Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Grey's Anatomy

I simply love watching grey's anatomy. I think that it is one of the best shows ever...lol

I guess my habit of watching grey's anatomy started off during my sad days doing duty on mondays in camp...lol. During monday duty, i'll always shower before 11pm, in that creepy medical center toilet, do my final round of checking de medical center, making sure that i locked all the rooms and stuff, before i finally plonk myself down on the front desk chair or lie on the strecther to watch grey's. Usually, my ambulance driver would either be watching it too or doing his own stuff on the net using de med ctr's com.

When watching grey's in de med ctr, i especially felt very intriuged about the stuff goin on in the show cos ... well i am in a MEDICAL CENTER right...lol I'd also silently thank my lucky stars that i havent had to respond to major accidents like RTAs and stuff like dat. I mean how's ONE bloody medic and ONE ambulance driver gonna be able to handle such major stuff right....lol. In grey's there was a whole freakin hospital to attend to such stuff...lol. Well, even after praying and stuff, i must say that i still had my fair share of funny and interesting cases to attend to throught my NS life though...lol

Besides praying that i wouldnt have to handle stuff that would be over my head, i would also wish that the night would then also past smoothly without people calling the medical center in the middle of the night, be they patients, nosy DOs or other worldy beings for that matter...hahaha. Well at least till i finish watching scrubs which is aired after grey's...hahahah.

Anyways, grey's anatomy is so nice to watch because of a few factors. Firstly, it's a medical show and i find medical stuff interesting. Pity though that i will never be a doctor but i guess it's better for me cos i think i wouldnt be able to take the stress of seeing human suffering.

Even as a medic, it can be so stressful when attending to cases especially when yer alone and out in the field. Since you are the highest authority in terms of medical knowledge out there, people rest all their faith and you can see that they trust you soooooo much to make the right decisions and make them feel better. You can see it from their eyes that they view you to be some kind of miracle worker of sorts but in actual fact, you are only a mere mortal just like them. Thus, the pressure to do the right thing and make the right decisions is so great. You just don wanna screw up and cost a fellow human being more pain and worst still, his life. I will never and can never forget the time that i had to made a decision to IV a poor chap during training. I was under sooooo much pressure to perform especially since there were so many officers crowding around me.... brrr... luckily, i managed to get it in the end...hahaha (p.s. never underestimate the power of a "thank you". It may be the simplest gesture but trust me, it can really make someone's day...=D)

Secondly, Grey's anatomy is more than a simple medical drama. It talks about alot of human issues like hate, fear, friendship and many other faccets of life. It talks about the lives of a few intern surgeons in a hospital and how they deal and go about their emotions and interpersonal realtionship issues in the course of their work. Many of these issues actually touch close to my heart and will do so to you because i guess many of us face the same problems in our everyday lives at work, in school or at home. I especially like the narration and thoughts that they pose to viewers. These little gems of wisdom reflect upon the issues being raised in the show. I find that most of them are all so true. Many of them are really quote worthy and i simply love the fact that they are simple and yet straight to the point. I really love them :)

Finally, i find that grey's anatomy is a much watch because even with all the heavy and serious topics that the show brings up, the producers still manage to infuse alot of witty humour and light moments into the show. They did a good job in delivering deep messages in a manner which does not dampen the show into a boring crap or use too much goofiness which might have cpoilt all the meaning and turned it into a ra ra show. I congratulate the producers in finding that perfect balance. A job well done indeed.

I must say that i am not much of a tv person but my monday nights are never complete without Grey's Anatomy. It's aired on channel 5 every monday at 11pm. Go watch it it if you can....

I'll leave you with a quote from the show. It's taken form the latest episode which i just watched a while ago. Thank you so much noel, for finding out the exact quote for me cos i couldnt catch it word for word from the tv... ...

"As surgeons we have to be in the know. But as human beings, sometimes it's better to stay in the dark, 'cause in the dark there may be fear, but there's also hope..."

If all doctors were so good looking (the gals, not the guys nor that fat lady u idiot...lol), i would sign on as a medic and volunteer to send casualties to hospitals everyday...hahahahah


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