Sunday, November 27, 2005

Cuppa Fire...

I watched Harry Potter and the Goblet Of Fire just now at Lido with a friend. Well... i have heard many reviews and most of them was bad. Anyways i felt that it was ok. Maybe it's because im not really a Harry Potter fan and haven't read any of the books. The only thing that i found that could be improved was the World Cup thingy and the ending. The world cup thingy was a bit rushed and the ending was abit abrupt. Other than those, it was still ok.

Anyways, i was really fascinated by one contraption from the movie. It is.... .... THE MEMORY CUP THINGY OF THE PROFESSOR!!!! Basically, you extract thoughts and memories from your head by pulling them out using a wand and then dump them into a cup of swirling mist. The next time you wanna relive the memory, you just have to stare in it and stir it with your wand and you'll be transported into the scene of your memory. Cool huh... puts even the largest capacity thumb drive to

Wizards don't use thumb drives...

Think of how much uses it has. Firstly, people will no longer watch movies. The director will just simply think out a story and extract it out from his head. Next, he'll just sell it to the cinemas, or rather cup of memories houses and people will buy tickets to experience the movie instead. The ultimate movie experience. It'll be cheaper because you don't have to hire actors and props. It'll also be more environmental as you save on film and other stuff needed for filming. Thus movie tickets will be much cheaper. Maybe 50 cents including It'll be the same for TV shows and *cough* porn *cough*. People will be getting faster hard ons and stuff...wahahahahaha.

By the way, the previous entry about steve is meant to be a joke. Steve is not turning gay. He is however really a nice guy. Single and available. So if you're a really hot babe and single too, no harm befriending steve. Well if steve isn't yer cuppa tea, you could also contact me

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Steve was a nice guy. He was once a fun loving, out going and humorous guy who loved going to the movies until the army conscripted him. After months of brain washing, drudgery and deprivation from the opposite sex, Steve is starting to lose it all. He is now but a shadow of his former self... ...
Steve still likes movies and luckily still retains some humor and wittiness about him even in the jaws of the army. However, this is about to change very soon. Due to the overwhelming lack of female interaction and companionship as a result of a largely male dominated workplace environment, Steve may soon succumb to homosexuality and gayisome... ...
Thus, the SAVE STEVE MOVEMENT urges all able bodied, hot bloodied, sexy, hot, good looking, friendly, understanding and compasionate babes out there to do your part. Please lend a helping hand by contacting steve and showing him your support. Call him and maybe go out for a movie or maybe a nice dinner with him. You'll never know that you guys may even hit off well and who knows what will happen next.
You can msn him at or visit his friendster profile at .. It only takes a minute of your time but it will save steve's life from gayisome... ...
For more information on joining the SAVE STEVE MOVEMENT and donation issues, you can call 1900 SAVE STEVE... ... Call now!!! Our friendly operators will attend to you shortly.
Remember.... STEVE NEEDS YOU!!!!

!!!14 more days till steve turns gay... ...!!!

This public service message is kindly brought to you by Young.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

End of the year....

I really like december. Its the last month of the year. Time to wrap things up, time to reflect on what happened in the year and also time to look forward to a whole new year. December is coming.... i can feel it.... Its also the holiday month when people go for holidays and stuff and also go on shopping sprees cos x mas is in december. It's also the time that people hang loose cos most of the exams are over.

I really love decembers.... im so looking forward to it. The 6th, 25th and 31th..... go

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Flowers and gals.... ....

I have been rather lazy this week. Weekday nights have been spent at union square and i have lost the urge to spam on my blog lately. I blame it on the lazy bug that has been spreading around silently along side its more famous cousin, the bird flu bug. Even though the bird flu bug has hogged the headlines lately for killing birds and people, unknown to human kind, the lazy bug has and still is causing even more wide spread destruction. Last minute panic attacks over deadlines, cellulite build up around the tummy and thighs, postponed due dates, extra duties and prolonged slumber plague the general public silently. The lazy bug is smart. It must have had made agreements with the bird flu bug and previously, the SARS virus. It lets them cause the more obvious damage to live and property to divert people's attention while it quietly skirts around the population, wringing its hideous tail around our necks wrecking havoc silently... ... wahahahahaha

Victim of the lazy bug... ...

Anywayz, i bought a pair of Levis Stratuss signature jeans from australia. It's one of my nicer looking jeans. My pair's waistline is 102cm. BIG... well, i have been wearing it at hip level but lately, it has slowly dropped lower and lower. Befor long, i may well be wearing it at thigh This can mean a few things. 1) I have lost weight and so my waistline has shrunk, making my jeans looser( I really hope it is true but i highly doubt 2) My wallet has gotten heavier. This maybe due me becoming richer and richer, leading to more coins and notes in it compare to last time ( i hope 3) The fibres and stitches in my jeans mutated due to over exposure to UV rays from the singaporean sun and became longer, causing my jeans to expand. So, i realised that i should either wear a belt or eat more and grower fatter to fit my

One question about the jeans that has been bugging me since i bought it has been... WAD THE HELL IS LEVIS STRATUSS SIGNATURE? There are definately not the normal levis jeans cost it got them at a supermarket in sussie land and they cost only about aus$33+ but there is indeed levi's signature on the jeans. Does it mean that it is just a cheapo range of jeans produced by Levi???


I also got a nice sky blue ( or some call it baby blue) shirt along with the jeans from australia. Recently, i wore it to salsa class and guess what... ... a lady told me that she found the flowers printed on the inside of the collar distracting....hahahaha. This can mean good and bad news. The good news is, with this shirt on and my partner distracted, i can make all sorts of dance mistakes without her knowing it. She may also get so distracted that she may ask me to REMOVE my shirt and start to do funny things with me after that....wahahahaha. The bad news is that she may get so distracted and irrritated that she may just give up dancing with me or worst still get a whole bunch of gals and whack the hell out of me and burn my Hopefully, one of these days, a hot and pretty gal will come up to me and tell me she finds those flowers ATTRACTIVE and ask for my phone number in the end, to get to know the owner of the flowers better....wahahahahaha.

The object in question...

Flowers of mass distraction... ...

Oki folks... thats all i have for now. Steve says that if he doesn't find a girlfiend in a year's time, he'll turn gay.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Today.... Whoops i mean thursday was a great day. First of all i finished a pesky duty. I had one on wednesday which sucked. Well, assuming that i have 4 duties a month and i do not have to do duty during april next year, i'll have another eh....19 more freakin duties to do.... Oh well...

Other than finishing 1 duty, i also got to recce Wild Wild Wet for our unit's 1st anniversary on the 18th. Put gals from a tropical country and a water theme park together and what do you get?... ... Many bikini clad gals I saw many slim, voluptous( is the the way it is spelt?), hot and skimpily dressed bikini babes and for them they got to see a tall, dark but maybe not to handsome army Seeing those bikini babes, i cant help but notice the way they wear they bikinis with the straps tied in a knot at their backs. My guess would be that most of them are releasable knots, 1 tug and their orbs will suddenly get fresh air. Arent they afraid it would happen? Even if there wasn't a serial bikini string knot releaser on the loose, isnt it very possible that their strap might get caught on something accidentally and get pulled off? I started to have evil thoughts of pulling one of the straps and running away just to see what would but been a logical and sane person (many would argue against it, i realised that it was wrong ( or more of thath i might not be able to run away fast enough....hahah) and decided that the best thing to do was to keep my hands to myself....

I went down to union at night. Salsa is fun!!!! i think this is the 159th time i mentioned it in my blog.... hmm... then again i don't think i have so many Danced with the ususal people like sherine, phylis, shervonne, silvia and rachel. But then, i got APPROACHED BY SOMEONE FOR A DANCE yet again. I agreed of course but i felt that the dance wasn't very good. The song wasn't really ideal and i goofed up a couple of times. Sure gotta brush up my skills. After the dance, sherine tols me that the lady whom asked me for the dance was actually at the reuda 4 level!!! I was stunned! I mean im like just inter 1 improver standard and someone so high up actually asked me for a dance!!!! i was taken aback for a while and sherine told me that at least melissa (tat lady) thinks i have something going. Felt a bit honoured. Its like me been a corporal dancing with a colonel! woah!!! i guess i gotta wait for another 6 months before i get promoted to her level. Anyways, i had fun dancing that night.

By the way, if you are interested in taking up salsa, i recommend going to JJ salsarengue to learn the foundations of salsa. The intstructors are very professional and can communicate very well. Visit for more details. I have nothing else to add.... Smile always... :)

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

SALSA is FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It really

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Torch Lights: The ultimate weapon against evil...

I went to watch DOOM today, starring the rock, Karl Urban and some other people. My dear friend jwo was gracious enough to watch it with me even after he attended chruch in the morning and gave tuition in the afternoon. Thanks dude... Anyways, this movie is basically a movie based on the popular fps games series, doom. This movie is your typical zombie film. Experiment gone wrong, genetic manupilation, monster formed, goes around killing all the scientists, zombies formed, group of marines sent to retrieve data and shut down facility, marines and zombie fight, marines die one by one, last hero left, blah blah blah....

Zombie flicks.... where people forget to turn on the lights...

Anyways, as with all zombie movies, the setting will be in a dark location, be it the sewers, dark alley at night or in this case, a research lab which conviniently is dark. The human beings will suddenly become dumb, forget to turn on the lights if any and walk into the dark alone. The zombie will then proceed to pop out of the dark and bite the innocent fellow who will turn into a zombie later in the show. In DOOM, the first marine to die did so in a dark sewers where his torchlight just happily decided to die out...

Your gun is big... but the zombie's gonna eat yer brains out anyway....

I mean what the hell!!!! Humans are meant to be smart right. (Most of it that is... Cos some humans still smoke their way to lung cancer, screw around casually to get aids, take drugs to kill brain cells, all in a bid to die early painfully....) Zombies always kill in the dark as people cannot see them and so cannot run away. So for heaven's sake, if you're fighting zombies, please find the freakin light switch and turn on the lights. At least you'll be able to see the poor bugger and run away. Either that or you could sit down and convince him that plastic surgery is good for him, sell him some cosmetics to mask his hideous scars or at least offer him some breath mints.


The wonders of cosmetic surgery....

When facing zombies, always bring along a servicable torchlight. The bigger the better. Forget the puny AA sized or AAA sized battery ones. Bring along minimum C sized ones. If your are on a tight budget or just plain cheapo, you can actually get green plastic C sized L torches that are quite bright and water resistent for about 3 bucks from beach road. If you have many pockets or better still a backpack, bring along multiple torches because you never know when your torch will die out ( just like in doom). Even if your torch doesn't die out, you can share the spare ones with your friends. Anyways, with big torches, life will be better as you will be able to find the zombie easier and vice versa, cutting short the chase. If your torch is a big MagLite one, lagi better. Not only you can blind the zombie and smack him in the head with it, you can also use your giant MagLite to beat up the bloody road hogs that block the road and whack up the guy that is trying to jio your girlfriend.

The perfect tool for smashing zombies and whacking ah bengs... ...

Anyways, always remember to have ample lighting in whatever you do. Be it fighting zombies, walking around or reading a book, always have enough light or risk been eaten by zombies, tripping over stuff and cracking your head and spoiling your eyesight.... lol.... adios.... :)

Yoda fights evil with a green 3M fluorescent tube... ...


Friday, November 04, 2005

Six and a half.....

Allo folks.... I'm finally back from the land down under, where kangaroos roam and liquor is cheaper than water. It was quite an experience for me i must say. Saw lotsa things, ate lotsa food and slept alot too... hahahah. By the way, it takes 6.5 hours to fly to aussieland....

Hmm... at aussie land, the sun rises at about 4 plus in the morning, it becomes fully bright at atbout 5 plus 6, and it becomes pitch dark at about 7.30pm. It's really hot in the day and freakin cold at night. The ground is also very very dusty. When travelling on the road, you'll get a free make up session with gray foundation The area that i went to was something of a woodland???? There was various types of wildlife in the training area too. I saw kangaroos, emus, bats, snakes, bull flys, mosquitoes and many other things....

Typical landscape of the training area....

Maria forgot to sweep the floor yet again....

A word about the kangaroos... After many encounters with kangaroos while travelling in a rover, many of us realised that .... .... KANGAROOS ARE DUMB!!!!! Many a times, when we see a kangaroo on the road, we usually honk it to scare it off to avoid running over it. Natural instinct will tell us to quickly get the hell of the road, out of the way of the vehicle right... In the case of kangaroos, first, they'll like just stun there for about 10 seconds, macham blur blur lidat, before they spend another 5 seconds to decide upon which freakin side of the road to cross. So, the kangaroos will hop to the right and change its mind and hop to the left, despite the driver honking it for like ages. That explains why we could see the occasional dead kangaroo lying in the middle of the road.

It's not that kangaroos dumb... its just that they haven't been to school...

Then again, maybe kangaroos aren't dumb. Maybe its just that they think to much and think that they have 9 lives like cats. Or it could just be that they take things slow just like the slow pace of life in australia... Hence the 10 and 5

Finally, it realised that it did not have the super power of a body of steel...

A bit about the training area. The training area is really big. There are 2 major camps in the area, Samuel hill camp and camp Growl. I stayed at the bigger one which is sam hill. The camp has a few permanent structures like the toilets and the ops room. Other than those, the rest of the place is made up of tents and temporary container rooms.

Young needed a sign to find his way around...

Before there were HDB flats, there were tents...

In camp there is not mush entertainment... besides running around the perimeter to keep fit ( which i obviously didn't), playing five stones, playing hide and seek in the surrounding forest with your friends and other cave men games, there is pretty much nothing to do. So when people are free, they head down to the ONLY place where there is a teeny weeny bit of entertainment.... that is the CANTEEN....Wahahahahahahahah.

Looks like Las Vegas dosen't it...wahaha

There, one could watch old movies like gladiator, the transporter, final destination and we were soldiers. However most people usually go there during their free time to gorge on food and drink beer. Food isn't cheap but it was filling. The beer on the other hand was very cheap. A 375ml can of beer costs aus$1.50, the same price as soft drinks and water. Milk on the other hand cost 3 bucks. The few famous items on the menu included chicken kebab, fish and ships, chiko rolls and the cabana, aka JUMBO DOG!!!!

Chicken keba+ hot chips+ chocolate milk = $2.50+ $2.00+ $3.00 = $7.50

The famous JUMBO DOG!!!!

I like my fish and chips with losta sauce...

The chiko roll...

The joy juices... VB and XXXX Gold

A chocolate BillaBong ice cream to top off the whole culinary experience...

97% fat free...

Besides the canteen, another unique experience at the camp was the showers. Usually, when shower, we will just stand under the shower head and turn on the water right.... In sam hill and growl, it was rather different. Firstly, we would have to use a pail to find up water from 2 taps, onefor hot water and he other for cold one. Secondly, we would have to pour the water from the pail into water bags. Thirdly, we have to pull and string up the water bag, before we were able to enjoy a measely 10 minutes of water supply? lol.... The water at sam hill was also abit alkaline due to treatment and so one would still feel soapy after washing of the soap from your body. All in all a unique bathing experience i might

The water bag...

Other then staying in camp, I also went out with the guys to provide medical cover for the training troops. Nothing much too... except for great scenery in the day and brilliant starry bights. I'll miss the starry nights. Travelling time and distances are very long. To get from camp to camp, it takes a minimum of 2 hours. I suffered from sore asses and banged heads due to the uneven road surfaces. Luckyily, throughout the whole trip, i only had to treat a sprained

Long dusty road to nowhere...

Young and some fellow cavemen...

Travelling buddies Alex and Ying Hao...

R&R wasn't very spectacular. It was a guided tour and we were only given 1.5 hours to shop... We were also brought to various tourist attractions. Bleah... tourist nonscene. Shops closed early too. Most closed at 5pm. That night however was an eye opener. After 6pm, rockhampton becomes a ghost town. The only forms of entertainment was its dance clubs and 2 STRIP CLUBS!!!!! lol. So, my buddy and I tagged along with the NS men and visited a strip club. We shared 3 jugs of mixers between 3 of us and saw lotsa stuff. I'll not go into details...hahahaha....

Drink baby.. DRINK!!!

Guess what i found in one of the toilets...

Tsk... tsk...

Austin Power's favourite hangout... ... Yeah baby... Yeah...

Well, Ex Wallaby'05 was a unique experience for me. I will miss the scenery, the stars, the green shower bag and the companionship....

Young looking sooo happy to be in aussie
