Tuesday, April 25, 2006

ORD LOR!!!!!!

I finally got to see o'l pinky after the longest 2 years and 4 months of my life. It feels like i've been given my life back. :D

I'll like to thank lots of people, my family, friends and all the higher powers that have seen me pass through these evenful period. Thanks for giving me support and helping me make the right (well sometimes...) decisions when i was faced wif wierd and funny situations.

I'll like to say that i've also met a bunch of nice people who made my ns life what it was. I'd like to thank you, guys from BMT Ulysses platoon 3, SMM TSS, SMM P019 platoon one and mates from BCTC... ... You guys rock!!!

So ends another quriky 2 plus years of my life. I'll never forget the day i woke up for enlistment, that bloody long mrt ride to tekong, sending my parents off at tekong, firing a rifle for the first time, booking out on weekends, field camp, kiwi bombing, IV training at SMM, my hentai king buddy, Wednesday nights out,passing out as a medic, quirky incidents at bctc, the p-case thingy at iti duty, teaching fa and ibos at iti, covering igcs, exercise wallaby 05, that day of R & R... ... all so many things. It was definately a character building and also interestingly quirky time i had in the army.

If given a choice, i wouldnt wanna do it again but im proud to say that i have served my duties to our country and home.

Enuff said. Watch out world... ... HERE I COME!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck u man, y u never thank ITI personnel???? Y? we did not contribute to u is it? Dun noe how to say thank u is it? nvm... knock it down.

12:43 PM  
Blogger Young said...

hahaha... kk... THANK YOU ITI PERSONNEL TOO!!!! Btw u can't knock me down cos im a CIVILIAN!!!!!!! wahahahahaha

1:00 AM  

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