Wednesday, February 14, 2007

I feel like a ... ...

Hermit Crab

A shy hermit crab that is. I find comfort in my shell, all nice small and cosy, away from a the dangers abound. Sometimes i really wanna come out of it but i guess im just shy. It takes a bit of coaxing and prodding b4 i take baby steps out of the shell.

Well another way could be drowning me in alcohol.... but den it wont be me any more...

There are really rare moments where i venture out alone... ... but i also keep my shell close by... ...

Push me too much, too much noise or loud flashes and i'll scamper back in real quick.

I really wanna emerge from my shell, i really do. Cept im scared and i don't know how. Maybe only time will tell.

I guess im just shy, awkward and shy.

... ... ... ... Im an awkward university student... ... .... ...

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Today, or rather yesterday was a great day for me... ...

First up, i was pleasantly distracted throughout my MRT right to school by this babe. She was nice looking but wad really turned me on was the aura she commanded man!!! She felt so confident and uninhibited... i was like woah... hahahahhahaha!!! Who says that taking public transport

Next up, i had a suprise marketing quizz which was OPEN BOOK!!!! hahahaha... i like.... lol

After marketing was psych which was geat because i was nicely surprised by my 1st mid term results... ... 53/60 which worked out to be 88%!!!! i knew i wouldn't fail but this definately exceeded my expectations...

Throughout most of the day, i was feelin rather happy and floaty.... piao piao ran....hahahah. I guess this was the result of oni 6 hrs of sleep and the pleasant mrt trip i had in the morning. You could say that i was quite high the whole day and it made the day even better...hahahah

After a boring internship talk in the evening, i went to chill at frujh wif wei quan before i took a spontaneous trip down to union.

Union was relatively empty but there were still people i could dance with. Once again, i was pleasantly distracted by one of de gals.... ...:p

It suddenly dawned upon me after some discussion wif corina that i seriously go GAGA over a certain look...hahahahah. Im totally smitten not by gals that look hot, but by gals wif soft and gentle features. They seriously look damn feminine. I'll be even more turned on if apart from their goody n nice side, they also can be raunchy and uninhibitied. Take not... uninhibited... NOT PROMISCUIOUS.... ....

Apparently, it's de korean look...hahahah... i don noe :D