Thursday, May 31, 2007

Ok, i've been tagged yet again, this time by sondha. Im supposed to tell u yet again, of 6 quirky facts about myself. here goes...
  1. I was in a chior once. It was a long time ago in my first primary school, when i still sounded like the chip munks on helium.
  2. I have tried bungy jumping before. It happened in new zealand and feels like commiting suicide without dying.
  3. I have never gotten drunk before. High yes, pissed drunk no.
  4. If you havent already know, im not the only child. I have a younger brother and a younger sister.
  5. Even though i drink, i don't fancy beer. I mean it gives guys bellies.
  6. I've actually gotten my swimming life saving levels 1,2 and 3 certification but they have long expired since 1996!

Ok, im done with the tagging.... ....

I have been told that im a lousy conversationalist and i believe so too. They say that all i talk about revolves around only 2 things... ...
No, not drugs and violence.... but salsa and fencing.
Apparently, this creeps up into every conversation that i have so much so that some of my friends are so sick of it that the air of exoticness and coolness once associated to these activities are now gone in my prescene.
What can i say.... thats
It has been said that it is because of my incessant conversations of salsa and fencing are also the reasons why im still a single entity, always struggling to find company to watch movies (thats why sometimes i give up going to movies altogether).
People have told me that compared to the two, talking about the weather will make so much more intriguing and captivating conversational material. Im so sure i'd be that much more charming to chicks if i talked about how scorching hot our sun is, that how much it makes me perspire... or how round and bright the moon is, before i break out into my rendition of yue liang dai biao wo de xin.
What can i say... ... why do i behave the way that i do so, that leaves some in dismay...
Some say that the world is your oyster. I say it's my freaking buffet. When i say say buffet, think biiiiiiiiiig. Im not talking those continental or international buffets but those banquet style ma han quan xi!!!! I mean there are so many things to do in life, so many opportunities!
At buffets, most people stand at the start of the buffet table and pile their plates as they go along, forming moutain ranges on their plates, before heading back to their tables and gorging themselves to death. Some take a look around and home in on the most expensive stuff, regardless of taste whatsoever and stuff themselves.
Me, i do it differently. In this buffet of life, i choose to take small samples of as many thing as possible, savoring their every taste and texture. When i find the ones that really appeal and satisfy me, i'll then proceed back to take my fill of the stuff that truly matters.
I live to try new things. To date i've tried many things like bungy jumping, learning the piano, snorkelling, painting... ... and so much more. However, once i find something really close to my heart, i usually go all out and put my soul into it. Thats why at times, it takes a while for me to decide on stuff. To me, it's usually all or nothing. No such thing as half f**k.
Thats why, im always so passionate about the things i do. I'll put my heart and soul into a project or activity if and only if i am convinced about it. Thats also why at times, i can get a bit anal about stuff espcially if it truely matters to me.
I can safely say that when i take something seriously, it's for the long haul. I'm here to stay.
I know i have always been ranting that i want a summer fling and stuff. It's all bull. As much as i want to dream about it, i know that deep down inside, even if there was one infront of me now, i'll not go for her because i wouldn't be able to forgive myself. it's just not me i guess.
As much i would love to have a nice companion to go to the movies with, i see no point in changing it all the time. Thats why, contrary to the popular belief of getting in and out multiple relationships till you find the correct one, im still waiting for that special someone to come along.
It is true that it'll be uber hard to find someone nice who truly understands me, espcially the things that really matter to me like salsa and fencing. Dixi says that the chances of finding one that does one of the activity alone is like 1/100. Then again, once i find that special someone, wouldn't she be so special, one in a gazzillion, one that i'll truly treasure and never let go?
Im a neuron, all or nothing...
Anyways, back to the topic on salsa and fencing in conversations. I believe that besides the two, i do have other things to say. Even though i have barely lived for 2 decades and do not have a white and wispy beard, i believe that i do have ample interesting stories to share. Things like how a nice thank you made my day, the joy of knowing that i made a difference in people's lives and other stuff.
However, i feel that to truly relate to them, it really takes the right time, place, occasion and effort (which sad to say doesn't come along very often). You'll just have to know me better i guess.
Till then, enjoy the young that is all clownish and fun, making you laugh always.
Till then, I'm sticking to my guns. Salsa and fencing it shall still be.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Fencing training is becoming sooooo frustrating for me.

I'm being whacked up down left right center. A'int moving fast enuff. My movements have become slow and clumbersome, sort of like playing back in half speed lidat...

LIDAT HOW TO GO HK?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Feel like digging a hole and burying myself in it for awhile....... if only it helped.... :(

I think the problem is that i can't seem to focus. I havent been able to turn on the sort of mentality that i had during the novices when i actually got 3rd... It all seems so alien and faraway.

Just hope that i'll be able to find my footing within these 2 months. IT'll be nice if i could win something back... but the most important thing is that i just wanna be able to do my best with no regrets... ...

Time to rev up the ol' tank from the novices... ...