Sunday, May 14, 2006

Whatever... ...

I realised that "whatever" is a VERY POWERFUL word!!!! It's like a level 6 "finger of death" or "assasinate" skill to dota players, or a nuke to everyone else.

Whatever can be used in many many places. Verbally, it can be used to win any argument. Lets say you happen to most unluckily bump into george bush, osama or that fuddly old algebra teacher on the street 1 day. As usual, they will start preaching to you about WMDs in iraq, suicide bombing is benefical to the economy and (a+b)^2=a^2+2a+b^2. Being the normal sane people that we are, we will be unable to reason with them using common logic.

So upon exhausting all our precious brain juice in an attempt to convince them otherwise ( we could have jolly well used it to analayse the latest soccer results or predict next week's 4D numbers) and bring them back from the dark side( insert husky darth vader "luke i am your father" voice here) we might think that all is lost. However if we suddenly whip out the "whatever" nuke here and go like "Ah.... han nah.... oki oki... WHATEVER lah... ", we win:) The other party, be it bush, osama or the maths teacher will suddenly be lost for words to counter you. Greet any further rebuttals with even more "whatever"s and they will be stumped. The conversation will end in your favour, leaving them highly irritated and pissed off. Kinda like been stormbolted again and again till yer dead and having to wait for 60 secs to be revived or pay 1400 gold if yer level

Besides in conversation, "whatever" also applys in our thoughts and emotions. It's the most powerful tool we have against feelings like hurt, betrayal, depression and confusion.

Let's say you are feelin very depressed because your pet goldfish died, you feel damn hurt because your boy/girlfriend lied and cheated on you ( how dare he/she, so fat and ugly still dare to cheat on me) or maybe your boss is just a bitch and you feel damned f**ked up.

Despite like a total of 3Ls of jack daniels a day, US$ 12, 360.00 spent on retail therapy and 4 years spent up in the himalayans meditaing about the question of existance, you still cant get over your goldfish/ toopid partner/ bitch of a boss, what should u do?

You can adopt a "wahatever" attitude. Just psycho yerself. " Aiyah WHATEVER lah... ... So what if (insert senerio here)... ... Won't die one right... WHATEVER lor...." Just take things as they come and tell yourself WHATEVER. Eventually, you will feel numb. Numbeness is better that pain isnt it?lol The problem can't be solved anyways right? remember the 4 years eating raw radishes in the mountains?lol

After feeling numb to the whole situation for a period of time, eventually the pain will go away and normalacy will replace the numbness. Sure, your goldfish won't come back to life but at least you wont be sad anymore. You'll probably just go and buy guppies this time round....hahahaha. Problem solved=P

(p.s. just don't use it so often till you become numb to the whole world and life is a bitch and then we die)

So you see, WHATEVER is a very very powerfual and all mighty word/attitude. Remember... ... use it wisely when all else fails or... whatever lah.....hahahahah

Think you look better than me? Whatever man... ...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

. . so well written . . : )


3:13 AM  

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