Sunday, April 23, 2006


Yesterday was a great day of fun-filled eye opening dances. The gang of us, clarence, jwo, kaimin, sherv and her frens and me went down to suntec to watch the matinee.

We met at about 2.30pm all hyped up outside the venue. We paid $48 bucks, special student price thanks to shirine and kaimin, for the 1 hr show. I must say that at first, when i walked in, i wasn't expecting much out of it but... ... when i left after the show was over, I WAS BLOWN AWAY!!!!!

Entering the venue

This was the first time that i went to suntec to watch such a mega performance. Basically, the venue is big... really big!!! Lotsa chairs ans stuff. Really reminded me of having lectures back in school :P

Overaged students getting ready for that boring 3 hr physics

Wad can i say? It was a 1 hour dance extrvaganza with nice flashy moves and stunning costumes... ...

The show started of wif the vocalist singing the opening theme and dancers streaming onto the stage from the audience area!!! That really got the crowd moving cos all of us were so excited to be within such close contact wif the dancers... ... even if it was only for that brief 3 seconds or

Swing it baby... SWING IT!!!

During that 1 hour matinee, we were treated to a mix of different dances. First up, there was the opening dance, then some ballroom, waltz and all.

It looks so surreal

OH MY!!!! Of the whole show, i like the ballroom routine the best!!! First of all, the stage was transformed into something out of a fairtyle... ... It was all starry and elegant. The stage was alos basked in tranquil blue light, with mist being occasional pumped to create that all so dreamy and romantic effect. The dancers were clad in graceful ballroom numbers. All of them except the lead couple wore masks... ... think zoro kind...

I enjoyed the dance soooooo much!!! The dancers were soooooooo graceful to say the least. They litterally glided around. Their postures were so rigid (cos it's ballroom) but when they came together, the overall picture ooze nothing or rigidty and stuffiness but instead it felt so romantic and sensitive.

I felt that the lead couple was exceptional good. Even from so far away, i could feel the closeness, the chemistry and the sweetness between them. They felt so imitate so loving... awwww. They totally brought out the whole mood of the dance. Whenever the tone of the music changed sinister or sad, they also did a good just in portraying the emotion of the dance. I never thought that i would like ballroom dancing before but after that splendid performance, i might just give it a chance in future... lol

Dreamy, romantic and blue...

Next up, there was an interesting transition from ballroom to a dance which i couldnt really identify. It was definately a modern dance. The music was heavy on electronic sounds and heavy on the percussions. After the show, we were trying to identify the type of dance when i suggested that it was trance. This left jwo, clarence and sherv bursting out in laughter. I wonder


There was also a jive, swing and lindy hop number. It screamed america 1950s all over. Loud colourful costumes, bright vegas like backdrop and cheery american music. The dancers delivered it very energetically. This dance smouldered the whole venue with an air of cheekiness and innocent mischief. I could literally taste the naughtiness in the air. It was so infectiously uplifting. I like...hahahahahahahahahaha.

Vegas anyone?

Ding ding ding... I can hear the slot machines ringing... ...

That more or less wrapped up our 1 hr saturday matinee. I stepped in not expecting much but i left feeling that it was too short...hahahahaha.

Young was hungry for more....

After stepping outside, we realised that if we wanted to watch the full show that night, we could do so wif a top up of 20 bucks. At first i didnt want to watch cos the rest of the guys didnt want to. Jwo had dance practice, clarence and sherv wanted to go down to union and kaimin had dinner. I then left suntec for my final I4 lesson at jj. It was then that liu jun called me and asked if i wanted to watch the full show tonight. I met liu jun at the matinee by the way. She is a dancer too and the matinee really left her in such a big appetite for more dance which only the full show could whet. It seems that her dance mates didn t want to watch it too. Anyways, since i was also interested inwatching he full thing, we went ahead and paid the 20 bucks.

The lesson at jj was frustrating yet again...hahahahah. Well, the harder the challenge, the greater i'll feel when i accomplish it. So it's goin to be practice, practice and more practice for

Anyways, since it's the last lesson at jj, im contemplating whether to go to ladc or jitterbugs to continue taking up lessons... hmm... any opinions from anyone about this?lol

After lesson, i hurried down to meet liu jun at suntec to watch the full show. I met douglas at suntec too. He was going to watch the show too. It seemed that he paid 111 bucks for it though. I felt so lucky to be only paying 68bucks for the full thing even after the top up....hahahah.

Anyways, dinner was an on the go event, we me spending 3 bucks on an auntie anne's preztel dog, 2 bucks for a mac donalds double cheese burger and a 2.50 medium auntie anne's lemondae to wash it all down.

By the time we got in, it was about 8.05pm. The show had not started yet and so we found our seats and started talking cock...hahah. We tried cam whoring abit but somehow, the pictures didnt turn out right... sob sob... Im so sorry liu jun. Next time i'll bring my konica minolta digicam instead

The ONLY 1 that survived

Waiting for the lecturer

Basically, the show went on as per in the afternoon. It was like watching it over again till the rest interval. Even then, i was still enchanted by the ball room number. SO NICE!!!!!...hahaha.

I met alot of peoples from unionsquare at the show too. Tiara was ushering, i saw val at her seat, i saw gibson, i met gary... lotsa people...hahahha. During the 20 mins rest interval, i also saw this freakin tall gal. Man... she was almost as tall as me man. 1.8 plus i think.... Quite slim too....woah...hahahahah

After the interval, we were further treated to various other dances like the argentinian tango, drool... i wanna learn it too...hahah, more modern dance, some latin dances, the spanish flamenco, some english ball room dances and many more. It was SPECTACULAR!!!!!

In this point of time, i must say that i didnt take many more photos, cos i was way too captivated by the happenings on stage and also becos i was using the puny vga camera on my L7 so the photos wouldnt turn out very nice So, if u guys want better coverage of events and nice pics, you know wad to do r ~ hint hint~...hahah...

Anyways, some people were very irritating, using flash to take photos in the show. It's so irritaing man. It's like yer so into the mood and dance on stage whenthe bugger behind you decides to whip out his cam and flash. I mean wad the hell right.... Dont they know that since it's so dark and the stage is far a way, the flash will just ruin his photo anyway?... ... For goodness sake, turn of the flash and use night mode or something lah...... GRRRRRRRRRR...

The whole show lasted for about 2 hours. More groovy music, great dancers, flashy outfits and spectacular sets. I was left gasping for more...hahahaha. One thing was for sure. It was great. It was at total of 68 bucks well spent :D.

The final dance set

I also realised one thing. Most of the dancers were tall, quite tall. Even the ladies too. Anyways, after the show, The dancers stayed behind to autograph cds. Didnt get the cd so i didnt get any autographs. I did try to get a photo though...hahaha.

Stars of the night

As a whole, it was an unforgetabble night. Great music, better dances, nice company. Who could ask for

Burned the floor they did. The roof's on fire too....hahaha

The roof was sizzling too


Anonymous Anonymous said...

glad u enjoyed the show! I luv it tooooo...i got the cd..can lend u someday!
It was really a spectacular performance..and i spent 95 bucks lor...LOL :)

11:05 PM  

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