Sunday, August 26, 2007

Today saw one of the lowest points of my life in a pretty long while but i saw what true friendship really meant too.

I would like to thank a very close buddy of mine who took time off to have supper with me at kap, who saw me true my toughest times when i needed someone to listen, someone to whine to.

Thank you buddy :D

Sunday, August 19, 2007

My Last Week Of The Summer Break

The last week of my summer break and boy was it one of the best weeks that i had the whole summer.


My white nike shoe is starting to fall apart and i figured that it was best to just use it for fencing from now on, meaning... ... NEW SHOES!!!

I went down to the "Famous Brands" shoe shop near school on a quest to find size 13 shoes. In the end, i left the store with a pair of brown, size 13 Puma Liga sneakers on sale at 60 bucks. Simple, nice and comfy.

I didn't expect to find my shoes so easily as told by previous experiences so i had loads of time on my hands that evening. So, i ended up roam around the area, walking to suntec (where i discovered a new doughnut factory branch) and back, before deciding to head down to union.

I don't usually go down to union on mondays as there are usually few people and so the decision to go down was spontaneous. Once i got there, i bumped into douglas and i realised that that decision was a damn lucky one because MAGNA GOPAL was dropping by union that night.

Fyi, Magna Gopal is one of the mega names in the world salsa scene.

Anyways, she had just attended the malaysina salsa festival 2007 and was stopping by singapore for the day. Most of us didn't know about it because she wanted to keep it low key and word of her arrival only got out that afternoon.

She arrived at 11plus and boy was she stellar!!!! I really like her style. Sharp, subtle but full of energy and style!!!! Her dances blew me away!!!

With big names right here at home n union, usually the best local dancers get to dance with dem first. People like tze yi, hai han and others. As for dancers like me, we usaully just stand by the side and watch.

Thus, i was REALLY LUCKY to get to dance with magna that night. It was the last salsa song of the night and i asked her for a dance!

It was very fun!!! Me being the noob that i am, didn't really have any spectacular moves or styling and so i just tried to have fun during the dance. Magna played along and it became really enjoyable. It wasn't flashy and stunning but i really had fun :D

Oki so now, i have danced with Susana Montero and Magna Gopal... ... who'll be next?lol


Happy salsa dancers.


I finally went clubbing after so many missed opportunities during the summer break. Seeing that it was going to be the last wednesday before school starts, when i'd have to bunker down and study, i decided to head down to phuture/zouk wif a couple of my ss friends.

It was real fun, i drank alot and it think it was one of the time when i got really high cos i dank quite a lot. I drank some at home, drank at ice cold where we met and drank at phuture. There, i had loads of long island tea, which was damn strong, a flaming lambo, and someother
Anyways, i'll try to describe the sensation of being damn high. My limbs kinda felt detached from myself and my consciousness was restricted to my head area and it felt like i was piloting myself from my head, sorta like a pilot piloting a gigantic robot from a cockpit in the

Needless to say, with alocohol, everything becomes fun, really fun and i enjoyed myself very much. Didn't really enjoy the hangover the next day

Cedric, Dawn and me

Smoky and surreal

Happy bunch of people


Went to school to reformat my laptop which was infected by some pesky virus through msn. I also met up with grace, the apparel vendor we are engaging for avfc 07 to look at the quality of the shirts.

That evening, i met up with corina, hai han and heather to get philbert a birthday gift and have dinner. As some of you might know, im not someone who warms up to new people easily and so i was quiet during the trip but at dinner, it got better as we started discussing about salsa.

We proceeded to union thereafter and celebrated philbert's birthday salsa style wif loads of dancing....


I met elaine to go and crash convocation 07 to support the fencers who were performing that day. It was a pretty impactful 20 seconds of fame for the fencers and i felt that the overall performance this year was good. The food sucked

After convo, xh n zr joined us and we headed down to ryan's house for his 21st birthday bbq celebration. Loads of nice food and drinks. I particularly liked the bbq stuffed sotong. SHIOK!!!

Thereafter, the fencers went down to St James for our back to school bash. Basically, it was our last chance to have fun as a team before school starts. We went to the boiler room first but switched to the power house as LuCY signed up for a membership and got us a free bottle of johnny walker's. THANKS CY!!!!

With that bottle, we drank and danced but soon switched back to the boiler as they were playing house at the power house but R n B at the boiler. It was fun to see all my team mates dancing and chilling. Yesh, even JIAN WEI was

Hopefully, the new freshies will be as fun as us and my aim for cca day is that by our next fencing clubbing outing, they'll be an equal number of guys and gals!!!! wahahahahahah.

Tipsy stupor

Fencers gone wild.

It has been a nice and slack 4 month summer break, with the highlight being the hk trip. I hope that the up coming school term will be smooth sailing, filled with fun and laughter and be as meaningful and memorable as ever.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

I kinda feel misunderstood all the time.

In all sorts of settings... social ones, meetings, everywhere... ...

Most of the time, i realise that my thoughts are kinda different from alot of people. I really don't know what to attribute it to. The way i think and my way of rationalizing things seems logical to me but most find it uncomprehensible.

Maybe it's my life experiences. Then again it could be the way the neurons in my brain are wired up. My opinons and answers that are logical, maybe different form the norm but still logical, always tend to be shut off by others.

It comes to a point where people just blatantly ask me to shut up without even trying to understand what im trying to say. It's really kinda sad. Has everyone become so narrow?

It makes me feel so much more alone, even when im around friends and people.

As if shutting me up is insufficient, i seem to be constantly dragged into jokes, poked at out of the blue and stuff. I know that most of the time it's without malice, all in the name of fun but it really gets out of hand at times, to the point that sometimes i just wish everyone would just shut the fuck up and leave me alone.

I do not know if im being overly sensitive and stuff but it really doesn't feel nice. I mean if im quiet, just leave me alone lah. As much as i smile and am funny and stuff, i still deserve a tad bit of space and dignity i guess.

.... ..... ..... ...... ....... .........

I really wish that there was someone who really understands me at times. Someone whom i can really relax with and let the true me out. Someone who wont judge me all the time. Someone who doesn't say that im a cock just because i do certain stuff. Someone whom i can call at the end of the day, whom i can always count on to chill out with on a saturday night. Someone nice... ...

Someone different like me... ...

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Aloha!!!! Here's a long overdue post.
Lotsa stuff happened, is happening and will happened during this few months.
Oki. I'll just tok about the happier stuff that happened yah.


We went, we fought we conquered!!!! Yep, SMU won a total of 5 medals, men's individuals gold & bronze, men's team gold & silver, women's team gold!!!

SMU reigns in HK.

As for me, i really learned a lot. At HK, i was exposed to different styles of fencing. I was a real eye opener for me. Apparently, the standard was higher this year as compared to last year.

I was placed 7th for men's individuals of which im very proud of. It was a real tough fight.

I had my most memorable bout thus far. It was between me and this damn tall and lanky china fencer from tsing hua university. I was trailing pretty badly, around 8 -3, when he sort of rammed my balls. I got pretty pissed off and so after a short rest, i fought back real hard and managed to catch up before kicking his ass 15-13!!!!!

The part about this bout that i relished the most is that i proved a lot of people wrong. Before and during the bout, MANY people, myself included, thought that i would lose for sure but against all odds i proved them and myself wrong!!!! hahahahahaha

I live for moments like this...wahahahahaha

Anyways, i finally lost to the current 2nd place guy (former champion) and was placed 7th finally. That guy was really good and i have no regrets losing to him. I learned a lot from that match

As for men's team, i was in the silver team after losing to SMU team A in the finals. However, the highlight of the day was our semifinal match with the HKUST team which was placed 2nd last year and placed 3rd this year.

It was a nail bitting match with us playing catch up until the last bout where we equalised in the last minute and secured a razor thin victory on the last 4 seconds during the priority minute!!!!! Our hearts stopped at least 4 times with the 4 doubles scored during priority!!!! Still, we WON!!!!!! wahahahahaha

Nail bitting finish.

As for the final match with team A, we played catch up till we narrowed the gap to 2 points for the final bout but team A's anchor was too strong and we lost. Still, i really appreciated the efforts of the team and the good fights that team A gave us.

Men's epee silver team.

Presenting TEAM SMU!!!

My favourite picture of the tournament.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who made all these possible. The whole team for being the best that we can be and also for being there for me. The gals, especially xh n suan for putting up with my nonsense all the time and cheering me on during my memorable bout. Team B for being so supportitive for one another and putting up such good fights. Team A for being Team A. Coach for training us up from noobs at novices to what we are now. Coach's wife for helping us take videos during the tournament. Basically, i wanna thank EVERYONE!!!! THANK YOU ALL!!!!!

Enuff siad.

R&R was good too. Since it was my 4th time in hk, i suggested going to Macau. We took a ferry from HK there. It took about an hour.

I must say that Macau's really a nice place, with many nice colonial buildings, chapels and stuff. Really rustic, totally worth a day trip or two.

Postcard material

The Macau gang.

Macau had loads to offer but what took the cake was it's PORTUGUESE EGG TARTS!!!!

Little piece of heaven.

The crust was all sooooo crispy and chewy and the egg filling was of just the right sweetness and all so creamy, literally melting in your mouth!!!!! The tarts were pieces of pure bliss!!!

We visited the museum and it was there that i took my favourite picture of the trip!!!!

Young and his BIG cannon.

Till next year!!!!


It was quite a fun experience for me. I was part of the logistics team and we stayed over from the 23th onwards. We did all our logs preparation and stuff. I must say that the logs team are a fun bunch, really interesting combination of people to work with.

Anyway, i was the safety officer of the camp and for most of the camp, i was carrying my first aid kit and roaming around the activity areas, making sure that things were safe and dispensing plasters, panadols and fixing

I must say that i really enjoyed my job. It sorta feels really nice inside when i make others feel better. The knowledge of knowing that u made a difference is really priceless :)

The activity which i dreaded the most in terms of safety, the water bomb fight, turned out pretty well in the end with no injuries! I was

There was also alcohol abound during the camp, with me bringing an absolut apeach, wei quan bring a keg of heineken and a sheridan's and other people bringing other stuff.

I guess after this camp, most of the freshies will know me as the safety officer...hahahhaha

Overall, i must say that the camp was tons of laughter and fun mixed with a splash of alcohol plus minimal

AVFC 2007

Coming up next will be the AVFC 07... ... something which i personally dread and am still a bit sore about.

We are currently running into problems, problems which i anticipated and sounded off to no avail.

Haiz... ... :(

Oki i shall stop bitching and switch to a more positive mindset... ...

On a totally random note, dinner today sucked so bad that i puked!!!!!!!

Oh yah i'll be going for the Pesta Sukan tournament in a few hours time. Wish me luck!!!!
