Sunday, March 04, 2007

Blogging hasbecome such a rarity for me nowadays cos imbeing swarmed with work in sch... tons of assignments, essays n project deadlines coming up. The main reason however, is because im lazy...wahahahahahha
Anyway, some of us ss guys n gals went down to IMPRESARIO 07, an open talent quest thingy organized by NTU. It was held at the Rock Auditorium Suntec city and apparently it was into its 15th year. Ah-Licia, Ahmad and Felicia, were into the finals and us ss peeps were there to support them. Our tickets costed 15bucks a piece.
I must say that Ah-Licia really did their thang and i was impressed as ever even though it was not the first time i had seen them perform. Hats off to them.... :D They won 2nd in their category btw but most of us feelthat they should have won... ...
However, i must say that the whole event was a fucking rip off, not worth my 15 bucks. No offence but the organisers, namely NTU, totally screwed up the whole thing and i was rather pissed off.
Firstly, it was supposed to be free seating but we were DIRECTED to our seats and werent allowed to save seats for our friends... like WTF do they noe wad the meaning of FREE SEATING? go check the freaking dictionary if you don't. Try

In addition, the stage decorations was crap. Totally slapstick. The whole setup was so low classed and it seemed that no effort what so ever was put into it. It was so lousily done that it resembled those cheesy 50s TV production stages. Fucked up.

If the stage was bad, the mcees were worst. There were 2 mcs, 1 for english, the other for mandrin. Both of them sucked so bad. The way they carried themselves was so unprofessional,looking more like ah beng WANNABES more than anything else. Their sentences were full of syntax and pronunciation errors to say the least and it made me cringe the whole time i was there. Get a life man... ...

What totally ruined the whole thing was the quality of the contestants. Other than the 1 or 2 groups that did ok, the rest of the majority sucked real bad. PERIOD. Considering the fact that there were a few rounds of auditions and competitions, the finalist were worst than crap. If this is the best that NTU can offer, you guys should seriously just find a cliff and jump off... ...

Oh yah the event also started really late... ...

Seriously, this event was a huge let down. The fact that it was an open eent and the organisers charged 15 bucks per ticket made it even worst. For such a premium price, the public expects a certain standard and sad to say, it has failed miserably in delivering it.

Even though SMU has a lot of short comings, iam proud to say that we are still THE university to be in. Talk about event management and stuff, pick any off our internal school events we have held thus far and it would still have been better than this impresario 07. Talk about talent, just take a walk around SMU... ...

Anyway, the whole event got so bad that felix, wei quan and i left after the dance category and met up wif sarah and justin at the esplanade. It was there that we had our impromptu " Loh Hei" Essentially, we were searching for food at carrefour when we saw that there was ready made yu sheng on sale and so realising that CNY was not over yet, we decided to buy a box of it and some extra salmon before we headed down to meet sarah and justin.

In the end, we had our lou hei outside the esplanade at the harry's steak house outdoor dining area with 2jugs of tiger beer. A bunch of people having yu sheng and beer at the esplanade on a saturday night... ...How cool is

Salmon yu sheng... :D

Anyway, we didn noe all the traditional crap that people usually say when they lou hei so we invented our own phrases like gpa 4.3, 1.75m babe for young, A+ for bgs and other It turned out to be pretty darn effective cos not long after we finished toasting and eating, there was this tall leggy babe that walked past our table...wahahahahahahah

We talked lotsa cock and made a hell lotta noise. When wefinished our beer and talked even more cock, we decided to head over to glutton's bay for supper. Our total score, 1 big plate of hokkien mee, 1 roti john and 1 plate of carrot cake.

Over supper, we talked even more shit. We literally talked about everything under the sun. the things we talked about....wahahahahahahhaha damn fun lah.....wahahahahahah. Oh well, i guess we are in ss for a

Well, all i can say is that you guys are the saving graces of my school life :p

BTW, i think i put on some weight during cny... ... this means that it's time to start salsaing and fencing more.....wahahahahahhaha

4 guys, a girl and a plate of salmon yu sheng with jugs of beer, at the esplanade, on a saturday night... ... what more can i ask for? lol