Thursday, September 28, 2006

Title: The Tree
Medium: Pen on Paper
Measurement: 25.4 x 18.8
(height x width in cm)
Price: S$118.00
Remarks: The picture is set in a custom made border and frame.
Artist's note: "Admist these times of change and uncertainty, the tree
stands guard, tall and alone."
For further enquiries, please feel free to leave your email address on the comments page. Thank You

Monday, September 25, 2006

You are Big Friendly Giant.
(Your alter-ego is Young)

Your super-hero ability:

Communicate with squirrels in order to train them to fight like ninjas on your behalf

'What is your superhero ability?' at

Woohoo... i just took my first former exam in about 3 freakin years!!! It was the socg

I felt that it was abit exciting and refreshing somehow...hahahahaha. It sorta reinforced the whole idea of being back in school and back on the track of life after 3 years of wearing green, eating out of green packets and staying in green

Finally, i now have my life back :D

.... but i fear that soon it will be consumed by something else... ....

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Notice alot of my posts are on tuesdays around this time?

enuff said....

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Im being flame grilled in stats B class now...

sweet, succulent and 100% fat free poisson, uniform, expo, binomial and normal distribution man... ... topped with feshly chopped CDF and PDF and lined with loads of ginger masala tea...

Justin said something sotrue...

Last time before tvs, computers and porn was invented and guys till wore frilly wigs and ladies choked themselves with corssets... ..


Go figure... ...

wheee... it has been a long time since i last posted...hahahah...

well uni has definately been daunting... stats b is like killing me...numbers duh... wad numbers.... all the nonsensical probability crap... wad PMF, Var(X), E(X)... ... might as well tok to me in jap or something.... maybe i might just understand u better....wahahaha

As if stats is not enuff, i have tons and tons of socg and posc readings. These are seriously no joke man... i fell asleep thrice trying to finish my posc readings and twice for my socg readings... enuff said..hahah

What takes the cake is..... LTB!!!! ~zheng zheng zheng~.... yesh... wad that was supposed to be a small-scale-get-it-done project is turning out to be some mega event of the year lah... negoitating wif PA, trying to get ben n jerry's to sponsor ice cream... i think soon, we'll be getting singapore idol down to perform also lah...wahahahahhaha

now, all im thinking is how good it'll look good on our resumes if we manage to pull it off lah... it'll be tough be WE CAN DO IT!!! I KNOW WE CAN!!! Im imagining all the cameras, flashes news crew and reporters now...wahahahahahah

on a brighter note, i took up a fencing clinic and FENCING IS DAMN FUN!!!! Poking and skewering pple is damn stress relieving u noe... sometimes violence is just the best medicine to a sucky week man...hahahah.

I have half a mind to join fencing now man... De only thing stopping me is the cost of the equipment and the commitment level cos they will be training for competition in jan.... and also if i join fencing den i don noe if i'll be able to join the salsa group in school. Not that im particularly keen in joining their performance team (cos i strongly believe that the essence of salsa is in it's socialbility, not in performance).... but i really do wanna help them out in some

After all, salsa has and always will be a passion to me. No one seriously noes how it has benefitted me except me :p I guess i just need to take a short beak from salsa now... i'll return a new dancing machine man...wahahhahaha

Oh well... now it's back to the drudgery of work.... Stats lesson is up next....

Wow im so thrilled... ...


Wednesday, September 06, 2006

A dash of salsa never fails to brighten up my day =D

Sunday, September 03, 2006

oki de part 3 of the salsa festival post is out... just scroll down..... .....

Hi peeps.... it has been such a loooooong time since i posted anything on this blog of mine. I noe that im supposed to post the final installment of the salsa festival post but i really havent found the time:(

rest assured, that post is already in the works and i guess it'll be out soon.

School's been slightly overwhelming for me I noe it has only been barely 2 weeks but now im already finding myself facing 4 projects, tons and tons of readings ( I have been reduced to reading on the train and on the bus...) and also neck deep in stats assignment.

Not to mention all the arty farty lingo used by the peeps in my courses.... grrrrr... why can't they just keep things short, simple and straight to the point? Alot of bloody wayang people in school too. Smarty pants and "participative" people who can't seem to just keep their mouths shut. All of them peeps just wanna attract the prof's attention. Do something stupid lah... take of yer shirt and do a monkey dance or something... that'll sure cause the prof to remember you and keep us entertained at the same time....wahahahha

oki... sorry for all the rantings and stuff.... More worrrrrk?..... Off i go den....