couples stepped out to dance. It was lotsa fun!!!

At about 9.50pm, the band played their last number and left. We proceeded to another performance area to the left where another band was playing and started dancing yet again. This continued all the way to 11 when we proceeded back to the nokia music station to catch the afro-cuban allstars jamming where we danced

It was defiantely a night of great music, great friends and good dances.

After the whole event ended, we went down to the makan sutra glutoon square to have supper. The food wasn't great and the drink store had run out of ice. The kaya toast they sold was cold. Oh well.... At least we managed to come to a concensus about our KL trip accomodation.


Thursday, March 16, 2006

De song...

Allo peeps. As of now, here's a sample breakdown of my life.

1) wake up at 12pm to 2pm
2) search for LUNCH
3) play first game of DOTA
4) Freshen up ( shower and stuff)
5a) Go for function or appointment (if any)
b) if there isn't anything on, play guitar, DOTA or anything else to keep me occupied.
6) go for a run if i feel like it
7) source for dinner
8) watch tv or dota or msn or just nua
9) sleep at about 2 or 3 am

Yesh.... ifinally have time on my hands to literally ROT at home. I have never had soooooo much sleep before :) I have so much time at home that im discovering things i never knew like, erm.... the phone on my desk is actuallya Wiscom model: 846 and that there are a total of 24 buttons on it.wahahahahaha

However, things are starting to get a tad boring for me. Especially since my PC just died today, even after repeated attempts to revive it by banging on it and switching the power on and off ( somehow i couldn't locate the site to initiate CPR), this means that i can no longer PLAY DOTA!!!!! OMG!!! Thats like 2 out of the 7 activities listed above.Sigh...Hmm... maybe thats why i've started to lenghten my running route so that it takes up more time. And you thought that it was so that i could increase my stamina...hahahaha

Anyways, i was browsing on the internet today when i came across the lyrics to a song that i used to and still play on my guitar. A bit depressing but i guess many of us can actually relate to especially me since im a cave troll living in a erm... HDB This song is a rather old song by Radiohead called "Creep".

When you were here before
Couldn't look you in the eye
You're just like an angel
Your skin makes me cry
You float like a feather
In a beautiful world
I wish I was special
You're so f**king special
But I 'm a creep
I 'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here
I don't care if it hurts
I want to have control
I want a perfect body
I want a perfect soul
I want you to notice
When I'm not around
You're so f**king special
I wish I was special
But I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here
She's running out again
She's running out
She run, run, run run run
Whatever makes you happy
Whatever you want
You're so f**king special
I wish I was special
But I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here
I don't belong here...
Leaves you wondering doesn't it. Just a word of advice, do not listen to this song when yer depressed or unhappy.
Btw, i just got a new Motorola L7 today :)

The L7 is so slim that i can keep them in my wallet with the rest of my cards. Ok i was

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Thanks so much guys.... .... for making me feel like a TARGET Now i noe how the poor ol' figure 11 in the 100m and 300m range feel. Wad can i say? Ouch?lol... Hahahahaha... Well then again, thanks for pointing out my mistakes and all of yer wondeful comments. I'll keep them in mind. :)

Being a target board ain't so bad after all.

Friday, March 10, 2006

2 days on...

Allo folks... it has been 2 ( or 3 since im like writing this at 1.34am) days since my leave started. Suddenly, i have sooooooo much time on my hands. So if any of you out there has any activities to take part in, please give me a buzz, drop me a line or if you happen to be stuck like in the sahara desert or something, send me a smoke signal. Anything will do. Be it watching a movie, salsaing, shopping, jamming, watching grass grow or counting the number of leaves in the tree, if im awake ( cos i need my 14 hours of beauty sleep:) ) i'll happily join you.

Anyways, on wed, i decided to go down to SMU and meet up wif esther and her gang. Hmm, going back to an educational institution brought back many thoughts. Well, the plan was that esther would give me a tour of the school but it seemed that there weren't many interesting places in school. I guess schools are all the same. Lecture rooms (or in SMU's case seminar rooms), project rooms, white washed walls, lockers, more lecture rooms... ... you get the picture. An interesting point to note was that there was actually a wee bit of greenery in the school, consisting of a small open grass patch and a few pitiful trees. No landscape japanese zen gardens and stuff. Hmm... i wonder where do SMU couples go to take romantic strolls and whisper sweet nothings into each other's ears. Then again, maybe they just head straight to the point and proceed to the nearby hotel rendevous and carlton hotel to do their thang....WAHAHAHAHAHHAH...

Jang jang jang...

Spent a good half an hour or so with esther and her gang in a project room where terry was busy *cough* copying *cough* an assignment while the gals were i dunno... watching grey's anatomy and surfing the net??? Well, coming from them, it seems that uni life is a bitch. Sorta like sec sch and jc. Lotsa work, assignments, projects and competiton. Stress seems to be the order of the day. Seems like evryone's out to outdo each other, much like in all de reality shows (think survivor, the apprentice... ...). Lotsa mugging, late nights and drudgery. Shit!!! i tot uni was supposed to be fun!!! The last stop to enjoy and have fun before we head out to the all so cruel world... ... Well, wad can i say? Hopefully i'll be able to psycho myself to enjoy uni in future. At least there are babes there :)

At 5, i joined them for their salsa lesson to c wad it was like. It was conducted in the dance studio which was located in the school gym. Upon entry into the gym, i suddenly became self conscious. I do noe that im far from being in shape. Seeing all the sports jocks gyming, shaping and toning their muscles and what have they nots, sure struck a raw nerve. Memories of gym in jc, which was more often then not of poor ol' barrel of lard, aka me' helplessly trying towhip myself into shape admist a concentration of much masculinity and brawn ( aka school canoeist and sports players) showing of their muscle power on the other gym machines. Sigh... i uess nothing much has changed.

Anyways, the lesson was so so i guess. The only thing i felt was lacking was the complexity of the moves. The lesson was actually of the 2nd intermediate level out of a total of 3 levels but i felt the moves that were taught were a tad bit easy. Other than that, i guess the rest was fine.

After lesson, i headed down to parklane and then to plaza sg. Went to check out guitars and guitar lessons. At parklane, i found a place that charged 40 bucks per hour for individual lessons and im considering whether to take it up. I also found a shop at the basement that was building a jamming studio. Surprisingly, i found a new dance school called joseph and josphine dance creative if i remembered correctly. It seems that they are teaching ballroom and latin dances.

At ps, i went to the yamaha shop. Met an old school mate who was back in sg on a break from studying overseas. Chatted with him and his collegues about guitars when for the first time, they led me into the sacred room!!!!

Ok. At yamaha, the cheaper to mid range of guitars (200 to about 700 bucks) are left outside for people to try on freely. However, the good stuff (900 ++++++ dollars) are all locked away ina display room for obvious reasons. Most of those inside are hand crafted ones.

So inside the room, i was offered a $970 acoustic guitar to try on. I guess it was one of the cheaper ones in the room but i was BLOWN AWAY!!!! Playing it was truly orgasmic!!!! The sound was crystal clear and had sooooo much depth. I could literrally feel the sound!!!! Thank you guys so much for letting me into that wondeful room :).

Btw, just a tot. yamaha manufactures amd sells things from tuning forks, pianos and guitars to motorbikes. What's next? Cup noodles?lol Musical cup noodles would be cool. Imagine, whenever you start pourinf hot water into the cup to cook the noodles, a song will be played. The end of the song would signal that your noodles have been coocked and is ready for consumption. If the water you add is too hot, the tempo of the song will increase. If it's too cold, the song will be played slower. Cool right. They could have various genre of musical noodles. From pop to rock to jazz. Imagine hearing maroon 5 or oasis while waiting for your noodles to be done. Celia Cruz - La Vida Es Un Carnaval would be even better!!! Besides, they could even tie down with various artists to promote special events. Think "James Blunt collectors edition" musical cup

Maybe they'll make musical cup noodles in future

After my foray into guitars, i went to xenbar at about 9.30 to try and squeeze in a few dances with clarence's intermidiate classmates. I wasn't very much sucessful. Those people mostly, actually ALL promptly left after class. Shervonne had a history test to study for the next day while clarence had to reach camp early too so they had to leave early at about 10.15. Seeing no point in staying too, i left with them. In the end, i paid 7 bucks for half an hour wif clarence, shervonne and an angmoh lady. It was an expensive half hour but atleast the dances i had were still ok. Shervonne can dance pretty well i must say. Quality beats quantity anytime. As usual, the place was dark, resembling my bedroom at night. Well, at least Emma was nice... ...

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Civilian Conversion Course... ...

Yay!!!! Finally, my life is starting to turn for the better. The smell of liberation hangs thickly in the air. I feel like a catepillar in the final stages of metamorphasis in my cocoon waiting to burst out to greet the world ( or a mosquito in the final moments before emerging from my puapa to go around and suck blood and spread terror through aedes....wahahahaha), and meet other fellow insects like houseflies, bees and spiders?lol. Hopefully, i wouldn't be caught by some stupid kid and be fed to his obese fat cat or preserved and made into some ornament hanging on the wall... yikes!!! lol

Benny asked himself when he would shed his green and fly.

Yup, im starting to clear leave/off and whatever have i nots. If all goes well, today would be the last day that i'll ever be seen wearing that ugly dirty green brown and black uniform and listen to obviously retarded people that can be found infecting our army. " Yes sir", "No sir".... Blah wadever man...No more waking up at like 6 in the morning to catch 198 or 157 to jp to catch yet another bus to work. No more sucky SFI food. No more magically searing arrows and waiting for last parade at 5.15pm.

Anyways, once you reach the bottom, there's no way else except to go up. The end of this dreadful signals a start of a more beautiful one. I hearby decree the start of my CIVILIAN CONVERSION COURSE!!!

In this course, soon to be civilians will learn the fine art of being a true blue(or pink) member of the civilised world. They will slowly unlearn barbaric ways that have being force fed to them in the last 2 plus years.

Modern cavemen and their toys... ...

Here is a sample of modules that they will be exposed to.

1) Learn that green is not meant to make hiding in trees easier but should be employed correctly to make a fashion statement.
2) Realise that trees, grass and vegetation do not translate into public toilets anymore.
3) Vulgarities like cb, knn, f u do not make one sound more macho but makes you sound stupid.
4) Waking up from like 4 to 7am in the mornings is actually inhuman.
5) SFI really produces sucky food.
6) Brawn is good but brains is better.
7) There is no such word as marshaller.
8) Marshal is the correct word to use.
9) Area cleaning is meant to be subcontracted to cleaning companies.
10) Regimentation like foot drill is counterproductive. Creativity is what moves the world.
11) Make love not war!!! :)

There are a total of over 254 modules to choose from and to gradute, soon to be civilians got to pass a total of modules ranging from 40 to 75 depending on the individual's duration of service, in a period starting from the time they clear leave till they ord.

The collection of their pink IC signifys the passing out of the course and the ceremony after that is up to the individual's wimp and

Anyways, to commemorate the start of my CCC, i went to get a new pair of specs!!!

The new frame... Notice de bling bling?

Well, it seems that my old pair of specs, after withstanding 2+ years of harsh climate and abuse, was failing me. It had turned from its original black colour to silver due to the flaking of the paint and the lenses now resemble a cat's scratch

One last look at old specy... we'll miss you... ... NOT!!!! wahahaha

My funky new half rimmed specs with grey sides costed me a total of 160 bucks but it's money well spent. From now on, i guess i'll not be known as the really tall guy but... .... the really tall guy with FUNKY SPECS!!!! wahahahahaha.

Hmm.... i swear i could hear gals flocking towards me.

Well, with this pair of specs, i'll defiantely take the civilised world by storm upon gradutation form the CCC!!! WAHAHAHAHAH!!!!

All out to take the world by storm