Thursday, June 21, 2007

You noe the stuff that jokes are made up of.... I think im one of em.

I feel like a useless fat fuck.

I twisted my right ankle about a month ago on the stairs of tanjong pagar MRT drinking fucking green tea and guess wad... ... I TWISTED BOTH MY ANKLES AGAIN TODAY!!!!!

Damn lucky lah me... if only it was also the case with gals.

Fucking pissed with myself.

Busting 1 ankle is ok. Clumsy maybe. 2 in a night so fucking near to Hong Kong... ... PRICELESS... ...

The first one was legitimate. Busted it fencing... The second one was pure stupidity. Fucking missed a step on the stairs YET AGAIN... ...

Seriously.... im just A JOKE MAN!!!!!

Fucking useless fat slob who can't take care of himself.

Sometimes i really wished i was normal. Normal height, build, normal looks and charm. Normal love life and stuff.

Not some oversized barrel of lard with layers of blubber, bad hair, funny ears, lousy face, icessant irritation, uncultured boar with a non existent love life.

My grades are less than fantastic, my fencing's a joke, my salsa's just mediocre and even the swamp thing wouldn't want to date me.


I even have to rant and whine like a fucking 9 year old girl on my blog.

Seriously man... ...

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Obviously by Mcfly... ...

Coz obviously she’s out of my league,
I’m wasting my time coz she’ll never be mine
And I know I never will be good enough for her
No no
Never will be good enough for her

My theme song since like forever... ...

Such a freakin cheery song for a really lousy situation.

I Like... lol

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

You know those couples that always stand in the MRT, the shopping malls, basically everywhere... ... the ones the the guy basically resembles that hunched back traitorous thingy in 300 and the gal looks like some greek goddess out of a video game.

Most people will just sum up the guy with having either or both of two things.

One, a really deeeeeeeeeeeeep pocket, think grand canyon deep... ...


two, a gigantinormus bulge in his pants, himalayan ranges material... ...

Sometimes i wonder, could it be that the guy's just a real nice guy, plain and simple?

Go figure.

Kong was a real pleaser. He smsed namoi every night and even bought her flowers everytime they met.